Savage Divinity - Chapter 606

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:52:13 AM

Chapter 606

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Chapter 606

In a world constrained by the need for Balance, theres nothing like the uninhibited expression of joy when reuniting with a floof.

I could disappear for five minutes and Aurie would be excited to see me, but after my twenty plus day coma, my sweet wildcat is so besotted by my presence that he literally cant stay still. Zooming around the courtyard at never before seen speeds, Aurie makes three full circuits before finally feeling calm enough to avoid crushing me with love, but by then Ive already been swarmed by the other floofs. The bunbuns headbutt and hop about in sheer delight while Banjo and Baloo wrestle me down to the grass, gurgling and nuzzling for all theyre worth. Sarankho brings me her favourite toy to play with while Jimjam comes down from his treetop perch to offer me a few friendly swats, and even Roc and the Laughing Birds flutter down to nuzzle me a bit, but the chaos is too much for them to handle and they soon retreat to the rooftops to watch from afar.

As for Ping Ping, shes been with me all this time, but that doesnt stop her from partaking in the festivities. Old and smart as she is, theres a childish cast to all her actions as she mimics the animals around her, first chasing after Aurie to see where hes going, only to give up when he laps her. Then, she does a few test hops and spins with the bunbuns before deciding that hopping is more effort than its worth, only to amble over and wedge herself under Banjo and squeak in vehement demand for her fair share of hugs and kisses. All the while, her rounded beak and expressive eyes remain wide and jubilant, so full of wonder and delight I envy her joyous and jubilant perspective. She is loving life as a tiny turtle and having a grand old ball running about with all her new friends, and I can see the other animals love her too. Im so happy for her, I could almost cry, and it hurts knowing how lonely she must have been for so many years, sitting by the riverbank day after day with no one to keep her company.

No one except Guan Suo, who is now dead and gone.

Well... maybe not entirely gone. At the thought of the deceased Divinity, my eyes are drawn to my cherry tree, looking beautiful in autumnal colours of red and yellow hues. There, within the sparse sprinkling of multi-hued leaves, hides the chonkiest, grumpiest red panda I have ever seen, glaring at all the proceedings from his perch high above. As darling as he is, I cant wholly appreciate his adorable expression or angry-cute mannerisms, because Luo-Luo ruined it by telling me what everyone thinks, and now I cant unthink it. From what I can piece together, after I shouted for Mila to go combat ready, she woke up, came to her feet, and the next thing she knew, she was standing over my unconscious frame, with the diminutive Ping Ping and cantankerous red panda beside me.

And no dead Guan Suo to be found, pipe and all.

So... what the fuck did I do? Was it even me, or did Ping Ping make a pit stop during her ascension to Divinity and bring her friend back from the dead? I remember everything leading up to calling for Mila to wake, but anything afterwards is virtually non-existent, save for what I experienced in Zhen Shis dream trap. Ping Ping was about to turn into a Demon, and I tried to save her. Thats about all I know. I must have succeeded, considering shes here now in her adorably Divine form, but I have no idea what I did or how I helped. I remember feeling good about accomplishing something in a dream, but now Im not so sure it was a dream. At the moment, my best guess is I brought her back from the emotional brink and from there, she figured out the Path to Divinity herself. She was close, and I suppose whatever the Spectres tried to do showed her how to get over that last hurdle, but there are problems with this theory.

First off, according to Zhen Shis notes, Demons bring their hosts to the Peak of the Martial Path, but always fail to shatter the void, which is the last known step before Divinity. Knowing this, we can speculate that Demonification is a dead end path with regards to achieving Divinity, which is a good thing since it means Zhen Shi cant crank out Demonic Divinities like hotcakes. However, if this is true, how can a failed Demonification show Ping Ping the proper path to Divinity? Does this mean I did something to help her along? I mean, it tracks, right? I might have forgotten what I did, but I remember accomplishing something, something to do with... acid and Panacea? Then afterwards, while stuck in Zhen Shis illusion, I was suffering through insomnia, clouded thoughts, migraines, and apathy, all tell-tale signs of Chi over-exertion. I must have done something involving Chi or Heavenly Energy, something big, and whats bigger than helping a turtle ascend to Divinity?

Bringing someone back from the dead, maybe, which begs the question: is that red panda Guan Suo reborn, and if so, how do I feel about this?

