Published at 3rd of August 2022 06:42:45 AM

Chapter 46

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The people watching Baoye are Tang Kaiji and Puhe, who happened to come to Beicheng district to do business. However, the game of gods was not over. They were trapped in Beicheng district by the strong wind, so they had to find a place to hide. They didn't walk out of the shelter until the wind stopped, but they saw this scene.

Puhe was surprised and said, "isn't that ugly slave? How can he be here and help others fix their broken legs? Is it going to rain in the sky? He can save people

Tang Kaiji cold hiss: "he and the male slave should know each other, can help save people."

Baoye wrapped up the legs of the male slaves, took them to the side and sat down, and then went to rescue a female slave not far away from them.

The female slave's right leg was cut several times by the sharp object. Each wound was about half a meter long. The wound was very deep and the skin was cocked up.

Baoye takes out a bottle of wound medicine and hands it to the female slave: "this is the wound medicine. Apply it to the wound, and you will get better soon."

She opens the bottle and applies the medicine to the wound. The pain of the wound immediately alleviates and the skin shrinks back.

She looks surprised and looks at Baoye: "this medicine, this medicine..."

"You can keep it." Baoye gets up and helps others.

Puhe, who had not left, was more surprised: "did he give the medicine to others? So precious medicine is so easy to send out? "

In his impression, the ugly slave is a very selfish and merciless person. As long as he gets what he has, he will never give up and he will not be kind enough to save others. Even if the other party is a person who knows him, he will not have a trace of soft hearted, because in the ugly slave's heart, there is only himself.

Tang Kaiji Leng Leng Leng, cold voice way: "his medicine may be sold some people to get."

“……” Pu he twisted his eyebrows and looked at Baoye, who had saved one slave after another, and said, "he seems to be really good at medicine."

I heard that the ugly slave was treating Fengyue hall and rescuing Ji boss in Beicheng district. I thought it was a random story. Now it seems to be true.

When Tang Kaiji saw that the rescued slaves relieved their pain, he also expressed gratitude to Baoye. He was even more angry: "if he wants to be really good at medicine, why does he never save the people in our team? He was a man of ill will from the beginning

At this time, a large truck stops in front of Baoye.

Baoye looks up and sees Zhou Xiaochuan jump down from the vice seat, bows his head and continues to be busy with his work.

"Mr. Jin." Zhou Xiaochuan saw Baoye, who was bandaging the wound, happily ran over: "how did you come to Beicheng district? You're not looking for... "

In the middle, he stopped.

Baoye wrapped up the wound for the wounded, got up and went to one side and said, "if you look for someone in the future, women surnamed Bao and children under 18 years old can be removed."

"Good." Zhou Xiaochuan looked around the people who had been saved by Baoye: "Mr. Jin, are you saving people? Our eldest brother also asked me to bring people to help the slaves, but we didn't know the art of medicine, and asked Mr. Jin to guide us

Baoye nods.

Zhou Xiaochuan was glad to turn his head and let the people of the truck get off the bus: "you should listen to Mr. Jin's orders. Do you do what he asks you to do? Do you understand?"

The senior slaves in Beicheng district should say, "I understand."

Baoye gives all the medicine in his pocket to the senior slaves. He asks them to give medicine to the seriously injured slaves. He tells them to find more long pieces of wood and rags to help the broken hands and feet of the slaves. Finally, he sends the slaves who have been treated by the senior slaves to the building to recuperate.

The skillful emergency medical skills and orderly arrangement, as well as the obedience of boss Ji to Baoye, make Tang Kaiji and Puhe, who are observing Baoye in secret, are stunned.

Is this man still the ugly slave they knew?

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