Published at 2nd of February 2024 05:16:17 AM

Chapter 23

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Felix sat upright and scooted his chair back, his mate meowing before opening her mouth wide and chomping down on a mouthful of scrambled egg off her bowl. He patted down his green tunic before approaching the front door and removing the safety lever in order to pull it open. He was greeted with a familiar sight of a woman standing by, smiling with a basket hooked over her forearm and a satchel slung over her shoulder. 

"I hope I'm not too early, am I?" Asked Janette. 

Felix shook his head and quickly responded, "No, not at all. We were just finishing up breakfast."

It was still early in the morning that day as the skies were a fiery orange tone pushing away the purple surface of the night to make way for the rising sun. There was a thin layer of frost stuck to the tops of the hanging lanterns outside, accompanied by a cool breeze. Janette had come dressed for the incoming season with a thick blanket wrapped around her shoulders which draped gracefully around her shoulders that one would think she were someone of royalty gowned with a cape. A hood kept her head warm while concealing her hair, leaving a few bangs hanging over her ears. Her lips appeared in a violet color today, something which initially he was alarmed upon sight before acknowledging her warm clothing and putting the pieces together, knowing it was not the familiar sight of frostbite that he had seen before. Still, he offered her a hand both as an invitation to their home and to feel if her hand was icy cold or naturally warm. She accepted his invitation and was careful in her step as she clumsily walked in with what looked like heavy boots that exceeded her size. 

"I expected you to come in early as you had asked, but had not foreseen my guest to come in the appearance of a mammoth." He teased with a smile on his face, offering to help her off her large coat. 

Janette offered back a knowing smirk before turning her back to him, arms spread wide before wiggling out from her large coat. "I find myself in need to search for extra clothing appropriate for the season, this is meant to be worn as soon as the snow falls."

"Hi Jay-Jay!" KuliKuli greeted her with a wave of her paws, her face messy with bits of egg stuck to her cheeks. Janette giggled and waved back in return with less enthusiasm in her hand movement compared to the cat girl.

"Do you not have any clothing meant to endure the chilly nights of the Fall season?" He asked. 

"Nay, not anymore that is. Here." She offered him her basket just as he hung her coat.

Felix eyed the gift in his hand before removing the blanket over the top, revealing several pairs of rolled up clothing neatly folded and following a similar blue color pattern. He gently pulled one out before unveiling a medium size dark blue dress, elegant as both a modest yet beautiful work from a talented tailor, the skirt of the dress following a pattern of waves which rippled under the light bob it made in the air. The waist seemed narrow and the top appeared to be slim, a bit plain with no signs of jewelry of pattern aside from a slight part on the cleavage with a lace to adjust the bust for comfort. 

"It's for the women to help in cold nights, that one has a thin bit of padding between the fabric with cotton for added warmth. It was mine half a decade ago but I have since outgrown it. I brought it in hopes that it may fit your-"

"Ooooo-what is it?" KuliKuli slithered in from behind Janette, peaking over her shoulder in awe. She skipped over to get a closer look, poking the skirt of the dress with her tail before smiling when she saw the waves flow so eloquently. "This one looks so pretty, what is it?"

"Well," Janette snickered as she began to explain, "It's a dress. We like to wear clothing to conceal our genitalia and keep us warm. This is something most of the women wear in our race in some form. Some like to accessorize and decorate them with jewels and gold." She paused when KuliKuli offered a blank look. "Oh, shiny rock or glass that has value."

"Okay! Are crystals and gold worth a token?" She asked, turning back as Felix began to laugh. 

"One can say that, they are worth a bit more than just a token." He shook his head, laughing before offering the basket back. "Thank you, but I have not enough tokens to repay you for this. I do appreciate offering us a private sell, however."

Janette blinked before gently pushing the basket back to him with the tip of her finger. "I did not offer these for sell, I offer them as a gift."

"A gift?" He repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, a gift. I saw that you had little to offer in clothing on my visit here so I thought it would be of help if I gave you some of mine. Regrettably, I do not possess any male clothes in my house but I can be sure to buy any and see if they fit your size. They may not offer any in adult size bu-"

"I'm not that short." He stated, rather annoyed at the implication as his guest began to peddle back in her comment. "And if you're doing this as a way to bargain to study her more, you can leave."