Weirded out. Thats how I feel. How am I supposed to cuddle a grumpy floof knowing he was once Guan Suo? God, how does Mila feel about her recently deceased father coming back as an adorable critter? Then again, is it really Guan Suo? Luo-Luo told me the red panda hasnt shown any signs of having once been an Ancestral Beast and behaves like a juvenile red panda would. He likes clinging to Ping Ping, but hell slip out to chase bugs, roll around in the grass, or nap in the trees when he thinks no one is around. Hell even wrestle with the bunbuns and raid the kitchen for eggs and fruit when feeling particularly adventurous, which I cant wait to see. Whats more, he doesnt show signs of being a Spiritual Beast, as I discovered first-hand from his weak little love-taps, and for all intents and purposes, is nothing more than the roly-poly red panda he appears to be.

I mean seriously, hes so weak, he even gets bullied by Blackjack, forced off of the highest branches so the Cloud Chaser Hare can stand above all others. The good news is now I know little Blackjack is a hare-supremacist and loathes equality, so I suppose I cant judge Taduk for falling victim to his bestial instincts.

Adorable as the red panda is, I cant get over the fact that Ping Ping or I may have inadvertently remade Guan Suo into a floof. I mean, it sounds ridiculous, but considering Heavenly Energy is supposed to be this Big Fix Energy, I cant exactly rule resurrection out. I love animals, but this is too much, even for me. If I really have the power of resurrecting people as floofs, there is no way I would ever use it in a moral fashion. Id turn almost everyone into floofs, because people suck and animals are almost always better company. Stuck up noble? Floofed. Pushy merchant? Floofed. Cunning enemy? Floofed.

Of course, itd be best if I could do it without killing the person first...

Oh god... what if I floof ALL the Defiled? Turn those crazed murderers into... well, house cats would probably be the most appropriate choice. Still crazed and murderous, but manageable and adorable. Ugh, this is what Im talking about. Im not even sure if I have this power, and already Im imagining how Id use it. Irresponsibly, thats how.

But think of all the floofs...

Unexplained mysteries aside, the most vexing part of this whole experience is the fact that Im still crippled. Attempts to enter my Natal Palace left me staring at the back of my eyelids, and my nightshirt was soaked in sweat after a brief, five minute Demonstration of the Forms. If I did have phenomenal cosmic power for a brief moment, I most certainly wasnt omniscient, because I forgot to fix my Core and get myself back into fighting shape. Jokes about my stupidity aside, this makes me think I merely assisted in Ping Pings ascent while she did most of the heavy lifting, because I cant imagine any circumstances in which I would leave myself as a broken shell of a Martial Warrior. If anything, Id have overcompensated and given myself bones of steel and impenetrable skin to help survive Milas amorous advances, not to mention the stamina of a draft horse to deal with Yans insatiable appetite.

And maybe like... five or ten more centimetres in height. Not too much, because then Id be too tall to properly hug Lin-Lin, but like... just a little taller so I can see over a crowd of normal people.

And bear hands, if I have some juice left over.

...Actually, lets flip those last two priorities around. Who needs to be tall when youve got bear hands? Get mauled, motherfuckers!

Still, it doesnt hurt to consider the possibility, since theres nothing else for me to do. Mom is busy helping Akanai keep the Sentinel families calm while Luo-Luo heads out to her office to work. Grandpa Du is no doubt riding Dads ass for news about Yan, while Taddy left for the farm and Lin-Lin is still in bed. I cant visit GangShu or the Abbot because their people brought them away to Mother knows where. Lastly, the Legate is all the way in the Central Citadel, so I wont be meeting with him anytime soon, which is good because Im not looking forward to that discussion. So with nothing better to do, why not ponder the mysteries of Core Creation? Besides, what I learn might help me figure out how to fix a Core too, so instead of doing anything productive, I idle the time away with my floofs while pondering the nature of the Martial Dao.

Which is where Grandpa Du finds me several hours later, at almost eight in the morning according to my pocket watch, though it feels much later thanks to how early I woke. Good news, he says, beaming from ear to ear as sweet Kishi joins my cuddle puddle. The withdrawal was a success. Brigadier Hongji took grave injury, but he will survive, and his forces are all safely behind fortress walls now. Even better, Yan performed above and beyond all expectations and has many well-deserved commendations in her future.

