Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:40:36 AM

Chapter 140

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When the elevator comes to the floor of the restaurant, zanfa and Zan Wu accept Baoye's invitation and go to the box with Baoye for dinner. After that, Baoye, who comes out of the elevator, twitches his eyebrows. From the conversation in the elevator, the two male demons should have mistaken Baoye for his father, and they don't know what idea Baoye is trying to invite them to dinner.

Standing beside him, donglingce saw that he was in a daze and thinking about things. He immediately raised his finger and said, "don't make bad ideas again."

Baoye rubbed the place where he was hurt and went to eat with him in the small box: "I didn't make a bad idea."

"Then what are you thinking?"

Baoye ordered the food and waited for the waiter to go out and said, "I think the two male demons seem to take 'Baoye' as my father. At the beginning, Baoye was so scared that he immediately said that he would invite them to dinner. There must be something wrong in it. "

" since we know that the two male demons mistook Baoye for your father, why didn't you stop him? "

"If I stop, they'll find out who I am."

Donglingce chuckled: "you're still smart. Those two male demons are not stupid. They have seen through Baoye's fake in the early morning, and they regard you as your father. "

Baoye is surprised:" how do you know? "

" I heard them. "

Baoye is even more surprised:" can you hear them? "

" as long as I want, I can hear the voice of all those who are less powerful than me. "

"Is there anyone in the world who is less powerful than you? "

" not yet. "

"Then you can't get all the people's voice?" it seems that if you communicate with others, you can't say bad things about donglingce. If you are heard, your buttocks will blossom.

"Not necessarily. If someone uses a device to stop people from eavesdropping, I won't be able to hear it."

Baoye asks, "how did you think of eavesdropping on them just now?"

"it seems that the two demons mistook 'Baoye' as your father before they wanted to hear what they said in private.

"What did they say?"

donglingce tells Baoye everything he hears in the elevator: "two male demons will have dinner with Baoye. They want to see the purpose of Baoye and find out why Baoye disguises as your father Br >

it is strange that Xia Zong would not find his two boyfriends from xiazong before 30 years, except that he could not find his two boyfriends from xiazong.

He rubbed his eyebrows. He always felt that Xia Zong's purpose would never be so simple, or he would not tell Gongshan Xiang that he wanted to have a good relationship with two male demons.

Dongling CE calm face said: "if you don't want your face to explode immediately, don't think about it."

Baoye is also worried that he will have bad thoughts if he thinks too much. He stops guessing and goes back to his room to refine medicine after dinner with donglingce. In fact, he doesn't need to refine the medicine. As long as he smashes the medicine and puts it on his face.

Dongling CE twisted his eyebrows: "are herbs effective without your refining? "

" you are a God in ancient times, and you should know that this is the most primitive method to treat the wounded. "

"Yes. "

Baoye burst out laughing.

Dongling CE picked his eyebrow: "what are you laughing at? You still have medicine on your face. When you smile, the medicine on your face will fall off. Don't laugh. "

Baoye said with a smile," what I said just now reminds me of a more primitive way to heal wounds. "

"What way? "

" is to use saliva to smear the wound. Before someone was injured, they would smear it with saliva. "Baoye's face shook for a moment, and then he continued," I'm thinking of you, an ancient god. Maybe saliva can cure all kinds of diseases. You "

" cough, Pooh, one, one. "Before he finished, donglingce spat a mouthful of saliva on his face. The most important thing is that the saliva is twisted and spits on Baoye's lips.

Baoye is afraid to open his mouth because he is afraid that his mouth will flow into his mouth. He can only use his voice to ask, "what are you doing with donglingce?"

donglingce couldn't help laughing: "don't you say that my saliva can cure all kinds of diseases? I wanted to try it, but it's my first time to spit. You should be honored."

