Published at 25th of April 2016 07:28:54 PM

Chapter 2

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My eyes open and the surroundings is a pure white space.

“I’m certain, left home, then a truck while going to look work…”

Died being run over by a truck.

“That’s right! I was run over by a truck and should have died!”

Even so, where am I… this doesn’t look are feel like an ordinary place, but it doesn’t seem to be heaven either. I confirm my own body. It’s the same clothes from before I died. There’s no place which is especially painful or even injuries at that.
While doing such a thing, there was suddenly a voice which couldn’t be judged whether it’s male or female.

“Hey, you seem to have woken up safely. Well, it can’t easily be called safely~.”

An androgynous appearance, more than that,
I’m sure this person was here when I checked the surrounding earlier…

“Oh, you seem to be confused eh, guess it can’t be helped to look so when dying for the first time~.”

It seems settled that I was run over by the truck and died, or perhaps I didn’t want to believe in my heart that I’d died. Apart from that, I’m interested in this person true identity. Mustering up courage, I decide to ask.

“Um, so who are you?”

The answer to that question came back at once.

“My name is Rasty, I’m what’s known as God in you people’s world~”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!