Even accounting for Grandpa Dus penchant for over-exaggeration, it sounds like Yan pulled off a miracle and is now being heralded as the Sanguine Storm. A little derivative of Grandpa Dus title, the Sanguine Tempest, but a well-deserved title nonetheless. Not only did she almost single-handedly cut her way through an intercepting force of Defiled, she even nabbed herself a bonafide Demon kill while also holding nominal command over the bulk of the retreating forces. That is a hat-trick of achievements if there ever was one, but she wasnt the only person to excel. Apparently, Hongji sent back a list of heroes who went above and beyond the call of duty, a list which is even now making the rounds. Many of those heroes are now dead, names I recognize in passing like Xue Biqian, a stuck-up noble from the Society who Fung beat bloody during the Contest, or Ru Minsu, a kindly old warrior who presented Akanai with a written apology the day we first arrived in Nan Ping, one which acknowledged the wrongdoings his elders had perpetrated against her some five decades ago and offered remorse and recompense. Theres also Jin ZhiLan, the lovely, flirty, ambitious, and ultimately kind-hearted Warrant Officer who I fought alongside in Sanshu, who even now might be lying dead on a funeral pyre which has yet to be lit aflame, never to laugh or smile again.

The list of dead continues, and I recognize every name there, because each and every one of them was a vaunted hero of the Empire whom I crossed paths with at some point. To my great relief, my loved ones on the list are not marked as deceased, so I am able to take great pride in their achievements. While Yans stands out the most, Mila and Alsantset are also mentioned by name, for their part in combating the Defiled cavalry and holding off a concentrated Demon assault. My fierce sister claimed three Demon kills of her own and is being recommended for a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, while my fiery wifey got a special mention for assisting in the deaths of seven Demons. Its stated that while Mila didnt kill any of the Demons, her unique weapon was instrumental in tying them down, which allowed other Martial Warriors to deal the killing blow.

Huushal and Ulfsaar are also up for commendations, as are Mister Rustram, Chu XinYue, Jorani, Ral, Chey, Wang Bao, Ghurda, Naaran, Tenjin, Tursinai, and even the irregulars, my merry band of commoner convicts, garnered themselves a small mention, but the most surprising name on the list is Siyars. The quiet, solitary killer apparently Condensed his Aura to fight off a lone Demon wreaking havoc amongst the Imperial lines and not only held out until reinforcements arrived, he even did what he does best and cut his foes throat from ear to ear. Though he almost died in the process, reinforcements arrived in the nick of time to snatch his ass out of the Ichor and save the rest of Hongjis beleaguered force, reinforcements led by none other than Zian himself. Almost as an afterthought, Hongji closes out his list with, And Lu Jia Zian, who has more than fulfilled the requirements of his provisional rank by single-handedly killing two Demons and assisting in the deaths of five more, an exemplary young hero and model of Imperial nobility we all should strive to emulate.

Even though Zians appearance there was planned, it sounds like it was a close thing with so many Demons taking to the field. Hongjis forces held though, and as happy as I am for everyone, I cant help but feel like Im being left behind, though I disguise my despondent mood as concern for the dead. Of course, this makes me feel even worse since I should mourn the dead properly, especially considering the fact that Hongjis list only holds the names of those he deemed important. Who knows how many others died? Fifty-thousand soldiers were stationed in Sinuji, but many would have fallen in the days leading up to the withdrawal, and many more during the withdrawal itself. It sounds like the fighting was bloody, and I hate myself for not being able to help, so the next few hours are spent wallowing in self-pity and worrying for the future.

Which is how Lin-Lin finds me later on that morning, curled up in a floof pile in the middle of my courtyard. Shrieking in delight as she throws herself atop me, my sweet, honey-skinned wifey wiggles her way past Banjo and Aurie to slip into my embrace. Hi hubby, she says, after a long, wet kiss on the cheek. Welcome back.

And thats it. There are no burning questions she has to ask or concerns she wants addressed, because shes just happy Im awake again and basking in my company. I envy Lin-Lins outlook on life, so happy and carefree because she focuses on the good and doesnt let the bad bring her down. Shes probably just as worried about Mila, Yan, and the others as I am, but she doesnt let that affect her happiness in this moment, or any other moment. Some might think her simple, but nothing could be farther from the truth, because she is cognizant of all the same problems Ive identified and stress over, but to her, those problems simply exist without affecting her in negative ways. She prepares for worst case scenarios without letting doom or gloom intrude upon her happy mindset, and that is something I wish I could do.