"I meant no mockery or ill will, please this isn't blackmail." Janette pleaded with an apologetic look, "I don't mind staying quiet about you three, even if you want nothing to do with me. I-I have studied about Monster Girls before, this was strictly about learning more for the sake of curiosity and knowledge. L-Look." She slipped a hand into her satchel to retrieve a book in a blue cover before hurriedly flipping through the pages. Raising the book for him to see, she pointed at a half-written page. "These are notes about that I've taken throughout my life, some of them are my personal beliefs about the nature of Monster Girls. I wanted to ask your partner some questions and learn more about her, with your permission of course. You can read it yourself when I'm done, just in case."

Felix eyed her with suspicion before stating abruptly, "I can't read."

"You, what?" 

"I can't read, I wasn't taught how to read."

Janette paused and pulled her book back, gently inserting it back into her satchel bag. "I brought some clothes to help with the cold, you can share them between her and your new friend. Is that fine?"

"Master." KuliKuli reached for his arm and turned him around, leaning in to speak in a hushed tone, "She's our friend."

"She wants to study you."

"I don't mind if she asks questions, you didn't mind when I asked you lots of questions before. She came to help me when you asked her to, and she helped when you were poisoned too."

"I, I'm just trying to keep you safe." He explained, hanging his head. 

"You can start by being less mean to our friend." She reasoned, lifting his chin with her paw. "I love you more when you're helping others just like when you helped me."

He swallowed and held her paws tight, flexing his grip gently before nodding back. With a deep breath, he turned to face their new guest and picked up the basket left between them. "I accept your gift and will be sure to reward you in return, thank you."

"Sure," Janette sheepishly smiled back, "That's not how gifts work but okay. Would it be fine if I were to talk to her now? You can stay if you'd like."

Felix looked at KuliKuli as she gave him a nod, then looked back to Janette as he cleared his throat. "That's fine, I trust you to be alone with her. I would like to apologize for my behavior, when you said people would be looking for her... it has kept me alarmed and nervous."

Janette nodded and went to sit next to the fireplace while KuliKuli sat to face her. 

"I will be outside, Reta might need some help with the horses. Um, please take your time." He said with an awkward bow of his head with his hand searching for the door handle behind him. In a moment, he put on a brown cloth around him similar to a poncho before exiting, leaving the two alone with a sizzling fire between them to keep them warm. 

Janette set her bag down and pulled out her book along with a quill and a tiny black bottle.

"Oooo a feather! Is that for giving tickles?" Asked KuliKuli.

Janette looked down at the quill held between her thumb and finger before explaining them to her. "It can if you're ticklish. No, this is called a quill and it's used for writing."


"Well, this little bottle here has ink and so I dip the tip of my quill like so," She said while demonstrating it, "That leaves a bit for me to write with."

KuliKuli whistled and leaned forward on her seat. "Does it sink all the way through?"

"It does if I add too much ink. Now, may we begin?" KuliKuli nodded and adjusted herself, sitting down with her knees up and her hand paws between her legs. Janette leaned back in her seat with her quill in hand. "What is your name?"

"KuliKuli!" She answered with the excitement of a child about to receive something sweet to eat. 

"How do you spell it?" 

The Nekomata tilted her head, her expression shifting to looking puzzled. "Mew?"

"We can skip that one. What are your habits?" 


Janette fidgeted in her seat. "Perhaps I need to work on my questions, how did you meet Felix?"

"Oh, he says he took me in when there was a nasty storm out, and then I got hungry. He fed me while sleeping and then again when he was awake." She rubbed her cheek with the tip of her tail. "I was scared at first because I didn't know him, but he took me into his home! He said he would take care of me and that didn't change after I showed him my real form."

"So you consider this to be your real form?" Janette asked while pointing at her with the quill. 

KuliKuli nodded in return. "I like being a cat but everything is so big when you are so small, and it feels scary to change that way. Also when I am in cat form, I can't hold my Master and kiss him easily. I can lick his cheek as a cat, but I do that anyway in my Nekomata form. Well, I lick him in other places too when we are feeling close." She revealed in a hushed tone followed by a cute giggle. 

