Savage Divinity - Chapter 180

Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:06:58 AM

Chapter 180

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Chapter 180

The early morning bustle roused Song from slumber, the camp preparing to set out at daybreak. Stifling her yawn, she confirmed Masters presence beside her, snoring lightly in the bedroll with arms wrapped around Sarankho. Quietly as possible, Song sat up and found the comb, a beautiful hand-painted piece gifted to her by Senior Captain Alsantset. Her comb. So many gifts now, the chess set, clothes, hair ribbons... the armour. Taking a moment to thank the Mother for her new life, Song carefully brushed her hair and closed her eyes, taking solace in the familiar procedure.

Working deftly from years of practice, she moved her comb in long, slow strokes, gently untangling the knots. As long as she could remember, this ritual had always been her favourite part of the day. Teacher Du demanded his slaves appear neat and orderly at all times, believing a clean, well-dressed slave demonstrated that even the lowest of his household was provided for, a measure of his wealth and status. Each day, without fail, Song was given these scant few minutes to prepare herself for the day ahead, both physically and mentally.

Nothing was expected of her in these few minutes aside from fixing her appearance. A simple task she could do without fail, plaiting her hair into a tidy, neat braid. No matter what lay ahead on any day, she claimed this short time as her own and achieved a simple victory each morning. A small, insignificant triumph, but even if the rest of the day was filled with failure and punishment, she could look forward to victory once again come morning. For a time, it was all she had, and though things had changed for the better, she still enjoyed the modest victory. A good way to start the day.

After waking and assisting Master with her own appearance, Song followed her out the tent where she greeted the gloomy morning with a smile and a stretch. Ah, what a beautiful morning.

Glancing around at the dark, fog covered landscape, Song lamented how shed never understand Masters taste while wracking her brain for the right response. At Masters request, Song had embarked on a careful study of idle chatter over the past few weeks, learning the subtleties of polite conversation. Yes Master. Beautiful morning. A safe response, echoing Masters sentiment and reinforcing her belief.

Or rather an inadequate response, judging by Masters eye-roll. Ah, so much work to be done. Casually, speak casually. You dont have to agree with everything I say and you dont have to call me Master. Please, try saying my name. You dont have to address me directly, I only want to hear you say it and prove you actually know it.

Yes Master. Song nodded and took a deep breath, carefully enunciating each syllable. Master's name is Sumila. No matter what anyone said, Song couldnt bring herself to address Master by name without a direct order, the fear of punishment too deeply ingrained.

Her efforts were rewarded with a hug, though it was accompanied with another eye-roll. Well, small progress is still progress. Well work on it again some other time. Covering her mouth to yawn, Master led them through the camp. Ugh, not enough sleep and no time for a hot breakfast, but at least were finally taking action. First getting stuck at the fishing village, then guarding the perimeter as part of the Purges blockade, I thought Id go stir-crazy after all those weeks of twiddling my thumbs.

No time to brush Sarankho or her brothers either, but an end to their idle days came as blessed news to many. Unused to inactivity, Master dealt with her frustrations by finding busywork for herself and everyone around her. Rigorous training exercises and brutal sparring matches filled their days, with harsh penalties for those unable to meet her stringent standards. Members of Rains retinue were not the only ones to suffer, Masters distaste for idleness was far reaching, roping in the retinues of Officer Huushal and young magistrate Fung. Over the weeks, Song overheard many of the rank-and-file cursing their fate, but those who complained loudest were often chosen as Masters sparring partners, causing the number of audible complaints to dwindle to nothing. Unlike most others, Song enjoyed the last few weeks. Though exhausting, Masters exercises gave her a semblance of routine, and Rains absence brought a sense of safety.

Sad to say the good times were over now, but practical as always, Song merely accepted her fate. After a quick meal of travel bread and dried meat, she greeted her mount Erdene and Masters wagon team, Coto and Gakai, patting each one twice on the head to establish dominance before feeding them. While they ate, she brushed and harnessed the roosequins, faintly amused by the memory of how shed once been terrified of the squeaking creatures. Fantastic creatures, though incomparable to the sheer power of a titanic warhorse adorned in plated mail, roosequins were more versatile and intelligent. Horses offered an unstoppable force when matched against infantry, but after the power of their charge was spent, they were of little use in extended combat.

Not so with roosequins, their ability to navigate most difficult terrain with ease made them exceptional at hit-and-run tactics, able to disengage and reengage repeatedly in a single battle. Their powerful lunging pounce and pack-hunting instincts more than made up for their lack of mass, and she believed an army of roosequin riders in the right place, led by the right commander, could slaughter a force several times its size with minimal losses.

Morning Mi-Mi. Eyes half-lidded as she wandered in, Lady Mei Lin embraced Master before turning to embrace Song. Morning Li-Li. Smoothing out her messy hair, the young miss sat down with a petulant pout. I need your help, Rainy said hes gonna send me home, says its not safe here.

Master snorted. That idiot, theres an entire army here to protect you, you couldnt be safer. Dont worry Lin, Ill speak with him. Where is he?

Wincing as she found a knot in her hair, Lady Mei Lin shrugged daintily. Dunno. His tent was gone when I went to visit.

