Published at 21st of May 2024 01:10:07 PM

Chapter 325: You’re the rapist? no, you are?

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Chapter 325 You're the rapist? no, you are?

"The voice came from here, right?"

"Yeah, I can still hear some crying sounds."

"Is it some idiot, don't they know it's the academy? How dare they try and do this here? That too when everyone is just outside."

"Maybe someone got too drunk. The seniors did get some quality booze for the party." Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Are you insane? Even if you're drunk don't you see what time and place it is? And that too forcing a girl?"

"Maybe it's a kink, and they're roleplaying. Who knows?"

"Are you serious? Can't you hear the screams of struggle all this while?"

"Don't look at me, there are all kinds of people out there."

"Yeah, I once saw a girl getting whipped through my window. When I went there to check and help, I heard her moaning louder than the DJ playing outside."

"Seriously you two... Don't talk to me."

"What's the punishment, you know, if he really is raping someone?"

"Who knows, depends on who it is, if you ask me?"

"Yeah, if it's some commoner they'd be crippled or killed, but if it's some noble or elite family's child then it gets complicated, they'd just expel him in that case."

"Shut your mouth, you commoner. No noble son would do something like this. Open your mouth to trash talk us again, and I'll shove my shoes inside that shithole of yours."

Outside the room a crowd had gathered and everyone was trying to push each other away and walk closer to see who was this daring to try something like this on a social occasion.

Hardly a few were worried about the girl, while most people were just curious about the idiot who's this blind and brazen to create a drama like this so early on his stay in the academy.

The door was locked from the inside and breaking it was gonna take a little while as every wall, window or any entrance was inscribed with runes and magical patterns to secure the academy.

Rio, who knew and planned every step of this drama, had secured himself a front row seat of this stage as he stood at the front, watching as Amaya used her skill to guide a few students to bypass the formations and break the door.

But just before she gave her final instruction to Valtor, the door crashed open as someone flew right outside the door.

Some students fell down in a puzzle as they saw someone crashing into the front, while others moved closer to take a look at this sudden change.

Leon took just one step and stopped as he felt the cold iron of a sword touch his neck. "I'll ask again, what were you doing in that room?"

The surrounding students, who also got out of their surprised states, pointed at Leon and started asking questions. Obviously his halo of protagonist made sure everyone thought badly of him and accused him as the culprit even without any proof.

"Were you the one forcing yourself on some girl?"

"Trying to rape someone at the academy, you cheater."

"I knew he was no good after I saw that video on Whisper."

"Yeah, first a pervert and now a rapist."

"Just look at his face(pointing at kevin), that poor guy must've tried to stop this beast, that's why he's so angry."

"I knew nobles were no good thing. Arrogant villains."

One by one everyone started blaming Leon and the voices only grew louder, causing Leon who wanted to silently leave after saving someone without taking any credit, and avoid any big drama to save the girl's reputation, to stop and say his answer. "Shut up, speaking without any proof and judging people without even knowing anything, you all are really good."

"None of you even asked about that girl or went to check up on her, just standing here like statues, watching drama from the sidelines, how dare you call me the villain." He said righteously, shaming everyone around him in vigorous words.

He looked at Kevin and continued his words "He was the one who tried to force himself on the girl, and I was the one who saved her."

He looked at Valtor still pointing his sword at him and said "And you, instead of punishing the one responsible for the crime, you point your sword at her savior just to settle your personal anger which clouds your judgment."

Valtor too hesitated for a second hearing his sharp words, he obviously chose to ignore the part where this idiot said personal anger, cause if anything he was just suspicious of him for hiding his God, nothing else.

But that aside, Valtor turned his face at Kevin who was also glaring at Leon with clear signs of anger in his eyes.

"You ... don't you have any shame." Kevin said as he limped and walked in front of Leon, until Valtor turned his sword on his face to keep them distanced. "You tried to... .. Tried to do that to her and now you're blaming me, you fucking rapist."

"What did you say??" Leon asked, feeling perplexed over this stupid allegation.

"I don't care if you're a noble or a top ranker, I'd kill you, even if I get expelled." Kevin said, flaring his mana as he brought a sword from his ring too, "How dare you lay your hand on her. She's my friend, my shadow, you damn bastard."

'hahahaha bravo performance my dear brother.' Rio said in his heart as he heard the choking tone of Kevin with all those emotions he showed on his face and anger he expressed through his actions.

'If there was an Oscar in Arcadia, I'd be sure to give you one.'

[How about a standing ovation hahaha]

'Sounds nice. A slap for a clap it is.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!