Published at 31st of July 2021 12:28:38 PM

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 You can make money with your feet.


We were back in the super-advanced classroom with the legacy we got. At the end of the day, we had planned to get out of the dungeon.

“Wow, we ’re back. Thank you for your work.”

Lisa said words of appreciation, searched the shelves in the room, took out a bottle of water and gives it to us.

“You probably are exhausted, take a good rest.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Especially Sophia, she must be exhausted from her first dungeon exploration, and I think it’s good to lie down on that couch.”

Lisa said as she points to the fluffy sofa at the end of the room, but Sofia gently shook her head.

“Thank you, Lisa … chan, but I knew how the dungeon was like when I read the guidebook. Today, I was almost always following Chrono san. Was it okay Chrono san?”

“Oh, oh, I’m fine. I didn’t feel my life was in danger as much as the first Demon King’s dungeon.”

The first Demon King’s dungeon was a rather dangerous dungeon that could kill you just for by stepping into the passage and a spear pierced at you.

Considering that, the second-generation Demon King’s dungeon was still not dangerous.

“Oh, is that so? So, you didn’t feel threatened?”

Sofia has sweat on her cheeks; I think it’s hard to do it for the first time. This time Liza has recovery medicine on hand, but the anxiety remains.

“In the first place, I haven’t gone 20% of the total range you could dive, Liza-san.”

“Yes, that’s right. There are reports that the second Demon King’s dungeon has twelve levels. We only dive two levels and only a few rooms, so it’s less than 20%.”

It is considerably wider than the first Demon King’s dungeon. If such a place becomes the place of the first experience of the Demon King’s dungeon, it will be difficult.

“Even so, we found a legacy in the morning in a short time – ‘Contract Seal stone’, so it’s amazing, isn’t it? It’s more important than the range of activity.”

“Achievements … isn’t it, but that doesn’t mean we can undo the slave contract?”

“Well, it’s a tool that can be used to make a new slave contract if you use it, but you can’t cancel it … it doesn’t know if it has any other special abilities, I want to appraise it.”

As soon as I put a stone in the appraisal device, the result returned.

[Product Name: Contract Seal stone of the Second Demon Lord. Special Ability: Control Enhancement / Division / Monster-Type Control Type: Equipment Tool Assessment: 5 million Gold.]

“It’s pretty expensive …”

“Yeah, it’s a valuable item that’s worth it. So, it’s amazing how Chrono finds it. Will you sell it?

“No, it has a lot of uses, so I’ll keep it.”

I immediately decided. To tell the truth, I had thought about it from the time I got this until I came back. If I learn how to use this, I can gain more knowledge about slave contracts and control. I’m not sure if I understand the value of this, but I’m sure it’s an interesting tool with a lot of uses.

Later, after examining various things in the material room, I think I’ll try to use it. So, I wouldn’t sell it right now.

“Okay. Well then, this is the end of the appraisal – yes, this is a gift for you both.”

Liza handed me a bag made of cloth. I took my eyes off the paper from the appraisal device. There was a wad of money inside.

“Eh … what is this? I don’t sell this stone.”

“Oh, that’s not it. This is a dungeon mapping fee. You entered a room we’ve never been in, right?”

“Yes, well.”

“That information is important and valuable. “Information is money”, so the first people are rewarded in this way, so yes. Sophia also, please do not hesitate to receive it.”

Liza gave Sofia a similar bag.

“Wow, is it okay for me to receive it?”

“Don’t worry about it because it’s the right thing to do. Sophia is one of the discoverers.”

Even if you enter the dungeon for the first time, there seems to be a mechanism that grants you some reward.

It’s pretty good to pay for a group called Dominators.
When I was looking inside the cloth bag while thinking about such a thing, there was something unexpected.
“Speaking of entering a room the first… we didn’t meet the senior who entered before us.”

The person who broke through that many monsters without disturbing them. I was a little worried about what kind of hero he was. Rather, I was a little excited to see seniors other than Liza.

“Well, the second dungeon is so big. It’s possible not to encounter each other. Well, she’ll be back in the afternoon, and I’ll introduce her to you at that time.”

“Yes, please do that”

“That’s what I’m asked for. Well then, let’s go for lunch first.”

Sure, it’s already lunchtime.

“I’m hungry walking in the dungeon and it’s a good time to eat.”

“Yes, I am hungry.”

“Well, I’ll treat two people with a hearty appetite.”

Liza said and started walking in the direction where there was a passage connecting this room and the reception.

However, she did not enter the passage but struck the door next to it.

“Well, wouldn’t we go out of here and eat in the castle cafeteria?”

“Nah, it’s too much trouble to go back. There are cafeterias where only the Dominators can enter.”

“Hey, is there such a thing?”

“It’s quite an interesting place. Now, I’ll show you around, so follow me.”

Liza opened the door and went inside. Although it was slightly dark, and I couldn’t see what happened inside.

“Well, let’s go, Chrono san.”


Together with Sofia, who shows the color of tension, I decided to go for lunch at a cafeteria dedicated to the super-advanced class.

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