Published at 21st of May 2024 01:09:48 PM

Chapter 337: Glimpse of the dreaded dungeon 1

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Chapter 337 Glimpse of the dreaded dungeon 1

Scenes before the dungeon event for the year end combined academic tournament

"Hey, that Kendrick guy is glaring at you quite intently, I think you broke his pride." Bernhardt said, pointing at a red haired boy wrapped in bandages, while walking with Rio towards the stage below the glowing gray portal through which students were to enter the vast land of the dungeon.

"Like you're any better, just look at that guy, his face is screaming that he wants to give you a tight 'brotherly hug' and squeeze the life out of you." Rio joked pointing at Alfred walking ahead, a metal hair band wrapped over his head, as Bernhardt's electricity left quite the static on the poor prince's shiny stylish hair.

"You both really lack the finesse and elegance that the nobles and royalty should have. How can you even fight like that? So inadequate." Dahlia, who was walking beside them said as she slapped Bernhardt on the head 'for fun'.

"Says the girl who nearly made barbecue out of her opponent. I can still smell the burnt meat in the air." Bernhardt said as he slapped her back, while mockingly staring at a girl covered in a green hue, walking just few rows ahead him.

"Th_that was Pyro's fault, not mine." Dahlia said, defending her 'fairy' image while blaming it all on her 'violent' contracted spirit.

"Yeah, blame it all on the poor pixie, who can't defend herself." Bernhardt joked.

"Well, why're you talking about just me? Lisa defeated two of her opponents after embarrassing them too." Dahlia said, trying to change the topic, before Pyro went mad in another mood swing and burning down this thick skinned prince. Again.

"Don't drag me into your lover's quarrel." Lisa, who was walking on the side, flipping through a pamplet that explained the rules for tournament, couldn't help but muse as she saw her roommate using her name as a shield.

"It's not a lover's quarrel." ×2

But just as Lisa said that, a surprised voice from both of them came out. Before they went and made a disgusting and disbelieving expression looking at each other and turned their faces in opposite directions. Next second, realizing that they mirrored the looks and started disrespecting each other for 'copying' again.

"Only someone blind or really really stupid would fall for this idiot." Dahlia said, scrunching her nose, while she was swatting the air away from her hands, afraid to breathe it in the same place with him.

"ohh yeah, well I'm still better, unlike you, whom even idiots can't stand." Bernhardt said, before suddenly grabbing her hands and towering over her petite figure.

Yet he couldn't refute him at all.

As the difference in their rank and skill was just demonstrated in front of the whole academy a few days ago.

Challenging Rio was just asking for another beating, as he phrased it.

'Just you wait, once this tournament is over, I'll have your head on a spike and turn your body into a skewer, you bastard.' Kendrick thought in his heart planning to kill Rio once he left the floating islands.

Similar thoughts were in the mind of many people, all in one way or another hating on Rio or planning revenge on him somehow, be it Alfred who lost to Bernhardt in an open and fair battle, or Pandya who was bullied and one slapped by Rio, Heirchal and Millie who were kicked out by Dahlia, or Orcsty and Myenta who were defeated by Lisa.

Every one of the top ten representatives from Zenith were hating the group of four friends laughing and joking together. Their eyes burning in hatred and displeasure over their success and smiles.

Rio, who noticed all of this, finally put aside his funny and laid back attitude for a second and looked at everyone. His eyes sweeping over the crowd of students and the few staff members lined up nearby with a cold smile on his face.

'I wonder how many of you would live to tell the tale once this exam is over.' He said in his heart, praising his plan that would spell all of his future troubles' doom in one full sweep.

Experiment number 101

If I kill all the important characters that would grow up to play important roles in the future and the plans of destiny, before the plot even begins, would fate replace them silently, or restart another story?

Or I finally feel the backlash of fate that so many novels talked about.

'Nyx, you with me, right?'


'Good. That's all I need then.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!