Savage Divinity - Chapter 811

Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:46:53 AM

Chapter 811

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Chapter 811

Spiritual Steel collided with Plated Domain, and this Sovereign could do naught but brace as the impact sent him hurtling through the air once more.

Righting himself over a hundred metres away from where he began, this Sovereign Healed his cracked teeth and lamented the waste, for these injuries were not from the force of the blow itself, but of his own doing as he clenched his jaws in an effort to stymie his rage and indignation. The Razors Edge must be maintained at all times, lest a single mis-step send him plummeting into a pit of calamity and catastrophe, but holding fast to True Balance was easier said than done. The Heavens conspired against him, sought to ruin him in his hour of triumph with trials and tribulations aplenty, for they feared what he now represented. The first nascent immortal in all history, one with wisdom enough to appropriate the Energy of Creation and Destruction for himself and all the time in the world to slowly comprehend it. A threat the Heavens could not ignore, for this Sovereign possessed potential enough to soon overthrow them.

Hence the Heavens efforts to ruin this Sovereign time and time again. How else to explain all these setbacks and failures? This Sovereign spent centuries setting up his pieces so that he could overturn the board in one, swift motion, yet a single confluence of chance and calamity rendered all his efforts for naught. Though his efforts to subvert the leaders of the South failed due to their primitive veneration of Spiritual Beasts, North, West, and Central should have fallen to his schemes, and would have if not for the timely emergence of an Elemental Spirit of Water. Falling Rain would have succumbed to his innermost desires and become a puppet for this Sovereign to claim, with Sanshu and the North alongside him. Without the North to support them, South would have refused to come to Centrals aid and both provinces would have soon fallen to this Sovereigns armies, and then his true war against the Emperor could finally begin.

The loss of a single pawn, seemingly inconsequential at the time, yet one which proved most pivotal in the end, for this single, inconceivable and unforeseeable event set into motion the beginnings of this Sovereigns defeat.

No, not a defeat, merely a new obstacle in his Path, one he would eventually overcome in time. Even this latest turn of events was merely a setback, a stumbling block upon his Path to True Divinity. An error of judgement made in the heat of the moment, bestowing Insight upon his Chosen and Defiled in so open and obvious a manner, for in doing so, this Sovereign gave Falling Rain the knowledge needed to replicate that same feat. The boy himself had been a threat, but not an immediate one until he sacrificed half his formidable soul to bestow Insight upon his allies, a deed he only knew was possible because this Sovereign demonstrated it beforehand using Spectres in place of his own soul. Was this perhaps fate then, a cosmic balancing of the scales in response to this Sovereigns manipulation and exploitation of natural law, or merely Falling Rain demonstrating his uncanny and unconventional genius once more? Difficult to say, but this was not the time or place for such philosophical musings, for Akanai of the Bekhai was a most formidable foe to be reckoned with now that shed Ascended to Divinity.

The next attack arrived without warning yet again, and again, this Sovereign could only grit his teeth and bear it. Although her Ascension could only be considered flawed and mediocre at best, her attainments made in the throes of Insight were nigh unmatched, for now she possessed a Weapon Intent that even this Sovereign had no name for. A powerful tool in the hands of a preeminent Warrior, and it frustrated him to no end to see her grasp its essence so easily. This was a higher-order Energy that surpassed the power of Creation and Destruction both, a convergence of forces in perfect harmony colluding to create something far greater than the sum of its parts. Simple in theory, but infinitely complex in practice, for there were limitless combinations of forces that could be put together in an incalculable number of ways, but only a fraction of a fraction of those complex constructs would ever prove to be of any use, and Akanai of the Bekhai now wielded a nameless Intent many times more powerful than the boys Sword Intent.

For she was no beardless boy of two decades, but a Warrior standing at the Peak of the Martial Path with centuries of experience behind her, which made her more of an immediate threat than even ten Falling Rains.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

To make matters worse, not only was her Weapon Intent comparable and even arguably superior to the Death Energy this Sovereign stumbled across in his studies, he had yet to even master this power himself. Against his foe, he felt like a man wielding a sharp stone or hefty stick, something he picked up and used against his foes without any real understanding of combat, but his opponent here today hath forged a weapon capable of killing him with ease. For his current purpose however, it was enough to use his Death Energy to negate Akanais Weapon Intent, but where her power stemmed from a lifetime of war and conflict with weapon in hand, this Sovereigns Death Energy was secured through alternative means. Rather than derive it himself using the Energy of the Heavens as a base, this Sovereign merely scavenged Death Energy from the bodies of the dead, wherein those corpses were broken down and processed by the few Transcendents he still had left with him. Thus, his Death Energy was finite while Akanais Weapon Intent was born of her body, mind, and soul itself, meaning her comprehension and therefore her strength was increasing with each and every strike.

