Published at 23rd of February 2024 05:15:37 AM

Chapter 5

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Name: Hiromiya Kaede

Race: Human

Age: 26

Class: Sword Dancer Level   1


Teaching   Level 7

Memorization   Level 4

Martial Arts   Level 2

Universal   Traductor


“That´s a rare class”

“Sword Dancer”

“As expected of heroes”

The nobles in the room started whispering amongst themselves as they looked at Kaede's status.

“T-This is?”

“This is the power that the gods grant to the heroes in order to combat the Demon Lord. You are the destined saviors” said the Pontiff to the heroes who were still confused by what had just happened.

However, something did not seem to fit with the words of the Pontiff.

The murmurs the nobles were making didn't sound like they were witnessing a miracle from the gods. It sounded like the fact that Miss Kaede had a 'rare class' wasn't unique but… well, rare.

"You can now remove the hand child"

The pontiff looked at the students and asked:

"Who is the next one?"

"ME! Get out of the way loser!!!”

The anxiety and restlessness of the crowd had been replaced by curiosity and excitement. Almost immediately after hearing the Pontiff's words, one of the students walked to the front while Professor Kaede returned to the group frustrated that she couldn't get more information.

Tatsu walked towards the sphere with his imposing figure as he pushed away anyone who got in his way.

When he got to the front, he put his hand on the sphere without waiting to hear the pontiff's words.

The ball began to glow little by little. When it couldn't shine anymore Tatsu said:


Name: Saegawa Tatsumaki

Race: Human

Age: 18

Class: War Lord Nivel 1


Fighting Level 1

Universal Traduction


"A tier four class!"

“He is one of the companions of the hero”

The expressions on the nobles' faces were much more excited compared to Miss Kaede. It seems that his class was very special.

Tatsu, seeing the expressions of the nobles, showed a proud expression.

"Well, of course. Who do you think I am?” he said as he walked towards the others with a posture that wanted to attract everyone's attention.

Zack didn't pay attention to that idiot. He was busier analyzing the information he had gleaned from the nobles' reactions.

First of all, the classes were divided into levels. Miss Kaede's class is tier 2 while Tatsu's class is tier four.

Second, the skills Professor Kaede and Tatsu had shouldn't have anything to do with their class.

What is a sword dancer supposed to do with the teaching skill? Obviously, those were the skills they had acquired in our world with their own efforts. The universal language skill seems to have been obtained by the summoning, otherwise, there would make no sense in us being able to communicate with the people here.

Although Miss Kaede is relatively young, the fact that she has a job as a teacher at an elite school not only shows her family's influence but also her ability to teach.

(Even so, her teaching skill is only level 7)

Although Zack doesn't know Professor Kaede's academic background, he does know Tatsu.

Tatsu is a troublesome student who frequently fights with other people, and fights several times a day. The fact that such a person only has level 1 in his fighting skill shows how difficult it is to obtain and level up any skill.

Lastly, the nobles seemed to have known that one of us would get that class. The hero's companion class.

That means that among us there is someone who must have the hero class and that the rest of us, except the 'hero's companions', are just normal people who will have random classes.

Zack watched as another of his companions climbed the stairs and approached the sphere that the old man was holding.

That means …


Name: Suzumi Hiromi

Race: Human

Age: 18

Class: Warrior Level 1


Universal Traduction

...that not everyone will have a powerful class.

Seeing his class, the nobles were silent for a moment.

Then, noise erupted.

"Hahaha!! What is that class supposed to be?”

“A tier 1 class has appeared among the heroes”

"A warrior? Our country has wasted resources to bring in a warrior!!!”


The nobles who were previously showering us with praise, now show poor Hiromi sneers and contempt.

Even some of his classmates, Tatsu included, were making fun of him. He truly is one of the hero's companions.

That reinforced Zack's idea more. The heroes the pontiff was referring to are not paragons of justice-seeking to eradicate evil, they are just people of incomparable power that the kingdom wanted to use for its own benefit. Otherwise, even if the universe was on the brink of extinction, it would not be possible for Tatsu to possess such an apparently important class.

The boy was stunned, he was already imagining how the nobles would praise him and how riches and women would bow before him. It is normal for him not to be able to react to what was happening.

Prime Minister Osla signaled to the guards and they approached the boy.

"Hey? W-What are you doing?” Hiromi asked as the guards took him away.
Seeing this, Professor Kaede reacted and approached the student, only to be blocked by the rest of the guards.

“What are you supposed to be doing? Where are you taking him?" the teacher asked.
Seeing this, the prime minister turned to the teacher and said:

“You don't have to worry. We have seen that all this was a bit shocking for him, so the guards have taken him to get some air. Later you can see him if you want, but we must not hinder the ceremony of the other heroes”

While the teacher tried unsuccessfully to see her student, Zack was watching the king and the Pontiff. Since that class was discovered, the pontiff acted as if Hiromi did not exist, even when the guards grabbed his arms to take him away, he did not seem to react. On the other hand, the king's expression didn't change from the beginning, as if none of us were important.

Perhaps in his eyes, we are not. It is evident that he is waiting for the hero.

Shortly after, the ceremony continued.

Master Archer and Magic Tailor, and many other classes appeared one by one, some were happy, some were not.

Even so, only these two, not counting Tatsu's class, are the only ones that reached tier 3, and we only found out because the nobles can't help but open their mouths every time a class appears.

Zack, little by little, was able to differentiate which were the tier 1 classes, and which were not.

Each class has its own name. Classes with generic names are tier 1 classes.
Warrior, Rogue, Craftsman, Trader, classes that say little about your abilities.

For example, warriors fight the enemy, but there are many possible types of warriors. Warriors with swords, warriors with bows, warriors with spears. The warrior class is merely a group of people who can fight against a foe.

On the other hand, any class that can have its own characteristics is a class of another tier.

The swordsman class is basically a warrior who fights with a sword, but it's still a tier 2 class.

Zack still doesn't know exactly what the difference is between a tier 1 class and a tier 2 class but judging by the nobles' expressions it seems that the difference is big. At least people with tier 2 classes aren't kicked out of the room.


While Zack was immersed in his thoughts, a scream resounded throughout the throne room.

In front of the sphere was Wendy, one of the Big Five of the institute. Before, Zack saw her holding Tatsu's arm as always while she filled him with praise and looked disdainfully to the rest, but...

Name: Wendy Smith

Race: Human

Age: 17

Class: Artist Level 1


Instrument Mastery Level 2

Universal Traduction

Wendy has a tier 1 class.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!