Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:23:52 AM

Chapter 252: - Episode 250 After the Banquet

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The banquet with the spirit kings was also a success? It ended at ....... It was good that the spirit kings were amused enough to take a group photo with their smart phones, but the subsequent banquet consumed more barrels of sake than expected. Three of the spirit kings and the great spirits drinking with a clinking sound. I joined them in the middle of the party, and I accidentally added more kegs of sake, which was the cause of my defeat.

I remember that I managed to stay conscious until about halfway through the party, and I sent Belle, Fuchu, Gina, and the others back to their rooms. But from then on, I don't remember anything at all. When I woke up on the living room floor, it was already light outside. I had a headache and nausea.

I pulled Vita out of the group of drinkers who were still drinking and asked her to help me feel better. I think this is the first time that Vita has cast a spell on me.

However, Moon may be a better remedy for a hangover. Vita's magic makes me feel so well that I feel refreshed in an instant. Moon's treatment makes me feel the process of getting better, and the feeling that I am getting rid of alcohol becomes my habit.

Thanks to Vita, my hangover is completely cured, and I look around the living room in a refreshed mood. All the spirit kings are drinking. Except for Wind, Fire, and Dark, who seemed to be particularly fond of alcohol, they all drink alcohol. But it's not good for them.

"It's almost morning, the party is over. It would be bad for their education if the party is still going on when the children come downstairs.

When I announce that the party is over, the group of drinkers make disgruntled noises. I'm afraid of their spirit to voice their dissatisfaction after drinking so much.

"Yuta! Can't we drink a little more?

"Yes. You can still drink more, sister.

"What? Sylphy, Dine, hey, what's going on?"

Sylphy and Dine, their faces bright red, come staggering toward us. Deene, however, is in trouble. Her eyes are glazed over and her mouth is agape as if she wants me to drink more. Clearly something is wrong.

"Calm down. Hey guys, something's wrong with Sylphy and Dine. What's going on?

"Gahaha, that's right, he drank that much while he was materializing. Of course he's going to get drunk. She's still a weakling. Gahaha."

"Yes, that's right. Still there! Ahahahahaha."

Nomos explained why. He said that when you materialize, you tend to get drunk more easily. Please tell me such an important thing before you drink. And IF. You're laughing too, but your tone is getting weird. You're totally drunk.

Dory's sitting ...... in a perfect position, but she's not moving a muscle. Is she sleeping? The sane ones are Nomos, Vita and the Spirit Kings. The kings of spirits are drinking their drinks as if to say that they are old enough. So the feast is over.

I'm getting impatient when Sylphy and Dine finally reach me and start shaking me.

"Yuta! Another barrel of red wine!

"Yoo-tachi-chan, you're my sister... You're a real gem!"

This is obviously not normal. How is this... What am I supposed to do?

"Hey, Nomos. The kids will be up soon. It's not good for them to see you like this. Besides, for Gina and the kids yesterday was the first time they've properly met Sylphy and the others. Is that right for the Great Spirit?

"Mwu...... surely it would be unbearable for a child to be exposed to such an abomination. It's no use, kings of spirits. So the feast is over.

Nomos moved to accept my persuasion. The king of spirits has stopped drinking, and I think we're going to be okay.

"Now, you guys get out of your bodies and go to bed.

Nomos approached Sylphy and Dine and put his hand on them, and they disappeared as if they had melted away. Perhaps they had reverted to their own attributes.

He hears a "unnya" and turns around to see that Dolly and If are gone too. Vita must have done something about it, since she was with them. But which one of them made that "unja" voice? I would have loved to have seen that moment, whether it was Dolly or If.

"Well, what about the spirit kings? I'm going to prepare breakfast, do you want some?"

"Hmm, no. We'll be back soon. We had a nice dinner and drinks. It was a good party. Thanks.

After thinking for a moment, Master Wind stood up and said he was leaving now. It looked like a stuffed animal standing up, perhaps because it was in the form of a mini-dragon. The other spirit kings stand up after Mr. Wind.

"I'm glad you had a good time. I'm sorry I got crushed in the middle and couldn't be of more help.

Haha, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I and everyone else had a great time. I'm going home. Let's have another party."

Master Wind opened the living room window and stepped out. The other spirit kings also said a word to me, then jumped out of the window and left. A big dragon appeared in the sky, so I guessed he was riding back on Master Wind like when he came.

But please don't leave with an honest request of desire on your way home. They want to have a banquet again, they want us to call them when the sweetness is improved, they want to eat more food, ...... they want to come back again...

The spirit kings aren't too scary and they were easy to deal with, so I don't feel stressed, but I'm a little nervous that they'll come visit us again so easily.

What about Nomos and Vita?

"Well, I'm going to distill."

I'm going to check on the animals.

He never sleeps. Well, he's an adult spirit, so he'll be fine.

"Okay. But there's a lot I need to know about the sanctuary, so can we have a little talk this afternoon? I'd like to have Sylphy and the others with me, but I don't know if that's possible if they're that drunk."

As Sylphy got drunk, there is a lot to know. There are other things we need to talk about, like the future of the sanctuary.

