Published at 4th of September 2023 04:45:18 AM

Chapter 106: One hundred six: He's been acting weird lately

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A few moments later, we all got out of the lift and walked towards Daniel's office. My heart started to beat faster as we approached Denise's table. She seemed surprised to see me, but what I didn't know was that I would be more surprised when I heard what she's going to say. 

"Ma'am Sophia, are you here to see Mr. Kelley?" She stood up giving me a warm smile. 

"Yes, I brought lunch for him and of course I also prepared something for you and Andrew----"


I stopped by her reactions. "Why? Is Andrew not here?"

"He's here, Ma'am Sophia, but the one who's not here is your husband."

"What? I thought he said he had a board meeting this morning until 11:00?"

"Yes, Ma'am, supposedly they had a board meeting today, but he cancelled it when Ms. Enriquez called him this morning about their ongoing project in----"

"Again? That woman again?"

My eyebrows knitted in confusion... or should I say in annoyance. "Why do I feel this woman is still trying her to steal my husband?" I blurted out without even thinking that shocked her and Ben who's just a few inches away from me. 

"He didn't even call me!"

I continued to babble and because of the resentment that builds up inside me, I didn't notice how they exchanged glances with each other. 

"What is it about this time? I thought Daniel had already given her the authority to manage the project? So why did she have to call him every time she's facing even a slight problem? Can't she handle it on her own?" I asked without anyone in particular. 

"Uhmm... Ma'am Sophia---" Denise tried to speak. 

"I know they were business partners... business partners!" I stressed it again. "But that doesn't mean they should always next to each other all the time! Forgodsake!"

"Do you want me to call him?" My head snapped towards Ben but I shook my head. 

"No, Ben, don't call him! And Denise, please don't inform him that I came here!"

"Let him call or inform where he is. He's my husband, isn't he? So it's his obligation to call his wife and tell her of his whereabouts!"

They all looked at me and nodded at the same time. 

"Yes, Ma'am."

"What about the food, Maam Sophia?" Ben raised the brown paper bag he was holding. 

"Give Denise what's for her and leave what's for Andrew as well. And the rest, take them with you."

I was about to go back to the elevator when I heard Denise call me behind. 

"Maybe he's just busy, Ma'am Sophia, so he forgot to inform you but I'm sure he will call you later."

"I hope so. Thank you, Denise." I shrugged giving her a forced smile. I also didn't wait for her response as I immediately turned around and rushed to the elevator. 

Ben and his two men followed me quickly after leaving the food for Denise and Andrew. 

I waited for his call until dawn and waite ford his message to inform me where he is, but I only waited for nothing. I know Craig has been watching me since I got back to the studio, but he was just waiting for me to open my dilemma. 

I tried to focus on my work and continued the report I was doing earlier before deciding to visit my husband and prepare his favorite meal, but sad to say he wasn't there. I kept on checking all the messages I have been receiving since this morning, hoping that one of them came from him. But I only felt disappointed to expect it. 


I heard Craig's voice and I glanced at him only to be surprised that he was now standing in the doorway. I didn't even notice how he entered the door. 

"Why don't you call him?"

I just blew an air, then I showed him a half-hearted smile that I didn't know where it came from. 

"Why would I do that?"

"To find out where he is." He shrugged, walking towards my direction but I stood up and walked over to the clear glass window near my table. 

"How did you know about it?" I asked him looking over my shoulder then back to the view outside.

"I asked Ben what happened."

I closed my eyes and spent a moment of silence. A few minutes later, I was the only one to break that silence. 

"I love him, Craig."

"I know that's why you should call him."

"But I don't know why he's been acting weird lately---"

I glanced at him when I noticed that he was holding a phone and dialling something on it. I had to look on it closely and it was only then that I realized that it wasn't his phone but mine. 

"W-What are you doing? Why is my phone with you?"

"I'm calling your husband's number because I know how much pride you have and I'm sure that you will wait until next year before calling him."

"Craig!" I tried to snatch it from him but he just swept my hand and continued what he's doing. 

"No! How would you know where he is if you don't try to call him?"

"He should be the one calling me and informing me where he is!"

"See? That's the point! That's why I won't give you this phone because I know you won't do it."

"I will do it!"

"No! I know you too well, Sophia!"

He didn't return it to me, no matter how I tried to ask him, so since I have no choice, I let him do what he wanted. It's not that I don't trust my husband, but it's Chloe that I don't trust. And I chose not to call him because I want him to personally inform me where he is. 

But one thing I noticed after a few minutes... Craig kept dialling his number. 

"What happened?"

"He's not answering!"

"What do you mean he's not answering---"

"Oh, goodness! He cancelled my call!"

"What? Try it again!"

And after a few tries... 

"He turned off his phone." He looked at me in shock. 

"But why would he do that?" I asked him and since I immediately turned my back on him I missed the way how he raised an eyebrow and a smirk curled up on his lips. 

"Maybe he's just currently in a meeting that's why he can't pick up the call."

"But why did he have to turn it off?" I also tried to call his number but he was right, Daniel's phone is already out of coverage. 

"Or maybe he's busy doing something so he has to turn it off. If you know what I mean---"

"What the hell are you talking about?" My head instantly snapped at him. I don't know, but I don't like the last sentence he muttered. It's a bit strange and gives my heart a sense of unease. 

"Hey, chill girl! I mean maybe he's busy giving instructions to his men or he is in the middle of a meeting with a client."

I didn't answer him, I just shook my head on my way back to my seat. But I think I have wolf ears as I still heard what he mumbled after, even though it was so low. 

"A personal client meeting, closed doors and only the two of them."

I closed my eyes, forming my fists. I'm not that kind of stupid not to understand what he meant. I know he only muttered them to himself, so despite the sting that it brought me, I chose to close my mouth and pretended I hadn't heard it. 

He was so lucky that he happened to be my best friend because otherwise I would have probably chopped his head and thrown it out the window. 

Well, that's what I thought, but little did I know that he purposely mumbled those words for me to hear them clearly because he has a secret...he's hiding something from me.

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