Savage Divinity - Chapter 417

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:58:28 AM

Chapter 417

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Chapter 417

Since stepping into office as Marshal of the North, Yuzhen had never taken a day off to rest, yet she still struggled to keep up with the workload. How her old man managed was beyond her comprehension, as dealing with the day-to-day routine left little time for the multitude of calamities crossing her desk. Defending her holdings, keeping her allies happy, and ensuring her enemies werent plotting her demise, these were merely the appetizers in her full-course meal of disasters, but the main course changed from day to day. Food shortages, dwindling funds, price gouging, and unruly bandits, there seemed to be no end to these tribulations in sight.

A small wonder her old man never had time for the Martial Path. Forget training, Yuzhen counted herself fortunate if she had time enough to sleep.

Being stationed so far away from her base of power wasnt helping her efforts, but she understood the need. Without these new defences in place, a million-strong horde of Defiled could waltz into Central and the Empire would be helpless to stop them, and without Yuzhen here to supervise, thousands of unscrupulous parasitic merchants would bleed the Empire dry, too stupid, short-sighted, or conceited to care about the consequences of their actions. They were a few weeks into construction and Yuzhen had already executed over a hundred people for crimes ranging from simple thievery and embezzlement to all-out fraud and war-profiteering. She was happy enough to look the other way if an overseer pocketed a few silvers here and there, but the sheer audacity of some of these crooks and swindlers left her in awe of their stupidity. What did these merchants expect to happen when they delivered sub-par goods or shoddy materials? For her to shrug, open her coffers, and pay them what they were owed? Did they expect her to strip down and dance for them too? One enterprising con-man even tried to sell her the rights to a mine she already owned, a move which left her sides in stitches from the first real bout of uncontrolled laughter since her old mans passing.

Grateful as she was for the much needed hilarity, she still had the fool hung by the neck until dead.

At least things werent all doom and gloom for Yuzhen, with more working in her favour than against her. In her absence, things had settled down back home, with most cities and factions falling in line. Shen Huo, Shen Yun, and the Bekhai all stood firmly in Yuzhens camp, and with Sanshu already in her pocket, this meant the peripheral cities reliant on them like Shen Bin and Jiu Lang had no choice but to follow. After Falling Rain absconded with their Guardian Turtle, the people of Ping Yao took it as a sign from the Mother above and pledged their eternal support to the Bekhai, leaving their Magistrate with little choice but to follow suit or risk bloody revolution if seen working against his citys Divine Attendant. With everyone working harmoniously, construction on her section of the Wall was ahead of schedule and below budget, earning the North much vaunted praise from the Legate.

Security of the North was also well in hand. Reconstruction at the Bridge had finally finished, but now Shen Jin was the more concerning location. As the guardian of the passageway into the West, the Magistrate of Shen Jin set to reinforcing the pass at his own expense, filling it with pitfalls, dead ends, fire traps, and countless other defences. To hear him say it, the expense rendered him without two coins to rub together, and Yuzhen mostly believed it. She was less inclined to believe his claim that should the Defiled horde seek entry in the North through Shen Jin, then they would die to the last savage before seeing the city gates, but she appreciated his willingness to part with his fortune.

Then again, considering his family had amassed said fortune over multiple generations from collecting taxes on goods moving from the North to the West and vice versa, it was only fitting he foot the bill.

Unfortunately, most Yuzhens headaches arose from the Society, and by extension, Feng Huang. As the two southernmost cities, all of the Norths people, supplies, and resources funnelled through them to reach her here in SuiHua, giving them the upper hand in negotiations. One word from them and everything would go to shit as delays cropped up, shipments disappeared, and evidence of smuggling, bribery and extortion would find its way into the wrong hands. To the outside world, it appeared as if Yuzhen had united the North, but more discerning individuals knew the Society bent her over a barrel and ravaged her at every opportunity.

Metaphorically speaking, of course. She actually found being bent over a barrel by Gerel rather exhilarating on those rare occasions she found time away from her duties.

Focus, she mentally scolded herself, returning to her present circumstances. Sitting across the table were three individuals representing the most powerful factions of the Society. The first two were Situ Rang Min and Han BoDing, the Patriarchs of their respective clans and a pair of greedy, self serving bastards. Long-time enemies always at each others throats, Yuzhen had had great success playing them off one another in the past, but recent events had changed the dynamic between them. Both Patriarchs were on the back foot regarding Clan politics now that their sacrificial heirs, Situ Jia Zian and Han BoShui, had risen to fame in the public eye, mostly thanks to their relationship with Rain and their success on the front lines, which in turn earned them support from their Clan Elders. Though both young men were overshadowed by Rain, his achievements were so far ahead of his peers most people placed him in a category all on his own, leaving the others racing for second place.