"No, I've been de-embodied, I'll be fine after a little rest. No problem."

Genie's handy, huh?

"Okay. Then we'll talk this afternoon. Tell Sylphy and the others."

"Mm. You sure you don't want me to help you clean up?"

"Oh, I'll just store it and use the cleaning magic.

I send Nomos and Vita off, and I put away the empty barrels that are lying around for the time being. One barrel, two barrels, three barrels......16 barrels, 17 barrels, 18 barrels.........I don't know how we managed to drink 18 barrels, even if there were twelve of us in the end. Add distilled spirits to that and you can be sure of acute alcohol intoxication if you were a human being.

It sent a little shiver down my spine. As I was putting the barrels away and purifying the room, Bell, Gina, and the others came downstairs. Gina and the others are holding Fuku-chan and the others in their arms and on their heads. We greeted each other in the morning and prepared breakfast for the meal.

Gina says, "Now that the base has become a sanctuary and the fuku-chan have materialized, please make sure that Gina and the fuku-chan communicate with each other well today.

After breakfast is over, he tells Gina and the others about his plans for the day. So far we have only been able to sense them by their presence, but if we can see them, touch them, and hear their voices, we will be able to get to know them better and discover new things about them.

I'm going to hang out with the Belles for the rest of the afternoon. I'm sure things will be a little different now that the Bells have materialized.

...... is what materialization looks like. The belles are running around the room in all directions, cackling and laughing. Rain and Moon seem to be more comfortable flying even if they materialize due to their body structure, but they seem to be really enjoying themselves, jumping around on the sofa and so on.

But I'm running around, worried that Belle and Flare might fall down at any moment. Tulu has a stable torso and Tamamo has four legs, so I can watch them with peace of mind. Belle and Flair are on the edge of their seats.



Bell comes running up to me and jumps on me vigorously. I rush to secure her so as not to drop her, but my heart is racing. My heart is racing. If I don't ask Sylphy and the others about materialization soon, I won't be able to keep my body.

I have no choice but to ride it out without injuring myself until I hear more details. Let's just keep them busy so much that they don't have time to get hurt.


"Then let's start talking."

After a harrowing but enjoyable playtime with Bell and his friends, we finish lunch and begin our discussion. I let Belle and Gina go off to play, so we can talk at our leisure.

But I wish they would have told us in the morning that the Bells can dismantle their materialization at any time so that they can easily avoid danger during their materialization, unless something really bad happens. It made me feel unnecessarily nervous.

"So, Nomos told me that you are fine, but are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, no problem. I guess I showed Yuta how pathetic I am."

"Sis, I'm so drunk. But it was a fun party.

I fell asleep. I'm so embarrassed."

I wasn't that drunk!

Each of the women responded as I checked on them. They look good, and everything seems to be fine.

Well, Sylphy's expression hasn't changed much, but she looks a little embarrassed. Deanne is smiling and looking into the distance, perhaps remembering the banquet.

Dolly has nothing to be embarrassed about at all. She was sitting up so nicely that at first I didn't even notice she was asleep. And if was so close to getting drunk. He was saying "madamara". That's a bad joke.

"Well, you know, I was surprised because I didn't know it was easy to get drunk after materialization, but I don't have any problem with it. But you drank too much yesterday, so be careful how much you drink."

Since everyone is the type of person who drinks as much as there is alcohol, it seems like a vain thing to say, but if you don't say anything, there is still a problem.

"Yuta, don't get me wrong. Even if you materialize, you don't normally get that drunk. It's just that I was a little drunk and then the spirits came out, so I was pacing myself wrong. It's true."

...... Sylphy says something unusually excusatory. Isn't he making excuses because his pride as a drinker is hurt more than his pride as a great spirit?

"Okay. But once the spirits have finished aging, you'll have more opportunities to drink, so pick up the pace early."

Yesterday was okay, but it would be unfashionable if the Great Spirit got drunk and stormed out. It's not funny that the sanctuary collapsed because of a drunk.

"Yes, I'm fine now. I won't make a mistake next time.

Sylphy responds with a serious look on her face. I guess the pride of a drunkard was hurt after all. Oh no. My mouth is itching. I'm going to get into bad habits.

"...... but wasn't drunk Sylphy cute last night? Yutta was like Belle."

I said that." Gahahahahaha!" Nomos's laughter echoed, and Sylphy's face started to twitch. I knew it was not a good idea to discuss this topic, right?

"...... Yuta. Forget it. Good. Forget it. Otherwise, you might accidentally drop something when you're flying."

Sylphy says in a quiet voice, her originally expressionless face changing into a masked, emotionless face. What do you mean you're going to drop something? You don't mean drop me, do you?

"Yeah, I forgot. I don't remember anything. I think I drank too much alcohol. Haha."

"Yuta. Was your sister pretty?"

Deanne, I just said I don't remember anything. You were right next to me. You heard me. Why are you asking me this at a time like this?

More than anything, I want to hear about the impact of the sanctuary, and you're not getting anywhere. Well, I'm the one who got off track.

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