Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:28 PM

Chapter 310: Shiva and Shweta - face to face after a lifetime

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310 Shiva and Shweta - face to face after a lifetime

Saisha, who finished her fight with the spellthief, was looking for Jaesin and the other elves at the venue.

Due to all the battles everywhere the whole building was just broken and damaged everywhere. Many walls had broken down and pillars collapsed and blocked the pathways. So she could just try to move around on a wild chase.

She didn't have the strength to scream their names out loud and her mana was nearly depleted so she was saving it in case of an emergency.

'Why hasn't anyone come for any help yet? The fight at the rooftop seems to be over too.' She wondered as she didn't hear any more sounds of screams or battles while walking around.

"I hope they didn't run into any more trouble or something." she said and planned to look on the other side.

But just when she turned around she heard something and decided to check it out. Jumping forward through the missing stairs, she came near a balcony with a broken railing, where she could see someone standing silently.

'Maybe he saw something.' Since the guy wasn't wearing any hoods like the other villains, she decided to ask him for help first.

"Hello, excuse me." She shouted as she raised her hand, "Have you seen anyone from the ..."

In middle of her sentence she stopped as her heart jumped a beat when the men turned around and looked at her. Unbelievably watching that face brought forth an unsettling feeling that halted her steps. A familiar feeling along with a trace of guilt and sadness hit her heart, but soon it all turned into anger.

She didn't know him, and she was sure that she was sure she never met him or even saw his face, and that's what confused her about why her body was getting so riled up over some unknown.

Her mind started chanting spells on its own as her hands brought out the sword from her waist. She didn't even know what she was feeling anymore, as the more she looked at that face the more anger it brought her.

'Who is he?' She wondered as she raised her hand and a spear rose from the ground, ready to stab him and end his life.

"Who...are... you?" she asked hoarsely, as her feet rushed towards him with a sword raised high in her arms.

[She_ she shouldn't.]

'Then how do you explain _ this?' Shiva said as he grabbed her hand and pushed her away, just to dodge the knife she was about to pull from under her arm guard next and try to stab him in the chest.

[Maybe it's mus..]

'Don't you dare tell me it's muscle memory.'

[...] × silence

'useless' Shiva cursed as he looked at Saisha, who pulled another knife from under her belt and rushed towards him.

'Why does an archer have so many knives anyway.' he said as he grabbed both her hands and kicked her back. Causing her to stumble and fall over the rubble.

"Fine. Enough is enough." Shiva said, watching her struggle to stand up again. "If you want a fight, I'll just beat you."

He said and ran towards her, Saisha who got up with difficulty looked at him and smirked. "You're one of them, aren't you?" She asked and raised her hands to call for the spell she was famous for in the novel. "I'll kill you too."

Shiva looked at her bleeding from her ears and nose as she started pulling all the mana she could to channel her trump card blessing of Gaia, Nature's Death.

"What an idiot." He said and appeared in front of her instantly. Grabbing her by the throat he lifted her up, until her face was in front of his face..

"Don't you dare try to die." He said as he grabbed her fist and blew on the powder she was holding in her hands secretly. Causing it to fly on her face. Watching as she slowly started losing her consciousness and stopped struggling, he put her back on the ground and finished his sentence. "Until I get all my answers."

"Princess.." A shout came from afar as he watched Jaesin running towards their direction, Shiva placed her down and disappeared from his place.

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