So if this stalemate should continue with this Sovereign only able to defend, then his defeat was only a matter of time.

Another blow landed, and again, this Sovereign defended himself as best he could, but he knew that the moment he recovered his footing, Akanai would attack once again and leave him no chance to react. As if bearing Weapon Intent was not enough, the damnable woman was also too fast to be tracked by eyesight, but he sensed her movements all the same. Balance on Windy Leaf merged with Pierce the Horizon to move faster than the speed of sound itself, a simple concept brought to new extremes by the sheer power of Will. The burden of weight and pressure the woman must endure in order to deliver such a strike was mind-boggling to even fathom, yet she endured them all the same without blinking an eye. Not entirely through resilience of body but largely ingenuity of mind. Domain Deflection and Resonation to shunt and dampen the weight of resistance placed upon her, as well as a copious application of Honing to cut through the invisible barriers of the air itself, and those were merely the mechanisms which this Sovereign could perceive. There were many more forces at work here, the mysteries of the Heavens unravelling within Akanais mind to help her make sense of her lifetime of accumulation, all thanks to the noble sacrifice of Falling Rain.

Most aggravating, the boys ability to render his soul palatable for all to partake and open up a channel to the Heavens Above, a skill this Sovereign yearned to claim for his own. Though capable of utilizing Spectres in a similar manner, the difference was as staggering as night and day. It was a matter of Intent, or rather the lack thereof. The Spectres demanded surrender in order to do their work, but those discarnate entities of discarded emotions were incapable of working together as one, while even the weakest-willed mortal would struggle once they realized their eternal souls stood upon the precipice of oblivion. Thus, there could be no united Intent with the Spectres in control, and no true surrender from any suitable host, but Falling Rain side-stepped these challenges with compassion and self-sacrifice, as well as a helping hand from his Imperial Servants sublime mastery of the Dao of Music.

So many elements coming together to deny this Sovereign his victory, it was almost enough to drive a lesser man into a mindless rage

The boy knew not what he was giving up, that was the only reasonable answer available, else how could he so willingly risk his eternal soul so haphazardly? Though capable of growth and restoration, a soul was not without limit, and Falling Rain had extinguished the better part of half his divided soul, and even this Sovereign was uncertain if there would be long term repercussions from this act. That being said, the results spoke for themselves, for a single infinitesimal fraction of Falling Rains soul was all it took to raise Akanai to a false Divinity, a barbaric Half-Beast burdened by bestial instincts who only knew how to view the Dao from the perspective of a ruffian and hooligan. In contrast, this Sovereign had yet to even hear of a single instance in which Spectres drove their host to Ascension, for even Monk Vyakhya had surrendered by choice, which was no true submission. Admittedly, Akanai was an exemplary Martial Warrior, and her success largely hinged upon her own developments, for not every beneficiary of Falling Rains Natal Souls Ascended in turn. Even the formidable Gongsun Qi was unable to Ascend when presented with the same benefits, though his achievement of generating an Elemental Blessing had been considered a rousing success in this Sovereigns earliest experiments.

Yes, yes, the fault lay not with this Sovereign himself, but his limited pool of lacklustre test subjects, meaning Falling Rains successes were not all his own. Most beneficiaries of his efforts here in Shi Bei squandered the opportunity presented to them in order to merely Develop a Domain, truly casting pearls before swine, and it infuriated this Sovereign to imagine the heights he could reach in their place. To think, hed come so close to securing so vast a quantity of the boys soul only to be thwarted by his inexplicable armoury of powerful Dharmic Icons, more proof of the Heavens working against this Sovereigns interests.

A wisp of warning flashed through this Sovereigns mind even as his body moved aside, the flashing sword glancing off his Plated Domain which saved him from certain death. Yet another newly Ascended False Divinity to deal with, most irksome indeed, but though Jeong Hyo-Lynn was recognized as the Sword Saint of Central and a formidable warrior indeed, her understanding of the Dao paled in comparison to Akanais. How laughable, for the so-called Sword Saint to be lacking Sword Intent, and this Sovereign could hardly conceal his disdain as he backhanded her across the face instead of dodging her next attack. Wracked with Death Energy and without any defense against it, the newly Ascended Sword Saints sword glanced off this Sovereigns defenses even as she plummeted from the skies and crashed into the sands below, where she was set upon by the Ancestral Badger Shih Yang.

