Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:43:44 AM

Chapter 2

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Let loose the wind is to let the slaves bask in the sun, exercise more and relax themselves. Only by having a strong and healthy body can they work better for the slave owners. At the same time, when the slaves were most free, they could do whatever they wanted, and they could walk around. Even if they wanted to get out of the city, there was no one to stop them.

However, do not try to escape, because slaves with the word "slave" or "Li" on their faces are slaves no matter where they flee. If they are caught by the former slave owners, they will only be executed. Moreover, there is only one hour of wind time every day. Once the time comes, you must return to your work or accommodation on time, or you will be severely punished.

As soon as the slaves in the shed heard that they could go out for the wind, they rushed out like wild horses.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Baoye stealthily uses his magic power to draw out his soul. Unexpectedly, his soul is like a root in his body, and he can't pull it out.

"What's going on?"

Baoye tries twice, but he still doesn't take his soul out of his body.

Seeing that all the people ran out of the shed, he had to get up and go out. The scene of the sea of people made him a little stunned.

All the male slaves were as naked as he was, and their lower bodies were only in loose pants of 7-cent length, and the female slaves had only one more piece of cloth to cover their shame than the male slaves. In addition, the slaves were covered with large and small old and new wounds, and their faces were also branded with the word "slave" or "Li". The slaves with the "Li" character were at a higher level than those with the "slave" mark.

When the slaves came out of the shed, they either looked for people to play cards and play ball games, or gathered together to exercise. Some male slaves directly found their own women to make love to the designated place, which was very happy.

Of course, it's all superficial.

Baoye remembers that his adoptive father once said to him that the period from 1900 to 2023 was the most painful, miserable and darkest period for slaves. It was not until someone launched a slave war and lifted the slavery system that slaves were free.

So there were no slaves when he was born, which made him curious about this era.

Baoye looks at the warden with the whip.

In the memory of the original Lord, the Deacon is a man with divine power, which is a special power inherited from God.

According to historical records, hundreds of millions of years ago, God was the creator and master of all things. They are omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient, and even beyond the samsara, jumping out of the three realms, immortality and immortality. However, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution and countless wars from all walks of life, the ancient great gods fell one after another, unable to enter reincarnation, and their souls disappeared in the universe.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth is becoming more and more turbid, and the divine power of other gods is becoming weaker and weaker. They can no longer hide themselves, slowly, appear in the human vision, into the human world. Later, there appeared the phenomenon of the combination of God and ordinary human beings, and their children were called demigods.

However, the gods do not recognize the status of demigods, so demigods can only live in the human world. As generations multiplied, the number of demigods increased, and eventually demigods replaced humans.

However, the divine power of demigods is weaker and weaker from generation to generation. Nowadays, most demigods have no divine power like ordinary human beings. Fortunately, some demigods can awaken divine power, but there are very few demigods who can awaken. Because of this, the world has been divided into three small worlds: upper, middle and lower.

In the upper world there are true gods of pure blood and boundless power. In the middle world there are demigods with some divine powers, while in the lower world there are demigods without divine powers. The demigod, who has no divine power, works for the servants of the other two worlds. Therefore, the lower world is also called the slave world.

At first, the demigods in the lower world were free and had a happy life like ordinary people. With the awakening people's desire for power becoming stronger and stronger, the lower world was ruled, limiting the freedom of demigods without divine power, and making them real slaves.

Slaves were further divided into four classes: lower class, lower class, middle class and higher class.

The inferior slaves are people who have no ability to work. They can only be thrown into the laboratory to do human experiments. The inferior slaves were responsible for the heavy work, while the middle-class slaves were responsible for the daily life of the slave owners, or were sent to the arena to fight for life and death. However, their treatment was better than that of the inferior slaves. At least, they were not afraid of being frozen and hungry, and they would be punished less.

High slaves are people who awaken their divine power, but they can't meet the requirements of going to the middle world. Therefore, they usually work around the slave owners. The deacons who guard the slaves are the high slaves. Their faces are marked with the word "Li". Some high slaves were not willing to submit to the slave owners, and they would find other high slaves to form gangs to do business.

The eldest brother of the original owner was not willing to yield to the high slaves under the slave owner's hand, otherwise he would not have the ability to change the original owner who was originally classified as inferior slave into inferior slave.

Deacon Lin takes notice of Baoye's eyes, turns his head up and down to look at him. He slowly draws a deep arc of his mouth, hums and laughs, raises his finger to his mouth, and uses his divine power to blow. Suddenly, the clear whistle rings through the sky, and all the slaves in the hall are silent for a moment to look at deacon Lin.Deacon Lin went to the Deacon's dormitory like a man without a job.

Seeing this, other deacons followed deacon Lin back to their dormitory building.

The slaves looked at each other and said, "deacon Lin, why are they all back?"

"Maybe deacon Lin has something to discuss with other deacons."

"Now that the deacons have left, does it mean that we can do anything?"

When Baoye hears this, he immediately has a bad feeling.

Du Peng seems to have guessed the intention of Deacon Lin. one turns his head and looks at Baoye standing at the gate of the shed. Two words: "ugly slave" --

the other slaves around him feel Du Peng's hatred and look at Baoye one after another. The slaves who once had hatred with ugly slave show anger and killing intention.

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