Having seen the writing on the wall, Rang Min and BoDing were desperate for a victory to tout before their clans, and thus they entered a shaky alliance to present a united front against Yuzhen. Todays order of business was to demand she lower taxes on account of all the poor, destitute Society members struggling to maintain their decadent lifestyles. Jin ZhiYa, the third individual present and current High Elder of the Harmonious Unity Sect, was supposedly on Yuzhens side, but a reduction in taxes would be beneficial to ZhiYas faction, not to mention the woman was essentially a human puppet for her half-beast masters and had to check in before making important decisions. Since the two Patriarchs brought this issue up without warning, for the sake of this negotiation, ZhiYa might as well not be present.

Her eyes radiating cold fury, Yuzhen sat with hands folded in silent stillness, letting time and suspicion do her work for her as she Sent a message to Gerel. Done sparring with Charok yet? Are you shirtless and sweaty?

We have yet to begin my love, but it could be arranged. Do you require my presence, or merely desire it?

Cocky bastard. Dont smile. Neither, Yuzhen Sent, studying both Patriarchs intently. Just making noise for my troublesome guests, so stop being so damned charming.

Alas, if only I could, came Gerels reply, deadpan and serious as always. Such is my curse, but fear not, for I only have eyes for you.

Enough. Yuzhen let her frustration show, a calculated error, then widened her eyes ever so slightly in feigned surprise. It all happened in the blink of an eye, but her guests missed nothing and the display left them wondering what fortuitous news she had just received. I need to concentrate now, so shush. Love you.

Love you more.

A genuine half-smile slipped out before Yuzhen caught herself, but the minor gaffe helped sell her story. Since everyone in the room could sense her Sendings but didnt know who she Sent to, each Patriarch would believe she was communicating with the other and cutting him out of the deal, a ploy which worked like a charm. Rang Min and BoDing had grown up together as friends written rivals and there was no greater enmity than one between former allies. Theyd been at one anothers throats for decades, and Yuzhen would dance naked in the streets if she couldnt use it against them and shatter their flimsy alliance to pieces.

Truth be told, she found the idea of public nudity rather titillating, but sadly the trappings of office and easily identifiable fox-tail meant she couldnt afford to risk it, which made it that much more enticing.

While her mind drifted and daydreamed, her opponents unmade themselves before her. Though Yuzhens Sendings had fallen silent, Rang Min and BoDing were deep in conversation as they fired silent messages at one another, each accusing the other of underhanded dealings. Neither Patriarch would believe the other was working in good faith, especially since they betrayed one another often enough in the past. Theyd see their counterparts accusations as a sham to cover up their subterfuge, and soon, once all the accusations and insults were out of the way, one would take a step back and offer a counter-proposal, which they would both assume was what she was after. A smaller tax break, something Yuzhen could accept to avoid the bloody and costly struggle which would ensue should she back one Patriarch against the other.

Games within games, but unlike her opponents, Yuzhen had learned from the best.

I will, but later.

Shes right there. Just ask. How often are you going to meet with the Marshal?

Ill handle it, so shut up and watch the spar.

Though Yan tried to keep her argument quiet, the half-cat slave Kyung made no such effort. Needing time to research before butting heads with the master negotiator Luo-Luo, Yuzhen seized the opportunity to escape and approached Yan. Theres no need to be shy. Come, tell sister Yuzhen what you need. More soldiers? So eager to return to the front lines, are we? Ill take care of it forthwith.

Ah... Flushed with shame, Yan shrunk back and shook her head, unable to look Yuzhen in the eye. Er... no, I dont need reinforcements. I... uh... I dont think Ill be going back.

What? Why?

Mila and Kyung spoke with one voice and Yan flinched away, but the short-haired beauty soon rallied and answered, Well... because Im utter shit at command. Giving voice to her fears seemed to help her accept it as Yan shrugged and continued, I lost 40% of my retinue every time I set out on patrol, so I figured its time I stopped going out and getting good soldiers killed.