Janette felt her face grow red as the implication was made clear to her. "I figured, you don't just become mates without a sort of consummation. You said he fed you while sleeping, did you mean to say he was sleepy?"

"Oh no, he was napping! I took his thingy out and sucked on it until he gave me his milk, it tasted very sweet!" She flashed her fangs in a wide smile, her tails waving around while raised up. 

"W-Wow." Janette chuckled and shifted in her spot, "Did he know about this?" 

"He does, he told me not to do that when he sleeps. Next time I can wake him when I get hungry, but he has been feeding me other food too, like hoo-man food."

"I noticed, you were eating egg with what looked like trout on the side. Do you fancy the taste of fish?"

"Uh-huh, it's one of my favorites just like Master's milk!"

Janette began to laugh in a way to appear less flustered and embarrassed, it was not just that she herself was feeling the effects of knowing about their intimacy but also the interaction with someone so open about typically private matters. "I can see why he is so protective of you. I'm sorry if I upset him earlier."

"It's fine, he's not mean like that. We should be the ones saying sorry." KuliKuli responded back as her ears began to sag. 

"I understand his frustration, he was ambushed by a werewolf one night and then was poisoned the next day, and I told him not to come back for some time since they've increased the number of guards due to your previous exposure. Maybe I shouldn't have insisted on the gifts, it was not my intention to make him feel any less capable of a provider. I know I'm a stranger still-"

KuliKuli stopped her when she leaned forward and held her paw over Janette's thigh. "You are our friend, we are both very thankful for the clothes and for your help. He's not a meanie like that and he meant that apology."

"Thank you." Janette placed her hand over the cat girl's paw and smiled. "Please don't be upset with me for asking but does he have a lot of friends?"

She smiled back as her cat ears wiggled to accompany her warm expression. "You are our first. Wolfy is our second."

"Wolfy, that Reta woman?"

"Yu-huh, she's staying with us."

"For how long, how do you feel about her?"

"I don't know, she's different from you. Master says her curse means she is a Monster Girl when a full moon is out, but that won't happen for another four weeks."

Janette leaned forward with a look of interest. "How would you know that?"

"He says it's a moon in the sky, but Mom said that they are the eyes of the spirits looking down to see us, and that every four weeks they take turns to visit us for the next five days, and in the third day is when all three eyes are watching. If there are wolves nearby, they will sing to them as a way to welcome them since they are too far away for us to hug or rub our heads against them."

Janette was furiously writing into her book when KuliKuli looked up, she was lost in thought upon remembering what the moons meant to her. She waiting patiently until Janette stopped and looked at her. "That's very interesting, what else did your mother say about the spirits? Did your mother raise you alone or was your father present as well?"

"My mother?" She said to herself, eyes staring deeply as a strange feeling began to seep into her skin. 

"Yes, how much do you remember before the accident?" Janette asked, "This is a lot to learn about, I hadn't considered before that religion was a concept unique to only our race. Elves have their own beliefs as do other races, but I didn't read anything about Monster Girls having their own beliefs. This is all fascinating to learn."

"My mother!?" She repeated in a more frantic tone, her chest expanding as she felt her throat began to tighten as if someone were squeezing her with a tight grip. "I can't-"

Janette sat up and placed her book and quill aside, now stroking KuliKuli's paw in a brushing manner. "No-no, I'm not asking about her anymore. What's wrong?"

"Can't-!" She began to pant, staring at her with panicked eyes before falling off her seat. Janette quickly followed and sat on her knees, holding the cat girl's arm before turning her to lock eyes. 

"Hey, look at me. You're not breathing well, it's okay. I-I have been there, and this helps me relax." Janette herself was beginning to panic, she figured that this attempt would benefit them both as she hurriedly placed KuliKuli's paw over her own chest. "Look at me, look at me. Listen to my words, feel my heart beat beneath my breast. Now do what I do, breathe... breathe... in through the nose, hold it in for a moment... then let the air escape through your lips."

In and out... breathe in, breathe out...

