Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:43:02 AM

Chapter 34

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Baoye looks at the elder Ji on the bed. Although he is in a coma, he still can't hide the shrewdness from his bones. There are large and small wounds on his body, which are still stained with black liquid, which corrodes the skin and flesh of Jida little by little.

Zhou Xiaochuan saw that he didn't talk or show the old man the wound. He was worried: "Mr. Jin, how's our boss? Can you cure him? "

Baoye is still silent, even his eyelids are not lifted.

Others are also very anxious.

"Mr. Jin, can you cure our boss? Do you know that we are worried about our boss?"

"Yes, if you can't cure our boss, just say so."

Baoye is amused.

People or he deliberately injured, how can he cure bad people?

The reason why he hurt Ji boss is very simple. He wants to use his kindness to help him find someone.

If a smart person like boss Ji comes directly to ask him for help, he will certainly take the opportunity to ask for all kinds of requirements to be completed by himself. Even after finding a person, he will make all kinds of difficulties before he can tell where the person he is looking for. Therefore, he took the initiative to attack, first hurt the old Ji, and then let the old Ji's people come to the door, so that he had the initiative.

In fact, in his calculation, the person who planned the eldest brother would come to him a few days later, at least after the confirmation that he would cure the disease, he would come to the door. Not a day has passed. It's all thanks to donglingce's current incident that he has a chance to pass on the news that he will help others.

"Lao Tzu said that the words of the slaves in Fengyue hall could not be believed. How could he help people to heal their wounds? If he really knew the art of medicine, the elder brother of Jin would not recognize this younger brother?" "If you don't know how to read it, you'll get the hell out of here."

"Liu Fang." Then, he politely said to Baoye, "Mr. Jin, as long as you can cure our boss, you can ask for anything. As long as we can do it, we will do our best."

Baoye finally raises his eyes and looks at the smooth. He says, "smart people are different when they speak. It's clear that you asked me to heal the wound. I'm not asking you to let me come. It's not like some stupid people who are very impolite and rude. I think if the chief Ji dies, he will not be seriously injured, but be killed by some people. "

Liu Fang said angrily, "who are you talking about as a fool?"

"Say who should be." Baoye sneers and pokes the wound on the boss with his index finger.

Liu Fang sees the black blood flowing out of the old Ji's wound and glares at Baoye angrily: "ugly slave, what the hell do you want to do?"

Others also stare at Baoye with vigilance.

Baoye is too lazy to pay attention to them. First, he squeezes out the black blood on the wound and sprinkles it with detoxification powder. Then he takes out the potion refined by the white spot grass and spreads it on him. Then, Ji's wound returns to its original state at the speed of naked eyes.

Zhou Xiaochuan, they are surprised to stare big eyes, even has always been calm and indifferent smooth also stupefied.

Baoye glances at them and hooks his lips. He doesn't take the potion of baidiancao for nothing. What he wants is that they can't believe his powerful effect.

"My God, this It's amazing. " Zhou Xiaochuan touched the body of the schemer in disbelief. Although he had heard a few days ago that the ugly slave's Potion could instantly restore the wound, they always felt that the story was passed down from mouth to mouth, which was more and more exaggerated. When it came to their ears, it was not very credible.

Liu Fang refers to the boss of the plan: "this, this is even a cure boss?"

They had hired more than a dozen slaves who knew some medical skills before. They didn't make their boss better after using innumerable drugs, but the ugly slave took three or two times to get rid of it. It was really amazing.

Everyone looks at Baoye in surprise.

They think that the elder brother of Jin is a big fool. It is really stupid to break the relationship with his brother who has excellent medical skills.

"Cough, cough." Comatose in the Ji elder brother, cough a few sound, slowly opened an eye.

"Boss." Ji boss's hand excitedly called: "you finally wake up, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ji boss just woke up and couldn't remember what happened before: "what happened to me?"

"Boss, you..."

Baoye doesn't have time to watch their fraternal friendship. He interrupts them and says, "your boss is awake. Now I can talk about my requirements?"

What does Mr. Jin want us to do for you

Liu Fang was worried that Baoye would ask them to do something harmful to nature. He quickly said, "let's talk first. We won't do anything about killing people or setting fire to others."

Don't you think you're still killing good people Baoye sneers: "don't worry, I don't want you to kill people. I just want you to help me find out something."

Ping Shun asked, "what's the matter?"

"First of all, I want to find a person named Bao, the treasure of treasure. First of all, I'll check it from Gongcheng. If I find out that the person I'm looking for, I won't need you to check it again. If it's not the person I'm looking for, you'll have to go to other towns."Smooth nodded: "it's easy for us to find someone in the bow City, but the slaves can't read, and they don't know if it's a treasure named treasure."