Wielding her comb, Song silently stepped in to brush and braid Lady Mei Lins hair while she chatted with Master. As she worked, she felt the scrutinizing gaze of the Ladys veiled protectors. It was only right for them to be cautious, the four mysterious warriors charged with Lady Mei Lins safety, but the attention was unnerving. They had an unseen quality about them which caused Songs hair to stand on end, their mere presence instilling awe and trepidation. No one else seemed to be bothered by them, but Song was loathed to turn her back to any of them, but especially the Leader.

There was nothing special marking the Leader as such, all four protectors veiled and cloaked, even dressed in identical black-leather armour. Only their choice in weapons differed, but even without them, picking out the Leader was easy as turning ones hand, her poise and demeanour proclaiming regal confidence and demanding absolute obedience. From behind her veil, her eyes seemed to miss no detail no matter how small, able to peer through the souls of those she gazed upon and finding them lacking. Armed only with twin daggers strapped to her thighs, she moved with a casual arrogance and grace which Song associated with supreme warriors, those above even Teacher Du and Lieutenant General Akanai, an unmatched, solitary apex predator.

Even given Healer Taduks accomplished reputation, securing a top-tier expert to guard his daughter was awe-inspiring. In retrospect, Milas betrothal to Rain made more sense now, his skills as a healer well proven, though he seemed determined to collect wives like he collected pets. Poor Master would have to suffer marrying a shameless philanderer.

Yuzhen this, Yuzhen that, how familiar. You want us gone so you can spend more time with her, dont you? Ive seen how you blush, dont deny it.

Master was still looking away, so she missed the anger flashing through Rains eyes. Major Yuzhen and I, he said through clenched teeth, have nothing more than a professional relationship. Reaching out, he took Masters hand and furrowed his brow. From Masters widened eyes, Song deduced that Rain had learned how to Send as well and his message was less than complimentary to the Major.

Admonishing herself to work harder so as not to shame Master, Song gathered the pets onto their wagons, the sweet kittens and cubs now seasoned travellers. No matter the outcome of this argument, they would all be setting out soon, soldiers and Sentinels scurrying about in preparation. Deflating, Master puffed her cheeks and shrugged in apology to Lin. I guess were leaving...

Tears streamed down Lady Mei Lins face, shaking her head. Noooooo...

Enough of your feeble whining, the Leader snapped in irritation. Are you now a thrall for him to order as he pleases? What will you do next, beg? You wish to stay, then stay, you dont need his permission. Your pathetic display is unbecoming.

A dangerous glint entered Rains eye. I dont like the tone of your voice.

Unperturbed, the Leader sniffed. Then you are excused, foundling. Her aura erupted in a violent burst, Song trembling as activity ground to a halt around them, soldier and Sentinel alike frozen in fear. Run along and go play your little soldier games, Ive no patience for your antics.

A second Aura covered Song, protecting her from the brunt of the Leaders Aura, and the observers let out a collective sigh as the pressure eased. Her jaw dropped as she followed the emanations to Rain, his Aura surging around him as he stared defiantly at the expert warrior. You think because you have strength, it allows you to disrespect those without? That you can act with impunity, without consequence?

In a word, the Leader drawled, Yes.


At Rains challenge, the other three protectors gathered around the Leader, ready for Rains attack, but it never came. Instead, every Sentinel within hearing range hefted their bows and drew their arrows, targeting the Leader and her companions. Master and Lin pleaded with Rain to stand down, their words the only sounds audible in the stifling silence as he locked gazes with the Leader.

Tilting her head in unconcerned curiosity, the Leader studied Rain carefully, the seconds ticking by ever so slowly. After a heart-stopping pause, she finally spoke. Hmm... your Aura is neither overbearing nor sturdy, yet instead of breaking, it bends beneath my pressure. Its a little like pushing mud, it gives way, yet retains its shape. How intriguing. After another pause, she gestured at the surrounding Sentinels and asked, So what message is this little tantrum meant to convey?

That being polite costs nothing in comparison. Rains voice hardened as he moved Master and Lady Mei Lin aside, daring the Leader to act. Hands at his side, shield on his back, sword in belt, Rain stood unarmed, yet gave off the impression of a tiger ready to pounce, a naked blade drawn from its sheath. He was insane, by now he must realize the Leader alone could deal with his entire retinue.

Sighing loudly, the Leader shrugged and dispersed her Aura while the other protectors lowered their weapons. Fair enough. Slaughtering everyone here is hardly worth the effort. Very well, Ill not speak too sharply to the girl, but I dont see why it matters so much. Its not as though shell shatter at a harsh word. We wont be leaving though, she wishes to stay, so we stay. You need only worry for your own skin foundling, shell not come to harm.

...Fine. At Rains command, the Sentinels lowered their bows and followed him away. Quivering as the tension drained from her body, Song leaned against the wagon for support, watching the animals within. Unaffected by the minor clash, Sarankho cuddling with Auric while Jimu patiently suffered the attentions of the cubs, all of them oblivious of their close brush with death. How fortunate the Leader stepped back, sparing Rain and everyone present. Lifting a cub into her arms, Song mounted Erdene and cuddled with the small bear, steadying herself while lamenting the end of her carefree days

Then again, her days as a slave seemed numbered now that she followed a madman into battle. Perhaps her dream of becoming one of the Bekhai was closer than shed thought.

Chapter Meme

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