Putting the fallen Saint out of mind, this Sovereign readied to meet Akanais blow once more, but the formidable woman had used this moment of distraction to Conceal herself from his senses. Frantic to find her before she struck again, he extended his Domain out in all directions, only to choke back a snarl of fury and disbelief as Akanai drove her weapon through Shih Yangs chest as she readied to deal the killing blow to a defenseless Sword Saint. How regrettable a loss, and just like that, this Sovereign lost yet another Divinity, a powerful ally whod been with him almost as long as his first Disciple Mataram YuKon, who was currently embroiled in a bitter exchange against the Ancestral Monkey. The Bristleboar Divinity still stood strong, fighting off the Ancestral Bear and Tiger both, but while he was in no danger of death, his married foes were similarly safe from harm as neither side possessed strength enough to deal a killing blow. The recently Ascended Nian Zu raised spirits aplenty as he crashed into a Defiled Divinity, one so beholden to the Spectres that the madman hardly even noticed when this Sovereign took control. The Bulwark of the North was a Warrior of considerable experience however, a man who was infinitely close to unravelling yet another Intent as he hammered at his foe, and the former Defiled Chieftain was fast losing courage and determination both, ready to flee at the first chance in spite of this Sovereigns commands.

And then the Stag Divinity died, rent apart by the Old Wolf in a display of ferocity unmatched as he revealed his mastery of Claw and Fang Intent for all Shi Bei to see. Setting his sights upon the Mammoth Divinity, the Old Wolf set to bloody work once more, and this Sovereign could only grudgingly admit that his ally was not long for this world, and this battle all but lost. Before today, there was not a single individual in all the outer provinces capable of wielding an Intent, but now there were three here in Shi Bei. If this was not proof enough of the Heavens conspiring against him, then there was no convincing argument to be made.

The tides of war shifted far too quickly for this Sovereigns tastes, with his chances of victory fast approaching nil. A battle between Divinities could last for days, weeks, or even months if the participants were enthused enough, but such a stalemate required both sides be evenly matched. With two Divinities in possession of formidable Intents on the battlefield, it was akin to giving Martial Warriors Spiritual Weapons to wield, and this Sovereigns allies lacked the means to defend themselves. It was always easier to kill than defend, and the balance of power had long since tipped over towards the defenders of Shi Bei. Though his army might still overwhelm the mortal defenders and slaughter them to the last, there was no benefit to be gained from occupying Shi Bei, and this Sovereign had no plans to do so even if it were otherwise. No, it was long past time to withdraw, for his allied Divinities would not hold for long once they realized they could not stand against the Old Wolf and Akanai both, so it was best if this Sovereign departed ahead of the panicked crowd.

Every failure and setback could be laid at the feet of Falling Rain, and this Sovereigns rage knew no bounds as he eyed the damnable youth one last time. What he saw stopped his feet in place, for the boys Life Energy was all but spent during his mass sacrifice of Natal Souls, and now what remained was no longer able to contain the Death Energy this Sovereign inflicted upon him. A mistake then, fleeing from their battle in the Void so quickly, for the boy would have succumbed in time, but how was this Sovereign to know it? A lack of comprehension is what caused this misstep, for if he had a better grasp of Death Energy, he would have sensed the boys ailing plight much sooner. A most frustrating missed opportunity, but this Sovereign had only recently uncovered the existence of Death Energy in the last half-century, an unexpected discovery made during his collaboration with the Bristleboar Divinity, and he had yet to unravel the secrets behind its application. Prior to this, hed been working on comprehending the mysteries of Elemental Blessings with little to no success, which was why he kept all his Blessed Transcendents while sacrificing the rest. Gens Blessing of Earths Fire, the Abominations Blessing of Water, The Confessors Blessing of Blood, these were but a handful of the vital Transcendents he kept for future study, and if given the chance, he would bring Mao Jianghong away with him today in order to study the former Guard Captains Blessing of Ice.

Yet this Sovereign would happily sacrifice all his remaining Transcendents, Ascended or otherwise, if it meant he could capture Falling Rain, for the boy represented a wealth of knowledge that far superseded what the others might offer. Now was the perfect chance to act, to take this prize and flee. The Death Energy afflicting him was easily removed, and then this Sovereign would have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Once again, his body moved before he even finished weighing his options, and by then, this Sovereign was fully committed to the act, but as he appeared Concealed before his prize on the battlements of Shi Bei, Falling Rain erupted with an outburst of Life Energy originating from the unseen Ancestral Hare supporting him from behind.

