Savage Divinity - Chapter 387

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:59:34 AM

Chapter 387

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Chapter 387

There is something profoundly wrong with me.

I have a good life. Better than good. A great life, with so many people who love and care about me. In this room alone, I have the radiant Mila with her lustrous red hair, a perfect match for her fiery personality which had her ready to rend flesh and break bone as retribution for my injuries. With one arm wrapped around my waist, she uses the other to feed me spicy fish balls and salted fried squid, knowing Ill need more calories in the coming days to regrow my missing hand and foot. Meeting my grin with a ferocious scowl, her button nose scrunches up in darling disapproval as my hand slides down her lower back and under her long shirt. Shoving a piece of squid into my mouth, she none-too-gently directs my gaze away with her chopsticks, wielded deftly in her left hand to reveal yet another of her hidden talents.

While doing nothing about my hand clamped to her firm yet supple butt cheek.

Turning my attention to the other side, Lin happily nibbles away while snuggled in my (fortunately handless) embrace, wholly unperturbed by my raw and exposed injuries. Never one to sit still, she bounces in place to an unheard beat, her head bobbing from one side to the next as she thoroughly enjoys the late night snack and company. Unable to resist her charming allure, I plant a kiss on her temple and smile as she leans into it, favouring me with a contented grin before reaching for more food, moving carefully so not as to disturb the snoring Mama Bun or reveal the adorable Pong Pong resting in her embrace.

While the powerful turtle and sleepy bun buns arent interested in our late night snack, the same cant be said for the rest of my pets. Creeping closer in hopes of a treat, they lick their jowls and nudge our arms until Li Song reveals a bag of dried meat hidden in the folds of her blanket. Doling them out with a ghost of a smile, Li Song is rewarded with nuzzles and headbutts which she accepts with impassive serenity. The massive gulf between us still exists, but its shrunk considerably since we first met, seeing how she no longer insists on treating me like a dangerous predator and can relax in my presence, not to mention endlessly nag me about brushing my floofs. Theres still a long way to go before either of us are willing to even consider Lins notion of us as a happy couple, assuming shes the mysterious candidate for my fifth wife. Either way, Im glad to have her around since Id get nothing done if it wasnt for her helping out with my pets, and if things develop further, well... Id count myself lucky to call this beautiful, stoic, half-cat my wife.

Though less lucky if our marriage is a loveless, sexless sham...

Speaking of sham marriages, Luo-Luo sits with perfect posture on the other side of the table, droning on about the political climate and whatnot. Wrapped in a soft summer cloak, its not enough to hide her voluptuous frame, so tantalizingly displayed by the sheer, seductive nightgown underneath. I know this is important and I should listen to what she says, but its hard to concentrate when the mere act of breathing makes her exposed body jiggle in so many enticing ways. Sometimes, I wish she had a horrible attitude or a grating voice, some negative trait I can focus on to keep her at arms length, but between her melodic articulation and eager willingness to please, only my illogical prejudice and dumb luck have kept me from succumbing to her considerable charms.

Not even the nauseating memory of what happened in my poop tent is enough to diminish my enthusiasm...

Lord Husband? Is this permissible?

Abandoning my efforts to peer through her nightgown, I look up and almost lose myself in her eyes, as deep and fathomless as the Azure Sea. Thankfully, in her moment of triumph, Luo-Luos mask slips and she allows herself a smug smirk of self-satisfaction which douses my ardour with cold clarity. For all her beauty and charms, I cannot forget she is a cunning and conniving social chameleon, one trained to use her brain, body, and beauty as weapons only marginally less dangerous than sword or spear. Who knows if shes really a nervous, apprehensive young woman caught out of her element, or a devious trickster playing me like she (presumably) plays the zither. The Legate and his Seneschal were clear about their intentions, which means Luo-Luos true loyalties are still suspect.

I can almost see it. Her robes need to move a half no, a quarter centimetre to the side all will be revealed...Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Yea... Drawing out the single word, I shake my head and say, The gift and apology are fine, but leave out the bit about proving my loyalty. I wouldnt want to give him the wrong idea. I mean, its nice having the Legate in our corner, but I want nothing to do with his plans and schemes. Speaking over Milas indignant surprise and Luo-Luos fretful agitation, I push on and explain, Oversell and under deliver, its the oldest trick in the book. The Legates offer sounds nice, but what is he actually promising? Fame and reputation? Pass. Imperial secrets to make me stronger? I doubt theyll come without a steep cost, one Im unwilling to pay. So whats left? I get to be his morale-raising figurehead, a beacon of hope for the hopeless masses. So bothersome. Ill do it if thats whats best for the Empire, but Id really rather not. Stifling a yawn, I conclude, Ill happily cooperate and work alongside him, but if he expects blind, unquestioning loyalty, then hes setting himself up for disappointment.

Cutting through Luo-Luos shocked silence and Milas miffed mutterings, Lins chiming tittering is a balm for the soul. Rainys the best, she declares, popping up to kiss my cheek. He doesnt need any stinky Imperial secrets to become strong, hell get there himself, ya?

Im not gonna lie, I was thinking the same thing, but Im too modest to say it outright. I mean, even knowing a reliable path to martial greatness exists is enough to ignite my inquisitive spirit. Whats their secret? Is it drugs? Secret Forms? Time dilation chambers? Memory transmission? Who knows, but Im raring to find out. I already know Ill need a massive Natal Palace, so I'll take it one step at a time and see where it goes from there.