Sensing my inner turmoil, Lin-Lin flashes a mocking frown which is so at odds with her dignified crown of braids and elegant, lady-like appearance. Breaking into a familiar grin, she scritches Ping Pings head and says, Silly hubby. Youve been awake for a few hours and youve already twisted yourself into knots.

I cant help it. Its in my nature.

Giggling as Banjo rests his chin atop her head, Lin-Lin slips out from under the bear and reverses their positions, propping her head atop his big bear snout before taking my hand in hers. Well, you should change, hubby. Whatever will be, will be, but well face it together. Poking me in the cheek, she flutters her lashes and peers out at me from behind her large, lovely eyes, sitting atop her plump, rounded cheekbones which I do so love to kiss. Now, why dont we have breakfast, ya? Even if youre gonna worry, you shouldnt do it on an empty stomach, and I need to eat before I leave to help daddy at the grove. Packed lunches just arent as yummy, and I cant keep bothering Char-Char everyday for lunch.

...Im sure he doesnt mind, but howd you know I skipped breakfast?

Hehe. Luo-Luo told me. Coming to her feet with remarkable ease, Lin-Lin pulls at my arm and fails to heft me up beside her. Not just because Im laying here like a sack of potatoes, but also because Baloo is fast asleep and snoring, though Ping Ping heard the word breakfast and is already scampering around my wifeys ankles, no doubt eager for scraps. Unable to refuse either of their pleading gazes, I gently shift out from under Baloos bulk and make my way over to the kitchen with Lin-Lin on my arm and my floofs at my heels. Shes right about taking things as they come, as she usually is, but its not easy to keep my neuroses in check. Out of curiosity, I ask, Ive been thinking about Core Creation, and how no one really understands it because its really an all or nothing experience. Either you find Balance and Create a Core, or you dont. Was it like that for you? Or were you more like Yan, and had trouble for a few years until it just... magically made sense.

I dunno, Lin-Lin replies, without even stopping to think. I was too young and dont remember. Daddy says I was four when it happened, but he also says thats when I started walking and talking too, so I think thats just the age he gives when he doesnt remember the truth.

Yea, that sounds like something Taddy would do. He probably celebrated her first step as much as he celebrated her ten-thousandth, not because he wasnt excited for her first step, but because he gushes over everything she does with the same level of enthusiasm. Honestly, I dont know how he does it, but I admire that about him, and I admire Lin-Lin more for not being a spoiled princess, because with a father like Taduk, that must have been supremely difficult.

Spending time with Lin-Lin is good for the soul as we eat, feed the floofs, and generally enjoy one anothers company. All the while, word from the front continues to trickle in, which leaves me with mixed feelings. BoShui also performed admirably on the battlefield, albeit in a different clash some hundred and fifty kilometres north of Sinuji, while Ryo Dain, the Isshin brothers, and Gulong all accomplished something to stand out, but the news is pretty much all downhill from there. The bulk of the Imperial forces stationed on the front lines were able to make it back to the second line of defences, but the casualties were not light. A preliminary report which I should not have had access to puts the casualties at somewhere north of twenty percent, meaning one in five soldiers stationed on the front lines didnt make it back to the second line. While we killed an absurd amount of Defiled and Chosen in the process, as I pointed out before, Zhen Shi has more than enough to spare, and most of the attacking Demons escaped alive, including one exceedingly dangerous Demon Hongji dubbed the Dark Child. An Esoteric Blessed monster responsible for killing eight Peak Experts and many more Demon Slayers, it even grievously injured Exarches Bralton and Erien in a hard fought battle which lasted hours. Luckily, the formidable husband and wife pair held on long enough for reinforcements to arrive and are expected to make a full recovery, but that was only a single dangerous Demon, and almost half the Demons who assaulted Hongjis forces escaped with their lives. To make matters worse, who knows how many more powerful Demons Zhen Shi has waiting in the wings?

There are no Spectres needed to bring down my mood, because the bleak reality of the situation is enough to do that on its own. The Empire might be celebrating a successful withdrawal, but all I see is the impending downfall of civilization and a future in which humanity is ruled by a crazed, seemingly immortal monster in human flesh, one who sees survival of the fittest as his religion.

And like he said, if I am fates champion set to oppose him, then Zhen Shi has all but won.

Chapter Meme

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