Not the Cloud Divinity wreaking havoc upon this Sovereigns allies with his Blessing of Airs Water, but his so-called daughter, a diminutive child who had no right comprehending a power so ineffable while still in her formative years.

Or perhaps her youth was the reason why she could grasp Life Energy so readily. Less than two decades ago, this girl would have been an ancient and powerful Spiritual Beast, one in close harmony with the Heavens above and unrestricted by its Wrath. Why? Because beasts were slaves to their instincts and unable to act against them, which made them formidable in theory, but laughably weak in practice. A group of coordinated Martial Warriors need not even be Peak Experts to bring down the most powerful of Spiritual Beasts through tricks and deceptions, so whatever secrets lay hidden behind their existence were hardly worth this Sovereigns attention. Even the so-called Divine Turtle beside the boy was merely a sham, for there was nothing Divine about it except its rebirth into a smaller, more compact, and more vulnerable form.

Why? I have so much going for me, so much love and good cheer in my life, yet still I persist in seeking death. I said earlier how I once dreamed of going a few days without dying, but to be honest, I never put much effort into staying alive. I couldve just stopped going for walks through the forest and found a secluded corner in the village to hide in instead, but nope. Couldve refused to join the Sentinels, refused to take part in the Contests, refused the rank of Warrant Officer, refused the office of Legate, done a lot of things to make my life much safer than it currently is, but I didnt. No, every time I saw a chance for death, I ran headlong towards it, not necessarily because I yearned to die, but because if anyone had to die, it might as well be me.

Ive done this all before. I have lived, laughed, and loved for an entire lifetime, albeit one I cannot entirely remember, so better I die than someone else who has yet to see their own life through to conclusion. I suppose you could argue that were all on our umpteenth reincarnation, but how many other people remember so much of their last life? None by my count, which means in terms of lives experienced, Im number one under Heaven with a score of like one point two-five. Whats more, I never did figure out if I awoke to my past lifes memories or if my soul was shunted into some poor kids body and took over without knowing it. The fact that I dont remember shit about my parents has me leaning towards the latter, but the fact that it hurts so much every time I think about my birth mother is a good argument for the former.

Thats one part of the equation, my unfounded survivors guilt regarding my unique circumstances, but theres more to my death-seeking tendencies than just that. My life is great. Right now. Which means I have the rest of my life to screw it all up. Knowing me, failure is inevitable, even if I wasnt hiding the fact that I have memories of a past life. Maybe my wives and family would forgive me for keeping my secrets, but how long until the honeymoon period fades? How long do I have before Lin-Lin discovers that I am not, in fact, the best? How long before she grows frustrated and upset about the fact that she has to share me with four other wives? This goes for Yan, Mila, and Luo-Luo too, as well as Song if I ever convince her to marry me, which if I truly loved her, I wouldnt do. I dream of being the best husband I can be, but Ive already failed by marrying four women. Dont get me wrong, I love them all dearly, even Luo-Luo who Im still getting to know, but how can I be a good husband when I am unfaithful to my wife? Sure, they all knew what they were getting into when they married me, but they were twenty when we said our vows. What the fuck does a twenty-year-old kid know?

About as much as Jon Snow. Nothing, because the truth is I dont deserve a single one of them, and there will come a day when they realize it too, which I fear will be the day they leave me.

Then theres my other dreams, which will invariably one day end in failure too. Grandpa Du only has a few years left before he passes away, and mom and Naaran will follow soon after. Dad is fifty-fifty, because hell either throw himself into battle to forget the pain of moms death, or fall into a pit of despair which no one can lift him out of. Then theres Charok and Gerel, who will probably go before I do, unless of course the aforementioned humans all Ascend to Divinity. A tall order that, even with me supporting from behind, because its not just a matter of Insight and dedication. You need more, like experience and other stuff, else youre destined to fail no matter how much soul and Heavenly Energy we pump into the equation. How I know this, Im not entirely sure, but theres no quick and easy Path to Divinity, even with a Natal Soul to help guide you.

At least the floofs will most certainly out-live me, a blessing from Heaven I cannot thank enough. I dont think I have it in me to bury a floof, but Im sure theyll be fine without me.