So what is Lord Husbands plan of action?

Sputtering my lips, I respond to Luo-Luos question with a helpless shrug. Dunno. Send him the letter and a gift I guess. Maybe delay our inevitable falling out for as long as possible and pray the war ends before it happens. You think he likes roosters? Theres one carved from jade in the wagon somewhere, or are jade roosters grounds for a grudge-ing?

Unamused by my flippant attitude, Luo-Luo quietly says, This one urges Lord Husband to rethink his decision, for men like Shen ZhenWu do not respond well to disappointment. There are many benefits to be gleaned in his service, but should he deem Lord Husband a threat, then we can only wait for death.

God dammit. Since they were called away to an important, military meeting, I never got a chance to talk to Akanai or Baatar about the Legate. Taduk passed along the broad strokes through Sending, but they only responded with a simple, Do as you see fit, which I find grossly irresponsible of them. Then again, if they were in my place, Im almost positive theyd reach the same decision I have. Theyll work with the Legate, but not for him.

Look at it this way. Doing my best to ease her worries and maybe convince her of my motivations in case shes passing info back to the Legate, I shrug one more time and say, If hes the sort of person to get all worked up over something as minor as this, especially in our current dire circumstances, then hes not a man Id want to serve. My decision stands. With luck, hell put the good of the Empire over this petty grievance and we can all work together and come out of this as winners. Otherwise...

I really hope it doesnt get to otherwise, because I dont know what comes next. Murder the Legate, I suppose, though that seems counterproductive.

With a mournful sigh, Luo-Luo agrees with my choice of gift and asks about the language Id like to use in my apology, but I wave her questions away and tell her to write whatever she thinks is best. Though ready to keel over in exhaustion, I dont want to send anyone away, especially since who knows when the next opportunity to caress Milas butt will come around. Sadly, my beloved can read me like a book and elbows my hand away before declaring I need to rest, and my tired mind is unable to come up with a coherent excuse to convince any of them to stay, especially after I notice Luo-Luo bidding me goodnight with a seated bow, which offers an unobstructed view of her bosom as her physics-defying robes finally fall out of the way.

As I burn the image into memory, I thank the Heavens I lopped off my right hand instead of trusty old lefty...

So utterly entranced by the visual feast, I fail to notice Lin and Li Song stealing away my bears and wildcats, leaving me with only the quins and bun buns to snuggle with. Disappointing, but its only fair. I cant expect to have five wives and monopolize all the floofs, but Im still sad about sleeping alone without Aurie sprawled across my legs or Banjo spooning me from behind. My good mood vanishes in an instant and I sit there in the flickering torchlight wondering why Im never happy.

After that.

Fall in love, start a family -


Uh... I dont think there was anything else.

Smacking me on the side of the head with her horns, Yan fills in the blanks for me. You told me that when we see each other again, wed pick up our friendship where it was back then, and tell each other all about our experiences. Im sorry Rain, I forgot to ask. How have you been?

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I open my mouth to lie, but the truth slips out instead. Not well.

And just like that, the dam breaks.

Still cognizant enough to switch to Sending, I free myself from Yans embrace and turn to face her. For the longest time, I was on the brink of turning Defiled. It takes every iota of courage I have to keep from closing my eyes or turning away, so terrified of seeing anger, disgust, or hatred flash across Yans face, but its too late for regrets now. Ive made my choice, and now I must live with it, for better or for worse.

Pursing her lips, Yans eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise before returning to normal. Yea, I thought you might, but youre fine now.

Not a question, but a statement, a minor difference which means the world to me.

I came close.

But youre fine now.

Only due to luck. Howd you put it? Like meat pies falling from the skies.

Even without luck, you wouldve been fine. Youre too stubborn to turn Defiled. Tilting her head, Yan asks, What else you got?

Completely blown away by her nonchalance, I blurt out, I love you.

Not my proudest moment.

I love you too. Hopping to her feet, Yan holds her hands out to help me up. Now get up. I didnt sneak out to sit around and chat. I was too indecisive before we left, but I wont make the same mistake twice. Injured or no, youre mine for tonight, so lose the clothes and get under the covers.

Taken aback by her forward declaration, I shy away ever so slightly. Erm... As much as Id love to oblige, could we take a time-out for a second? I havent exactly discussed this with Mila and Lin, and it wouldnt be right to do this without knowing how they feel. Lin isnt a problem, but Mila is a jealous and prone to extreme violence.

Lucky you. Pulling a letter out of her pocket, Yan drops it into my lap to read. Unfolding the parchment reveals a letter from Mila, in which she informs Yan of her desire to be sister-wives. Theres plenty to go through, but the gist of it is, Mila and Lin know Yan and I are in love, and theyre both okay with it. As a footnote, Mila adds that she hasnt told me about this letter and is waiting for me to bring the matter up with her. Should I fail to do so and make a move on Yan, or should Yan make a move on me and I succumb without mentioning my other betrotheds, Mila asks to be informed of my wicked ways so she can break me.

Oh thank the Heavens.

Wow, I really dodged... a... My words trail off as I look up to find Yan lying on her side in bed, wearing nothing but a sultry smile and a hungry gaze.

Like I said, life is good.

Chapter Meme

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