Published at 4th of September 2023 04:48:10 AM

Chapter 49: forty-nine: He's sick

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I woke up the following morning with something heavy on my waist. I smiled as I remembered my dream last night. 

But that smile immediately turned into a frown when I realized that I'm awake now and I still feel his arm around me. 

"Shh... don't move." I heard a faint voice next to me. 

-'Did I hear Daniel's voice?'- I slowly opened my eyes only to be surprised when I saw Daniel lying beside me with one of his arms wrapped around me and not Teddy bear's arm. 

"What the hell, Daniel!"

I screamed, jolting in bed and glared at his sleeping figure. 


But he didn't budge and just formed his body like a fetus. And when I removed his hand, that's when I noticed that his skin was hot. I frowned and touched his forehead only to find that his temperature was not normal. 

"Forgodsake, you're so hot!" I said shocked and got up immediately from bed. 

His eyes were still closed but I didn't miss when his lips curled up into a smirk. 

"I know sweetheart, I know."

I gritted my teeth when I realized what I said that made him smile. 

"Argh! You still can be a jerk even when you're sick? Unbelievable!"

"What do you mean---ahh!"

I didn't finish my question when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to his side. His arm instantly wrapped around my waist. 

"Daniel, what are you doing?" I asked struggling but he's too strong that I couldn't move even my hands. 

"Just stay here for a while." and he pulled me closer to his c.h.e.s.t. 

"But you're hot!"

He chuckled. "I told you I already know that, sweetheart, but anyway thank you for telling me."

"Forgodsake, that's not what I mean! You're sick and you need to take medicine!"

"No, I don't need any medicine, I just need you here beside me so don't move and stay here."

"But Daniel..."

-'Oh, my God!'- shock and Panic hit me when I heard him groan again. And because of that, I didn't think twice to put my arm around his waist and hugged him closer to me. 

"Stay here, please."

I bite my lower lip as I felt his warm breath fanned across my neck. 

"You need to take medicine, Daniel." I tried to get up (tried) but it's useless as he didn't let me move bit. 

I sighed because I can't do anything but wait for him until he falls asleep again. Last night's events are still not clear to me. The last thing I remember was that we were arguing in his car, but after that I couldn't remember anything. Nor can I even remember how I got here and how it happened that he was with me when I woke up? 

He was already asleep when I decided to get up and pulled the blanket up to his neck. He needs to eat and take medicine so I left him and rushed towards the kitchen. 

I found Nanay Emily and Tatay Berto in the counter and they gave me a warm smile when they saw me. 

"Good morning, Anak." They said in unison. 

"Good morning." I smiled awkwardly. 

I was confused but I decided to ignore their strange exchange of glances with one another. 

"We're preparing for lunch, what do you want to---"

"Lunch?" My eyes widened in surprise. "What time is it?"

They both checked their wristwatch and replied in unison. 

"11:30 in the morning, why?"

"11:30? That means I overslept this morning?"

"It's okay, Anak, there's nothing wrong with that. We know you're tired from the happenings last night." Tatay Berto said, then grinned widely at me. 

I don't understand what they were talking about. "Ahm... Nanay, do we have ingredients for chicken soup? I need to cook for---"

"Chicken soup? Why do you need to cook a chicken soup?" They cut me as they asked at the same time. 

"Oh, what happened to him?" Nanay Emily seemed to pull back from reality. 

"I don't know, I just woke up this morning with him shaking beside me. Do I need to call a doctor?"

She gave me a warm smile before shaking her head. "Just check his temperature and maintain a cold towel on his forehead."

"Is that all I have to do? Are you sure we're not going to call a doctor?"

"No need to call a doctor when it's just a fever, Anak." She smiled. "Let's go and let's check his temperature."



I stood up immediately and rushed to his side when I heard him g.r.o.a.n.e.d as if he was in pain. 

"Daniel." I called his name as I put another cold towel on his forehead. 

"Daniel, you need to eat and take medicine." I called him again but he returned to sleep. 

I sighed and get the thermometer. His body temperature had dropped by two degrees, maybe because of the medicine, I insisted him to take earlier. 

I walked back to the couch and I was about to sit down when his phone ringed over the bedside table, so I have no choice but to answer it. 


"Dude, where are you? Your meeting is about to start within 30 minutes."

"Andrew, it's me, Sophia." I said biting my bottom lip. 


"Yeah, it's me. I'm sorry if he can't be able to go to work today, he's sick, Andrew."

"Ohh, I didn't know. How's he?"

"Well, he's still sick, but his temperature isn't as hot as it was earlier."

"Good to hear that. Anyway, can I visit him later?"

"Of course. And about the meeting, can you just do something about it?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

I put his phone back over the table after ending the call and stared at his face. I smiled when I noticed the slight frown creased on his forehead. 

"Tsk.tsk.tsk. You're still frowning even in your sleep." I muttered, leaning forward to flatten it. 

I gently rubbed his forehead with a smile on my face. 

-'Is it bad to wish you were always asleep so I can't hear your annoying screams? And of course, for you to stop bossing me around?-'

I lowered my finger slowly to his eyebrows, down to the bridge of his nose. And guess what, I didn't seem satisfied because I leaned forward to see his face closely. 

He's indeed handsome. A good looking man with thick eyebrows, perfect sculptured nose, a pair of soft and red lips, and of course, a beautiful pair of hazel brown eyes that staring back at me---wait? Staring back at me? 

I blinked repeatedly and checked if I'm just mistaken but no, he's really staring at me. 

"Ahhh?" My eyes widened and I screamed when I realized he was awake. I tried to balance my body but it's too late because my b.u.t.t has already touched the floor. "My goodness, you're awake!" I ignored the stinging pain as I looked at him in shock. 

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm awake." He said chuckling while trying to get up. 

As long as I want to punch his face, I set aside my irritation and got up immediately to help him sit on the bed. 

"Why didn't you tell me you're awake? Why aren't you talking?" I asked as I helped him lean against the headboard. 

He just gave me a weak chuckle. 

"Why would I do that if I know you're enjoying." He winked at me. "So, have you memorized my facial features, sweetheart?"

"Tss!" I sneered, rolling my eyes. "Forgodsake, Daniel Kelley, can you stop being a jerk for once in your life?" I glared at him with my hands over my h.i.p.s. 

This time he gave me a throaty laugh that made my heart stop its beating for I don't know how many seconds. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked him instead, ignoring the weird feeling inside my stomach. 


"Okay, wait for me here, I'll just get a bowl of chicken soup." I didn't wait for his answer as I rushed towards the door. 

"Whew!" I sighed loudly the moment I shut the door behind me.

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