All of which paints a grim picture of my life, one which will likely end with me dying alone and unloved. I have a great life, but that also means I have so much to lose, and I know I will screw it up eventually. So knowing this, wouldnt it be better to go out on top of the world? The Legate who saved the Empire, not the worst legacy to leave behind. My wives will all be free of me, free to find someone who will love them and treat them right, and my friends and family can remember me at my best, rather than see me suffer through my worst.

Dying doesnt scare me. Losing the people I love? Losing their respect, their friendship, their affection? That terrifies me to no end, which is why I love floofs so much. An animals love, once given freely, is unconditional to the end, meaning I never have to worry about them leaving me because Im a worthless loser unworthy of love, one who has allowed fear to control me for as long as I can remember.

Thats the logic at least, and it made sense in my mind a few seconds ago when I decided to sacrifice my life to either turn the tides of battle or buy time enough for my loved ones to retreat, but now not so much. I figured my death would hurt my loved ones, but theyd get over it in time, right? What I didnt count on was Lin-Lin coming to my rescue, and more to the point, succeeding. She knew what I intended to do, put the pieces together with little more than a glance, and she was furious in a way Ive never seen her, because even though shes always said Im the best, I never knew just how much she meant it until now.

Because she loves me more than anything, more than climbing tall trees and soaring through the skies like a Cloud-Stepping Peak Expert, more than quin riding and rabbit training combined. She loves me more than eating sweets or dumplings, and even more than sleeping in, which for Lin-Lin is saying something. She loves me so much, Im beginning to think that shes right and that she does love me most of all, because she wouldnt change a single thing about me, perverted idiocy and all.

And most of all? She saw how hurt and tired I am, how scared and exhausted my scars have left me, how jaded Ive grown and how ugly my outlook on life has become, and she didnt recoil or look away. Even though she was furious with what Id tried to do and didnt understand why I would do it, she was nothing but loving and supportive till the end, telling me that even if I didnt want to live, I had no choice but to, because Im her hubby and she refuses to be left behind.

So there it is. My purpose in life now. If she loves me that much, then maybe its worth it to keep on keeping on after all. I still think itll all end in misery and anguish, because thats the most likely outcome, but I owe it to everyone and to myself to at least give it a try, right? Going out in a blaze of glory sounds fine and dandy in theory, but I bet if you asked the loved ones of any hero who gave their life for a cause, theyd tell you that theyd do anything to have their hero back with them again.

A mountain of doubt and misery press down upon me, warning me of my mistake. No good will come of this. Better to quit while Im ahead. Ill fuck it up. Theres no doubt of that. Itll happen, and it will hurt like nothing ever before. Even if I dont, Ill still lose so many people I love, assuming they survive past tonight, because things werent looking great just before I passed out, and how much of an effect could I really have made? Wouldnt nihility and oblivion be so much better? No existence, no thoughts, no doubts, no anxieties, just nothing for the nobody that I would soon become. All valid arguments, and honestly that last bit doesnt sound half bad. I was never one to believe in Heaven or reincarnation anyways, not until I ended up in this world, and for a good portion of time, I kinda wished it never happened. I have so much to lose, I really would rather die than watch it all inevitably go to shit.

But Lin-Lin wants her hubby back, and Ive never been one to deny her anything, plus I cant in good conscience cause my loved ones so much pain just to avoid a little suffering of my own.

So theres nothing left to it. Doesnt matter how down and depressed I am. Theres a war to be won, so man up and get out there. Doing what I do best, I take a deep breath and shove all those dark and unhappy thoughts inside me, because an emotion ignored is no longer my problem, but future mes problem, and I still hate that guy. Dread and anxiety twist my stomach into knots, but I wrench my eyes open to get it over quickly. Rather than the bloody battlefield of Shi Bei however, I find myself staring at sand in all directions while the world zips by underneath me. Theres an arm wrapped around my waist, and though the familiar and unsettling robes give the owners identity away, Im still taken aback when I raise my head and meet Zhen Shis eyes.

Oh wow. How can I pass up this perfect opportunity?

I dont know you! I screech, and his surprise is most wonderful to behold as I give him my best Bobby Hill and slam my fist into his groin, and my smile stretches to match the agony etched across Zhen Shis boring, bald face.

Honestly? The memes almost make all this suffering worth it, so my wives, family, friends, and floofs should be enough to tip the scales in favour of more life and more suffering, right?

For though life is suffering, theres more to it than that, and I would be doing everyone I love a disservice by giving up without first giving it my all.

Chapter Meme 1

Chapter Meme 2

Chapter Meme 3

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