Published at 4th of January 2024 10:01:04 AM

Chapter 317

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Chapter 317

-This... How do you use it?

-Once upon a time, there was an arrogant and cocky hero among the mortals of the Abyss...

The goddess of sloth kindly explained the story of the Necklace to Tempt Constellations.

The favor of a constellation had always been important to mortals. Therefore, a talented mortal had once come up with something.

‘Why don’t I make a necklace that can seduce constellations?’

Constellations were arrogant and demanding beings, but they could also be extremely generous if they were in a good mood. Thus, if this mortal could just seduce those constellations, he would be able to reign as the king of the Abyss!

-So? Did he succeed?

-It worked to an extent.

-Really? To think that such an item has an effect on constellations...

-Well, it’s not like the item will make a constellation instantly fall in love. It just makes the wearer look a bit better in the eyes of the constellation.

The item just got the constellation to like the wearer a bit more. However, that small bit always mattered. In fact, the hero had succeeded in winning the favor of various constellations by wearing the necklace and acting shrewdly.

-Of course, it was later discovered and destroyed.


-Now that I think about it, Successor, you’re doing something similar to that mortal, aren’t you...?

-Be quiet.

Choi Yeonseung silenced the goddess of sloth.

In any case, he could see that it was a great treasure, but surely it wouldn’t be useful to him, would it? He needed a treasure that would help him craft artifacts...

-This is probably more suitable for what you’re doing...

-I told you to be quiet.

The goddess of sloth pouted.

Choi Yeonseung sighed and opened the high-grade box.

He had spent all the soul stones he had accumulated thus far on this box. However, now he felt a sense of foreboding. He wished he had bought ten advanced boxes instead of this one...

[Opening the box!]

[Chaos reigns and destiny is decided!]

[The ‘Seed of the Realm’ has been acquired.]

[Seed of the Realm]

Rank: ?noVe)lB.1n

It generates a new area to be governed by a constellation.]




What was this item?


[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ whispers that metallurgy isn’t that difficult.]

-I know.

Choi Yeonseung clicked his tongue after replying. Just as the cat constellation had previously said, the only solution was for Choi Yeonseung to learn how to craft artifacts himself.

How could he open four boxes and not get anything useful?

The Seed of the Realm was truly an unexpected skill. Its function was to expand a constellation’s realm. It was an amazing skill, and the goddess of sloth was also shocked by it.

-It’s not that easy to expand a realm...

A constellation’s realm contained a part of that constellation’s essence. As an example, no matter how many people told the goddess of sloth things like “Hey! Make a realm of diligence and live diligently there!” it would be literally impossible for her to do that because of her nature.

After all, it was extremely unlikely for the goddess of sloth, or any constellation for that matter, to receive an additional realm like Choi Yeonseung...

‘It’s not a bad skill, but it’s useless to me for the time being.’

What Choi Yeonseung currently needed was a combat ability that would allow him to decimate other constellations in combat. Meanwhile, The Seed of the Realm would only prove useful in the long run.

Choi Yeonseung stood in front of the Soul-Infused Smithy. The cat constellation had said that the smithy would prove useful, but he was still worried whether it would actually help him.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says not to be nervous.]

[You are also a constellation, so you will most certainly learn quickly.]

Based on its voice, it seemed like the cat constellation was jumping up and down in excitement.

Hearing this, Choi Yeonseung suddenly remembered the old days.

-Hyung, how about some extra training today?

-Uh, no... I don’t know... I mean, I said I would... but I didn’t confirm it.

-Well, since you already said you would, doesn’t that mean that your heart is inclined toward training?

-It’s just that you have this scary look on your face when you talk about training... It’s actually terrifying.

-Take me there.

-Thank you! Thank you!

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is speechless.]


“The plan is simple.”

Clearing the dungeon in the Second Realm wasn’t too difficult. Top hunters like Choi Yeonseung would go in first and find the best path. They would start from the first underground floor and gradually make their way to the third floor...

Of course, finding a path like that wouldn’t be a walk in the park, but if they managed to do it, everyone would have a shortcut.

“The problem is the fights between hunters.”

“Yes, be ready to fight just in case.”

Choi Yeonseung looked at the young hunters of the Mount Hua Sect. Surprisingly, there were currently five B-grade hunters in the Mount Hua Sect. Hunters like Iris and Louis had scored a B- in the last evaluation.

Choi Yeonseung had once thought, ‘Given how talented they are, won’t they reach B-grade someday?’ but he hadn’t expected them to evolve so quickly.

It was clear that the martial arts that Choi Yeonseung had directly taught them and their experience in fighting in the Abyss had led to a kind of synergy which in turn had caused them to evolve unexpectedly fast.

‘I don’t know if there will be any A-grade hunters in the next ten years.’

Then, a household member of the Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons asked with a slightly worried expression, “By the way, Hunter Choi Yeonseung, aren’t they Chinese?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Most of the hunters in the dungeon are Chinese. Isn’t this a bit cruel...?”


Choi Yeonseung shook his head. The moment the topic of the dungeon had come out, the first ones to express their desire to participate had been the hunters from the Mount Hua Sect.

The hunters in China were the ones who had suppressed the Mount Hua Sect hunters the most after they had been exiled from China.

Choi Yeonseung recalled the conversation.

-I’m the one who brought it up, but I feel a bit sorry for you guys...

-Please let us go and kill them!

-No, there’s no need for killing...

-Then I’ll stab them gently to make sure they don’t die!


When they found out that some clan hunters they knew were participating, the Mount Hua Sect hunters erupted with excitement.

“It can’t be helped.”


The other hunter was stunned.

‘There’s nobody more cruel than him...!’

As expected of an A-grade hunter... No matter how much good he did or how kind he seemed on the surface, he had to have a cold, heartless composure that allowed him to make any sacrifice in order to win.

That was also why the Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons had chosen him!

“Shall we go? I’m going to start from the first underground floor and secure a decent area.”

“I’ll go with you and help,” added Illaphael as he stepped forward.

In response to that, all the other hunters rushed to stop him.

“No, Illaphael. We can go instead!”

“I can help even if I don’t have enough skills!”

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung will be more comfortable with us...”

“...Shut up! Didn’t I say I would go?!”


Illaphael eventually lost his temper. These human bastards were so oblivious!

His anger caused the hunters to murmur among themselves.

‘I think Illaphael really doesn’t like having to work with Hunter Choi Yeonseung.’

‘Master must’ve ordered it.’

‘Does he have to go that far? I think Master has made a mistake...’

Choi Yeonseung was also watching the whole ordeal, frowning.

‘If you really hate this so much, why bother coming with me? The angel constellation was too harsh to give him such an order.’

“N-noo... It’s a misunderstanding. Listen to me for a moment, human,” pleaded Illaphael as he belatedly noticed Choi Yeonseung’s gaze.

However, it was already too late.

“The angel constellation shouldn’t have ordered you to come with me. In any case, let’s not interfere with each other and do a good job.”


[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ is bewildered and asks Illaphael what he is doing now.]

-...I’m sorry...

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