Savage Divinity - Chapter 16

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:11:40 AM

Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dinner is delicious as always. Charok came home early to cook, but the dishes Alsantset makes are just as good, in my opinion. Baatar sits on one side of me, Alsantset on the other, with their respective spouses sitting next to them, each holding one of the twins. That Sarnai had time to come for dinner was a surprise. She rarely visits, being busy with running the village single-handedly. She's like the mayor, lawyer, clerk, city planner, and judge all rolled into one, the villagers going to her for anything they can't agree on, and she browbeats everyone into submission. She's a real firebrand.

It's so sweet seeing her with Baatar though, she acts so girlish, shy, and reserved, around him. They're a cute pair, although I get a little sad thinking about it. Demi-humans have a much longer lifespan than humans, between 400-500 years. Ancestral Beasts and their pureblood children can live even longer. Humans have a natural lifespan of up to 80 it seems, but that is extended to about 120 for people who are able to reach the State of Balance. Sarnai was in the latter group, but also already in her 70's. Better to have loved and lost, and all that, I guess?

Sarnai looks like she's in her mid 40's. Crazy for a 70+ lady. I guess the Energy of the Heavens does a body good. Is that why everyone in the village is so good-looking? Am I going to be sexy? I want to reach the State of Balance even more now.

The seven of us eat in silence, other than the happy sounds of the twins, crunching away at their fried noodles. Charok and Sarnai had tried to keep some conversation going, but Baatar and Alsantset were in no mood for it, gloomy and taciturn.

I have to admit, it's my fault things are like this. It seems that, while she was happy for me when I told her I found Enlightenment, Alsantset takes it as a personal failure that she couldn't help me, and her father had such progress in a single day. Her pride is hurt.

Baatar, on the other hand, is deep in thought. After he helped me find Enlightenment, we had lunch with Taduk and Mei Lin, after a quick healing session. Taduk had made a fuss over my bruises, but after I assured him several times I was fine, and that the bruises were worth it, he relented. He was happy for me though, and Mei Lin gave me a hug to congratulate me. Afterwards, They both followed me and Baatar out to help me reach the State of Balance.

It did not go so well. Taduk and Mei Lin came along for moral support, they claimed. That meant that I had an audience of three, watching me try to relax and meditate. It was less than helpful. They didn't have any exercises or tips for me, besides just close your eyes, and become one with nature. They tried to show me by example, but that was just aggravating. Baatar just sits down cross legged, and closes his eyes like everyone else in the morning classes. Taduk and Mei Lin don't even sit up when meditating. They look like they are literally sleeping. I have a suspicion that Mei Lin actually fell asleep during her demonstration.

With that failure hanging over him, Baatar is currently racking his brain for some method to help me. It makes for an awkward dinner, with only Charok and Sarnai actually mentally present, but they were busy feeding the twins. I eat quietly, thinking about my failure to meditate. Well, at least I reached the State of Enlightenment.

I have been trying to attain Enlightenment for a year. Just a few words from Baatar, and I got it. I was trying too hard, thinking too much. The worst part is, Alsantset had been telling me the same thing more or less, for months. It just never clicked. I thought she meant I was overworking my body. What she meant was I was overworking my brain. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Such a simple thing. Previously, I would have to deliberately plot out my actions, a few steps in advance. For example, if I wanted to grab someones moving arm, my thought process was like this: Full extension of the right arm, ending in a twist of the wrist, throw out my fingers, stopping their movement. Then, I can flip my wrist, and grab. Then I would execute it. Now, I do the same thing, but on the fly, without the planning. It just happens. I think of what I want to do, and my body takes care of the steps. Before, I was too engrossed in the movements, focused on the doing, that I didn't have time to really comprehend what I was doing. Couldn't see the forest for the trees.

Now, sometimes, while doing the movements, I can get a flash of inspiration, and suddenly, I realize how the arm wave I've been doing can be used to cripple an opponent. An 'Insight into the forms'. It was like a forgotten memory, returning to me. An 'I know kung-fu' type deal. No memories of who I used to be though. An 'Insight' into the forms is awesome, but that doesn't really teach you how to fight. Just how to do massive bodily harm to someone. It requires analytical thought and practice to go from Demonstrating the Forms, to using them in real combat. Or so I'm told.

Sarnai glanced incredulously at her. Then she looks at Charok.

Charok coughed. Alsantset connects the dots. Beloved, you never told me you had difficulties reaching Balance. You used to brag in class about how skilled you were.

Charok gave a defeated smile. I may have exaggerated. I didn't want you to know, when we were younger. You made everything seem easy. It gave me quite the inferiority complex. It took me a long time to reach Balance.

Alsantset gave him a sad look, and leaned over to place her head against his. I'm surrounded by loving couples. It's nice, but I wonder when I can find someone like that for myself. Someone like Cierna. Beautiful woman. Half-Cow.

Charok pointedly looks at me and asks, Would you like my help, Rain?

Of course, Brother! I would be delighted. Why didn't you help earlier? I give him a grin, to ease the sting of my words. I don't really mean it. Not 100%.

Charok looks stern. Never seen him like that before. Because, little Rain, a man needs to learn to ask for help. If I went to you, my words would fly in from one ear and out the other, much like when my wife speaks to you. Charok isn't smiling for once. He's serious about this. I reflect on it, somberly, and realize why he's so upset. With good reason.

Sister Alsantset, I wholeheartedly apologize for my behavior and stubbornness. Had I only listened to you, I would have reached my Enlightenment months ago. Failure lies not with the teacher, but with this foolish student. Brother Charok, I humbly ask for your aid and guidance.

Flattery will get you everywhere, little Rain. Just remember that. I accept your apology. Alsantset gives me a peck on the cheek.

You will always have my help, little Rain. Always. Charok grins at me.

It's nice to have people looking out for you. We continue our meal, more lively this time.

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