Tch. This is why I hate kids. Grabbing Yan by the shoulder, Kyung spun her to face him, an utterly unthinkable act for most slaves. Listen idiot, because Ill only say this once. You did fine. Hearing this, Yan rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but Kyung gave her no chance. Shut up. Im not trying to comfort you, Im stating a fact. Your results werent great, but no one was expecting them to be. You set out with standard soldiers using standard-issue gear, an all light-infantry force with less than ten Spiritual Weapons. You had no dedicated scouts, no cavalry, no heavy infantry, nothing except a bunch of common grunts, a rushed education, and a dearth of experience. Of course you cant compare to the likes of Falling Rain, who has everything youre lacking not to mention the finest heavy infantry in the Empire under his command. Master figured you wouldve lost your entire retinue on your first time out, but you didnt, so congratulations. You exceeded expectations.

...Grandpa wanted me to fail?

Yans eyes brimmed with tears at the apparent betrayal, but Kyung snorted and said, No, Master expected you to fail. Theres a difference. Youve never been a five or ten-man commander, but Master has no time to coddle you, so he accepted my suggestion to send you out on a trial by fire. Learn by doing, and it was working, but now you want to laze around and shirk your lessons? Absolutely not. Poking Yan in the chest, Kyung demanded, Ask the Marshal for more fodder and get back out there.

Trembling from head to toe, Yan snarled and grabbed Kyung by the collar. So youre telling me one-hundred and sixty-two soldiers died to teach me a lesson?

Yes. Unperturbed by Yans wrath, Kyung stood hunched over in her grip and weathered her murderous glare without blinking. He made no effort to defend himself should she lash out, not that it mattered if he did. Yan wouldnt even need to lift a finger if she wanted him dead, she only needed to speak the words and he would take his own life. After long seconds, Kyung sighed and spoke softly, a tone which ill-suited the blunt, no-nonsense slave. Behind every Great General lies a mountain of dead soldiers. You think the likes of Nian Zu, Shuai Jiao, or even your admired Akanai never made a mistake? When officers make mistakes, soldiers die. Such is life little Yan, but as Masters Terminal Disciple, you must become a Great General. One-hundred and sixty-two soldiers have already died to pave the way forward. Dont let their sacrifice be in vain.

A hard lesson for all youths to learn, but an important one. Yans compassion was admirable, but also a hindrance. Great achievements required great sacrifices, but the ones accomplishing the achievements were rarely the same people making the sacrifices. To build the wall, hundreds of slaves had already died, and thousands more would follow, but such was the price the Empire paid, lives spent now to save more lives later. The same concept applied to Yans training. An error now might cost her a few dozen soldiers, but as she rose in rank, those errors would only grow more costly, so better she make them now and learn from them. As much as Yuzhen wanted to comfort the poor girl, she knew it would be counterproductive to coddle her, a sentiment shared by Mila as she kept Lin-Lin from approaching. Instead, they all looked away and pretended not to notice Yans shaking shoulders or hear her quiet sobs, giving her the time she needed to deal with her guilt and grief.

Which was better than how Yuzhen had handled it back when she learned this lesson, kicking and screaming up a storm. She still remembered how, after all her anger was spent, her old man had pulled her close and patted her head, reassuring her with his soothing timbre...

After thirty minutes and countless exchanges, Gerel and Charoks spar ended with yet another draw. Only then did Yan wipe her tears and approach Yuzhen, her eyes red and gaze determined. Marshal Yuzhen, she said, her voice trembling ever so slightly. Warrant Officer Third Grade Du Min Yan requests reinforcements for her retinue, fifty-nine soldiers in total. As an afterthought, she added, Also, a billet for the forty-one soldiers still with me. They deserve a roof over their heads, at least until we head back.

Resisting the urge to hug the poor girl, Yuzhen instead gave her a military salute. Understood, Warrant Officer Du. This Marshal shall make it so. Only then did she pull Yan into her embrace, a hug which Mila, Lin-Lin, and Luo-Luo joined soon after. Everything will be all right child, Yuzhen said, her chest tight and heart heavy as she repeated what her old man told her then. Because you have family who love you to help you through this.

Mother in Heaven, she missed her old man...

Okay then, Kyung said, ruining the tender moment. Thats taken care of. My turn to spar now. Baldy, you rest up, Ill warm up with your friend and well settle old scores when Im done.


Yan darling, Yuzhen said, her voice loud and sickly sweet. I never noticed it before, but dont you think Kyung would look so handsome with a shaved head? The half-cat warrior froze in place and Yan burst into laughter, but Yuzhen wasnt joking around. If Du Min Gyu didnt know how to keep his subordinates in line, then Yuzhen didnt mind teaching Kyung in his place. After all, no matter how strong he might be, Yan held his chains and Yuzhen had no qualms against playing dirty. Of course, well need to shave his tail to match and give him a cute little outfit to show off in. Something short and tight to show off his abs and thighs, with plenty of colour and lace...

Chapter Meme

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