KuliKuli winced and held her head, seeing fleeting images of people covered in shiny metal waving around swords and crying out in a charge. So many voices shouting, yelling, crying for help. Someone was staring back as she began to remember running to someone while repeatedly apologizing. It was another Nekomata, similar to herself but different, her face was a blend of different colors that made it nearly impossible for her to decipher. She was sobbing and running to her, this woman held her back in her arms, comforted her, and not just her alone... 

"My... my mother." She whispered in a calmer state, opening her eyes to find Janette staring back.

Janette smiled as she felt a wave of relief wash over her, nearly falling back before holding her paw again. "Are you feeling better, can you breathe well?"

"My chest hurts and so does my head." She moaned, rubbing the bump behind her head. The swelling had gone away days after the impact, but she could feel the throbbing pain as if it were made recently. 

"I'm so sorry, I'll be more careful with my words from now on." Janette apologized while helping KuliKuli back to her seat. She paused and looked down where her hands held onto her paw, her fingers beginning to touch around the fur before turning her paw over to see the bottom side. "Amazing... it's just like any other housecat."

KuliKuli stayed quiet as Janette pulled away, hurrying back and grabbing her satchel. "Maybe it's best I don't ask anymore-"

"No, it's my fault!" She cried out while jumping to her feet. "My hurt is gone, see? All better!"

Janette swung her satchel over her shoulder and reached for her book when a paw cupped her hand. 

"Please, I don't want to lose you too." KuliKuli sniffed, hanging her head in defeat. 

Janette turned around and gasped when she saw her begin to tear up, before awkwardly approaching her with a hug. The Nekomata didn't wait and jumped at the opportunity, wrapping her arms around her friend and pressing her face into her shoulder. Janette held her arms in the air, inching closer before finally holding her and patting her back in return. "I'm not leaving for good, I'll be back as soon as I can."


"I promise." Janette said while pushing her back, "Why are you crying?"

"Are we still friends?"

"Of course, if you'll have me as your friend I will gladly have you as one too."

"Promise to ask me more questions when you come back?"

Janette stuttered and seemed unsure. "Kuli, I don't want to upset you again if I ask the wrong question."

"But I want to help you! Just like you've been helping us. Please? I promise I won't hurt anymore."

"It's..." She held her breathe and looked at the cat girl who stared with pleading eyes, "More questions, I'll be more careful in the future. I should go, I need to open my shop soon. I'll return in two days, okay?"

KuliKuli smiled and nodded before leaning in and pressing her lips against Janette's in a quick peck. Janette nearly fell back, staring wide-eyed and speechless as KuliKuli gasped. "Did I scare you?"

"I-uhhh... wh-why did you kiss me?"

"Oh! You gave us a gift, I thought that meant you loved us?"

"I... I see... I should get going now."

"Did I do something bad?" She asked in a worried tone.

Janette shook her head and grabbed her book, carefully sealing the bottle of ink and placing it into her bag before grabbing her coat. "Not at all, just startling, that's all." 

"Goodbye." She waved her paw as Janette paused and waved back before rushing out the door. 

Now outside, Janette found herself walking fast several paces away before slowing to a stop. Raising her hand, she felt her fingers shiver and yet she knew it wasn't from the cold morning today. She touched her lips as she recalled what just happened, then suddenly she dug into her book and opened it before writing a final note down. 

Nekomata's view gifts as a display of affection, possibly a romantic gesture? 


"Aah!" Janette jumped up before turning to face Reta with a sickle in hand. 

She didn't seem amused with her forehead covered in sweat and her clothing appearing rather bare in this temperature. "Yea, I'm use to having that reaction."

"I-I was just writing down some notes," She began to explain when Reta leaned in and squinted her eyes over the open book. 

"Huh, I could have told you that they don't mind sharing. So you came just to learn about her? Figures." She pushed past her shoulder and walked ahead, bending down to attack some overgrown roots beside the nearest tree. 

"I could ask you some questions as well if you're interested, when I return." 

"Eeeh?" She raised her head before waving her sickle around, "I don't need you to compensate, just go about on your way home before you begin to annoy me."

Janette closed her book and stuffed it into her bag before hurrying off. Upsetting a cursed woman with a sickle in her hand was the last thing she wanted to do to start the day. 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!