Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:26 PM

Chapter 312: Training sessions

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Chapter 312 Training sessions

It had been 3 days since the attack and the auction event, and the academy was actually back to the way it was. Preparations for the freshers party were going on in full swing, and excitement was over the limits as every other student you see is talking about this party and how much they're planning to enjoy it.

Even the classes and dorms were lively as every day new rumors and stories about boys proposing to girls and asking them out for being their partners for the party were going on.

Aside from this happiness, a small group of students were also dreading this event, as their introverted side didn't like all this exposure.

Not to mention, after a month of getting together many bullies and nobles had chosen these silent type students as their bullying targets for fun and have them as their ballboys or maids.

But through all this lively atmosphere, there are a few students in first year who didn't even think about anything and just went on with their routines and lives as usual.

Rebecca, who was poisoned, was perfectly fine now. And she was busy planning her shopping streak with Amelia, totally forgetting the gruesome scenes of the attack.

Saisha, Vanessa, Edward and Jaesin were all treated too and were perfectly fine now. And were busy with their own training and classes.

Leon was now obsessed over raising his strength as soon as possible as his heart was disturbed after seeing all those deaths and destruction.

On the other hand, the boy responsible for Leon's trauma was busy with his own things.

"That's all you got." Rio said as he looked at Katherine who was panting heavily.

"You're really wasting my time here." He said as he waved his hand and small icicles went straight for her.

Katherine tried to raise her sword to block and move her body to dodge the incoming projectiles, but every little movement caused her to grit her teeth in pain. She just wanted to lay down and catch her breath for a few seconds now, but sadly the boy in front of her didn't care.New novel chapters are published on

Currently they were training in one of the VIP training rooms. These rooms were special as they allowed all kinds of settings and modes for various kinds of training. Like change of environment, change of gravity, limitations of mana and elements in the air, and so much more..

Obviously every hour spent here costs a lot of merit points so not many first year students use them. But this was a condition Rio put forward in return for helping her train in ice element and learn transformation magic, so even though Katherine wanted to save her points for later, she had to spend them here.

"Come on, put some effort into it." Rio said as he raised his hand to grab the sword that was about to hit him. The iron sword instantly froze and crumbled to pieces as he clenched his fists.

Losing the grip, Katherine stumbled over her balance, as he moved his body to the side and slapped her on the back.

"And dead again," he said.

The red print of five fingers formed over the blue barrier covering her body, as Katherine felt the hit over the back of her heart. She wanted to massage her back as the burning stinging sensation brought pain, but didn't get enough time, as another kick was about to land on her head.

"According to scanners, if this was a real fight you'd already be dead for 12 times now. Why don't you go take a rest and sleep it off. Maybe today's not your day." Rio said and yawned, as if mocking her for how bored he was at this moment.


'And now you're even turning shameless.'

Ignoring the system and its ever growing shamelessness, Rio just sighed and walked towards the center of the room.

"Zen, apply sequence 32P14."

As Rio's words finished, the academy AI Zen, gave its answer.

[Extreme environment changes requested. Please confirm the request again.]

"Yes, do it."

[Changes implementing in 3.2..1...]

As Zen's words ended, Rio felt the pressure on his body increase by a lot, the gravity had increased by seven times now. He tried taking a deep breath and sighed as he felt the air getting thinner in the atmosphere. The mana was almost non-

existent, as this sequence was only for training physical bodies and maybe for some aura awakneers.

"Zen, send in the bots." Rio said as he clenched his fist and cracked his knuckles. Raising his knees and moving his legs till he felt a little comfortable over the changes, he gave the new command to Zen.

[10 challengers appearing in 3.2..1...]

Watching as 10 mannequin-like figures walked through a gate and started surrounding him, Rio waved his hand straight, and a sword flew into his palms instantly.

"Now let's see how long I can last today." He said as he rushed to fight with the golems.

Katherine who was sitting in the viewing corner, a separate space in a corner where the environment was normal. This space was like a safe zone for rest or meditation between the training sessions, looked at Rio running and jumping through the golems, dodging their attacks with swift movements and precise control over his body and sighed.

'And he says he wasn't going easy on me.' She said as she watched the few golems falling down with their severed limbs and broken heads. Before being regenerated in very few moments.

'I love this,' Rio said as he chopped off a hand of the golem and caught it midair. The healing connection started pulling the hand back to said golem, but before the elbow merged back to the material arm, Rio twisted his hands and caused the broken arm to land a hard slap on the golem's face.

'How about one more.' Rio said, kicking the golem and using his bent knees as his stepping floor to jump into air, before increasing his falling pressure using nature's element and giving another hard slap to the golem, breaking his face and slapping it away from the rest of his body.

[Please don't ever do that on humans.]system spoke in a little disgust imagining the bloody scene if the metal was replaced by men.

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