"Do you want to kneel down and thank the Lord longen?" Baoye clenched his teeth and said, "even if you want to cure my face with saliva, can't you use a more gentle way?"

donglingce stopped laughing and coughed gently: "I just want to try to feel like spitting. "

" try? Good answer. "Baoye laughs:" donglingce, I'll give you a chance. "

donglingce wondered:" what chance? "

" an opportunity to kiss my lips. "

donglingce": "

"Now, immediately, immediately, I count. If you don't kiss, you will never have a chance again. One, two, three. "Baoye counts to three quickly. Donglingce quickly leans over to kiss his lips and laughs with his voice:" will I have many opportunities to kiss you in the future? When I kiss you, will you not refuse again? Can you sleep with me and take a bath with you? "Baoye is a little stunned. He turns his head and hums, "don't push your luck. "

to see if he refused, donglingce laughed:" I'll forgive you first. When I hum, I won't let you go. "

Baoye looks at him suspiciously:" what do you mean by humming? "

" nothing? "Donglingce gently touched his face:" does herbal medicine have any effect on your face? "

Baoye frowned slightly:" there is no other feeling except for the cool face. Wait a moment. It just doesn't work so quickly. Maybe it will take effect. "

" check it out tomorrow. "

At this moment, the door was knocked.


the people outside said, "I praise Dharma and praise fog."

Donglingce and Baoye have a look at each other and get up to open the door.

Zanfa and Zan Wu saw that the person who opened the door was donglingce, and he put his probe into it: "is not the friend you were with before? "

donglingce asked," what are you looking for him for? "

" ask me something. "

Baoye gets up and walks to the door.

Zanfa and Zan Wu were stunned: "what's on your face? It's dark and disgusting. "

" I am applying herbs. "Baoye asked them:" what do you want me for? "

" herbal medicine? Why do you apply herbal medicine? "Zanfa frowned:" you don't want to use herbal medicine to cure your sarcoma? "

" it's useless. "Zan fog sighed:" your face with any medicine is useless, can only do more good things. "

Baoye:... "

they even know this. It seems that their father has a good relationship with them.

Dongling CE, who was disappointed, asked, "what are you doing here? "

remembering the purpose here, zanfa points to Baoye's face immediately:" do you remember who we are? "

Baoye pretends not to know about the ugly slave's father:" I don't know you, how can I remember you? "

" you don't remember who we are? "The praise lost:" where are the others? Do you remember? "

" what other people? "

Zan Wu said sadly:" Zan FA, he should not have thought about the past things. We'd better wait for him to think about it. "

he nodded.

Baoye said, "do you recognize the wrong person? "

" did not admit mistakes. "Zanfa and Zan Wu said in the same voice:" you are Bao Ye, we will never admit that you are wrong. "

" you must have admitted that we are my father. "

zanfa and Zan Wu were stunned:" your father? Where do you come from? "

" in fact, Bao Ye in your mouth is my father. I am his son, Jin Jiabao, and Jin Lingrui is my elder brother. "

" where do you hear such absurd things? You. Forget it. "

" I can't tell you clearly. Where is Xiaorui? We need to ask him how he became your elder brother. This generation is really chaotic. "

" he's in bow city. "

"He's not in the forest?"


"Then you can ask him to come to me when you go back. "Zanfa and Zan Wu left a sentence. When you think of who we are, we will leave. Donglingce closes the door, leans on the door and squints and asks," have you ever lost your memory? So you don't remember that you are your father? "

whether it's praise for fog, Dharma, or Tantu, he always feels that Baoye and his father are actually the same person in their eyes.

"I have not lost my memory. "Baoye searches the memory of the ugly Slave:" except when I was a child, I don't remember very well. Other memories are never broken, unless someone modifies my memory. "

"Better not. I don't want to have such a big son."

Baoye is baffled: "son? What son? Where is the son? "

donglingce gave him a cold look:" if you are your father, isn't Jin Lingrui your son? "

it's nothing to have a son. The most exasperating thing is that he once had a son's mother, which shows that Baoye has ever had sex with a woman.

At the thought of this possibility, donglingce's face suddenly darkened, and his mood was particularly bad.

Baoye rolled his eyes: "you think too much."

Donglingce asked, "can I have a look at your memory? "

Baoye is hesitant. He doesn't know whether donglingce will see his memory after 30 years.

"I won't peek at your privacy, I'll just see if you've been modified," donglingce said

Baoye nods hesitantly.

Donglingce put his hand on his brain and explored in his mind with his magic power: "your memory is intact, and you have not been touched. "

he breathed a sigh of relief, which was strange. Why did one or two regard Baoye as his father? Did he die once and rebuild his body again?

Dongling CE looks up and down at Baoye, trying to see through his body.Baoye was seen by him, and his hair stood up: "Why are you looking at me like this? What's wrong with my body? "

" I want to touch your muscles and bones. "


the author's gossip

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