"Anyone with the same surname as Bao will tell me."


Baoye said the second request: "the second is to help me find people with the same name and surname or the same pronunciation as my elder brother in the next world."

We stare at each other, and we don't understand why he wants to find someone with the same name and surname as his elder brother.

Zhou Xiaochuan said bluntly: "if you want to find someone with the same name and surname as the eldest brother of Jin, you will not suspect that the eldest brother of Jin in Nancheng district is not your elder brother?"

Baoye Bai glanced at him: "you just need to do what I do. Besides you, this matter can't let other people know that I'm looking for someone else."

Smoothly nodded: "OK, is there anything else?"

"No more."

"Is our boss all right?"

"All right, don't you think he's awake, and he's very energetic?"

Smooth look at eye plan boss, to Zhou Xiaochuan confessed: "Xiaochuan, you take Mr. Jin to dinner first."

"Well, Mr. Jin, come with me." Zhou Xiaochuan takes Baoye away.

Finally, he had a chance to ask: "this man is The ugly slave, brother of Jin boss in Nancheng district

He also guessed the identity of each other from their conversation and Baoye's appearance.


"How could he be here?"

"We heard that he knew medicine, so we asked him to come and heal you."

Thinking of what had happened to him, he touched his body and said in surprise, "am I all hurt? He cured it? "

"Yes, it's him." Ping Shun asked Ji boss, "boss, do you feel any discomfort?"

"I feel like I've never been hurt. It's wonderful. His medical skills are really good." Plan elder brother squint: "this person can't offend, after perhaps still have beg his place."

"Yes." Smooth heart feels strange: "boss, Jin boss is also a smart man, how can he break off the relationship with his younger brother who is so good at medicine?"

Now the world's most short of doctors, Jin even pushed people out.

Plan boss sneers: "be silly."

Far away in Nancheng District, Jin Lingrui suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose: "it must be some rabbit who is speaking ill of me."

Sitting next to him, the captain joked, "I think it's Lu from Xicheng District who is thinking about you."

"He is not qualified to" think "me

In a also lit a cigarette: "if he swallowed the North City District and the East City District, it is not easy to say."

The second captain Cheng Tao suddenly asked, "you should have heard about Fengyue hall today?"

Jin Ling Rui and Yu Yi knew that he was talking about the ugly slave, and they smoked silently and did not speak.

"If everything is true, maybe smooth will invite ugliness Go and save the boss. " Cheng Tao wrung his eyebrows: "it's really strange that we have known him for such a long time, how can we not know that he knows medical skills, is it someone else's random spread?"

"Don't mention him, I don't want to hear about him again."

There was silence in the hall. Jin Ling Rui put out the smoke and asked, "Mr. Dongling, would you like us to go to their construction site to collect food tomorrow?"

In a nod: "yes."

Jin Lingrui said, "I will go there in person tomorrow."

Everyone guessed more or less his real purpose of going to the construction site, but they were silent.

At eight o'clock in the morning the next morning, when Nian Gao and Lao Liu saw Baoye get out of Zhou Xiaochuan's car, they immediately asked, "ugly slave, is it true that my father said you saved the schemer?"

Baoye said with a smile: "if it wasn't true, people from Beicheng district would send me to the construction site?"

Laoliu patted Baoye on the shoulder: "Mr. Bao, you are really good."

This Sheng Bao Ye no longer called a name as usual, and there was a trace of respect that he did not even notice.

With a high cut.

At this time, a truck stopped at the gate of the building, and then a group of senior slaves jumped out of the car.

When Nian Gao saw the tall man sitting down from the co driver, he was surprised and said, "it's Jin boss of Xicheng District."

Laoliu and niangao both look at Baoye.

Baoye blinked: "what do you think I do?"

Nian Gao Leng hum, glancing open his eyes to see Jin Ling Rui walking towards them.

Jin Lingrui stops in front of them and looks at Baoye.

Laoliu and niangao look at each other, intending to let their two brothers have a good chat. However, Jin Lingrui walks away.

"I don't know." Baoye touched his face and turned to look at Lao Liu: "he has been staring at my face. Is there anything on my face?"

Nian Gao hissed: "in addition to a pile of melanoma and pus blood on your face, what else can you have?"

Laoliu looked at Baoye seriously: "Baoye, your face is not bleeding today. It seems that melanoma is much smaller.""Is it?" Bao Ye touches concave convex convex face: "how do I feel similar."

When he put down his hand, he saw a long limousine driving into the construction site and stopped by the truck. He took a puff out of the corner of his eye: "the spirit disease is coming."

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