Published at 21st of May 2024 01:09:51 PM

Chapter 334: Meeting some old friends

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Chapter 334 Meeting some old friends

"Brother, let's go play the treasure hunt, the reward for that one is a 4 star fist fighting skill."

"You don't even like close fighting."

"Well, brother likes it. We'll win it for him."

"No, he already has enough skills. There's no need to waste time on lesser ones."

"You're just scared thinking he'll ask you to practice with him."

"Yeah, then why don't you take the turn this time. I'm sure he'll go 'easy' on you."

Amelia and Rebecca stood at the side talking to each other trying to push the other for a beating session. When Rio interrupted their talks. "Why don't you girls go and play around for a little while. I'll join you after meeting a few old friends."

Huh ×2

Amelia and Rebecca both looked at him in surprise, but saw that he had already disappeared from his place.

"Where'd he go?" Becca asked, while looking around but failed to find him in the crowd. Especially as half the boys had worn black suits, making it hard for her to recognize him from afar.

"Forget it, let's just go ourselves." Amelia said and found that over the stage, council president had also disappeared some time ago. She couldn't guess anything as she didn't know any of his batchmates except Bernhardt who's been missing since this morning, so she chose to do what he said and drag Becca away. "I'll solve the puzzles and you handle the traps and other heavy lifting." She said while pulling Rebecca through the door.

"What? You lazy glutton. Why don't you just go and sleep if you aren't even going to play properly." Becca pinched her hand and complained.

"What do you mean proper... puzzles are very important and hard okay. .. Fine I'll also find the clues and riddles too. Now that's final." Amelia compromised in her work as she saw Becca's glaring eyes and then kept walking, without listening to rebecca who was still complaining about changing roles or something.

On the other hand, after disappearing from the auditorium, Rio's figure appeared outside the corner room which was mainly for staff, but today given to the student council.

Knock knock

"Come in."

"Is anything ever really is?" He replied back with a snear, causing her to close her mouth. Shaking his head in disappointment he just decided to leave.

"I'll be leaving this academy soon." Lisa said suddenly, her words causing him to stop and look at her in surprise.

"I found some clues that might help in breaking the curse placed on my mother. If everything goes right, I'll be back in a month or so, if not then..."

She started explaining and wanted to apologize again and say she was sorry for what she did back then, but stopped as she saw Rio walking away without listening or saying anything.


[You know what's about to happen right.]

[She will be in danger.]

[You Cannot let her go there.]

[You Have to stop her, if you want her to survive.]

[Host... are you even listening?]

[Helloooo.. I'm talking to you.]

[Can you daydream later. She's about to walk out on the road that'll lead to her death. So can you stop and think for a second.]


Once he left the office, Rio kept walking away with his gaze down and fists clenched, while system kept speaking in his mind, reminding him of Lisa's next plotlines and events continuously, but it all seemed to fall on deaf ears as he kept walking. His mana slowly leaking through his body, as his shadow trembled for a moment before taking on a much darker form.

[Not again.] System said in its mind as it witnessed the familiar feeling of anger and hatred rising in its host's mind, seemingly taking over his other senses.


Author note - from next chapter starts the flashback of events in a fast track way about when he first joined the academy three years ago. Events that slowly led up to his dreadful 'death' in that dungeon.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!