Published at 1st of March 2024 05:31:08 AM

Chapter 16

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When Dhokhok brought up Oiwa's eagerness to depart, he certainly wasn't exaggerating. Oiwa maintained an unwavering, swift pace, striding about twenty meters ahead of the group. She provided a brief explanation that where she was leading them wasn't the conventional exit. While she admitted uncertainty about its destination, she assured them it wouldn't be another maze. Despite the slightly foreboding undertone, the group remained willing to grasp at any chance of escape, regardless of what might await them.

And after walking what felt like hours, they rounded the final corner only to encounter a dead end. Oiwa pointed toward the wall. "Just through there," she began, "also… Have any of you ever crossed paths with a Gorgon?"

Maeve and Zero exchanged nods, signifying their experience, while the rest of the group seemed unfamiliar with the term.

"Uh…" Idris ventured hesitantly, "...what exactly is a Gorgon?"

Oiwa's casual smile morphed into a mischievous grin. "Oh, you're gonna have a blast."

With that, the group stepped through the portal. As they emerged on the other side, a captivating array of plants greeted their eyes, each showcasing captivating shapes and sizes.

Toward the northeastern part of this magical sanctuary, a small pond sparkled akin to liquid stardust. Its waters reflected a myriad of vibrant colors, creating an almost otherworldly scene. A meandering stream wound its way through the center of the garden, its waters carrying an iridescent glow that seemed to radiate from within.

The plants that adorned this mystical haven formed a breathtaking kaleidoscope of hues. Deep purples intermingled with vivid oranges, with shades that defied conventional description. The sizes of these plants varied greatly; some stood tall like ancient giants, while others existed as diminutive, exquisite living jewels.

Among the lush foliage, curious flora thrived, each exhibiting extraordinary properties. Some petals appeared crystalline, refracting light in mesmerizing patterns. Others emitted a soft luminescence, casting a magical glow that enhanced the entire ambiance.

Above them, the towering canopy resembled an ever-shifting tapestry of colors, akin to a celestial display—an ethereal aurora. Leaves on these towering trees shimmered and glowed with cosmic energy, forming an otherworldly shelter.

In the southwest corner, a second pond held waters imbued with the same elusive glow. Ethereal fronds surrounded it, swaying gently like feathery tendrils extending toward the heavens.

Throughout the garden, delicate natural melodies filled the air. Breezes danced through the foliage, producing soft harmonies that resonated deep within those who listened. Every rustle of leaves and sway of petals contributed to a celestial chorus, celebrating the allure of this enchanted sanctuary.

"It's… Breathtaking," Zero breathed. "In all my experiences, even on Vol, I've never encountered anything quite like this." Zero's gaze shifted around, a pervasive glow suffused the area, casting an almost eerie ambiance. "What is this place?"

"The Gorgon’s Garden," Oiwa replied with a voice brimming with both excitement and relief. "This marks our last stop before we are outta here."

The group pressed forward, winding their way through the intricate garden. Menelik was on the brink of sweeping aside more leaves obstructing his path when his hand unexpectedly collided with an unyielding surface. Intrigued, he gently moved the leaves away, revealing a gray statue standing before him.

Upon closer examination, the statue took on the shape of a Lycan—its menacing snarl showcased sharp, glistening fangs, and its frozen eyes seemed to penetrate one's soul with their intense gaze.

"Hey, come take a look at this," Menelik called out. As the group gathered around the statue, their expressions transformed from curiosity to astonishment when Menelik's gaze shifted beyond it. A multitude of statues awaited them, representing not only more Lycans, but a diverse array of creatures spanning various species—Goblins, Elves, Dwarves, Centaurs, Catlings, and more.

A feminine voice reverberated through the garden. "Admiring your fate?"

Simultaneously, the ground beneath their feet shuddered, unsettlingly. The once-vibrant plants within the garden began a rapid withering process, losing their vitality and color. Leaves faded into a lifeless white before crumbling into ash, and flowers followed suit, transforming into desolate husks that disintegrated. Amid this uncanny metamorphosis, something sinuous and elusive slithered amongst the lifeless foliage, causing the ground to tremor even more.

"What in the world was that?" Oduduwa exclaimed. "Could that have been a Gorgon?"

Oiwa's expression turned grave, and she shook her head in response. "Not just any Gorgon… That was Euryale, a Queen Gorgon."

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