Published at 2nd of November 2021 11:22:55 AM

Chapter 346: 346

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"Five…" Cyrus climbed onto Wolfe when he saw everyone looking at their watch. As he wasn't an official participant and was merely a "pet" of the team, of course he wouldn't be receiving the same watch.

"Hey, get down…" Wolfe tried to shrug him off, but Cyrus merely chuckled and held onto him tightly. "I'm not your ride!" 

"You should be more respectful towards me, you halfling," Cyrus sneered as he pulled Wolfe's ear. "I might look like this, but in terms of years, I'm way older than you!"

"What halfling?" Wolfe growled as he tried to slap Cyrus' hand away from his ear. 

"I'm a full-blooded beast while you are a half, of course you're a halfling…" Cyrus scoffed in a haughty manner. He then kicked Wolfe in the waist lightly and said, "Towards portal five now, my good steed!" 

"Urgh!" Wolfe looked at Juin, who shrugged and mouthed "I'm sorry". 

Luca, as leader of the team, merely rolled his eyes at their rambunctious behavior and said, "Enough. Cyrus, you will behave yourself once we are in the other dimension.. We don't have enough manpower to look after you."

"Speak for yourself," Cyrus sneered as he pushed himself higher on Wolfe's back. "You shouldn't try to kill Juin when we are in there… I won't let you do it, and unlike Juin and Wolfe, I don't have human blood in me, so being humane is not really my specialty." 

Luca narrowed his eyes at Cyrus for a few seconds before turning around. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Let's go…" 

He then jumped off the boat, causing the boat to sway slightly, before landing right in front of Portal 5. 

Juin and Wolfe glanced at each other before jumping off the boat as well, with Caelian following behind them quietly. 

When the five of them stood in front of the portal, the number above the portal shined a bright white light over them before a voice sounded from within the portal. 

"Origin: The Order of the Supernatural Beings. 

"Team name: The One to Kick Everyone's Lovely Bums."

Juin glanced at Wolfe, who smirked and shrugged. 

"Shouldn't have let him do the paperwork…" Luca facepalmed himself. Since he was busy with training, he had told his teacher to let the rest handle everything related to the competition. Juin, who had no experience in this, promptly passed it to Wolfe.

The voice continued.

"Leader, Luca Rockefeller. Species, Human." 

"Second-in-command, Juin… There's no surname, Mr. Juin?"

Juin shrugged as he looked up into the portal. "It's not important." 

The voice remained calm as it continued. 

"I see. 

"Second-in-command, Juin. Species, Human."

"Members: Wolfe Sterling. Species, Werewolf. 

"Caelian Elysium. Species, Incubus/Succubus/Human"

"Pet, Cyrus. Species, some sort of highly advanced wild animal."


"Ouch!" Wolfe growled as he glared back at Cyrus. "That's just a joke! Besides, I really don't know what you are!"

Cyrus ignored him and jumped off from him. He glared at Wolfe as he walked and stood next to Juin. 

The voice ignored them and continued, 

"Total, four participants and one pet. According to my records, there should be another pet as well, one by the name of Soren." 

"He's not coming…" Luca said with a blank expression. Soren registered himself behind Luca's back, but the latter found out. "He's too weak to be here."

"I see. Pet, Soren, is now removed from the list.

"We are done with the roll call. You may proceed. All the best." 

The light from the portal turned light blue before turning into a jelly-like substance. A few seconds later, it became see-through, and Juin and the boys could see a desolate land on the other side of the portal. 

They gave each other one last glance before nodding, more to themselves than to each other. 

Luca gulped and clenched his fists. After a few seconds, he took the first step and led his team into the portal. 

The moment they stepped into the dimension, they felt the heatwave. It was so unbearable that they felt their exposed skin burning. The desert that they arrived in seemed to go on forever. Even with their heightened eyesight, Wolfe and Cyrus could not see anything beyond the golden sand. 

"Activate your shields…" Luca murmured as he did so. Once their shields were up, they were able to breathe easier. 

"What's with the weather?" Wolfe ġrȯȧnėd. "It's worse than a sauna here!"

"Probably caused by that…" Juin pointed up. 

This dimension had two blazing suns!

"Two suns!" Wolfe gasped. 

"We have no time to think about this…" Juin said as he looked at his watch. "I'm sure the next time will come here soon, and I'd prefer that we conserve our energy until we find a safe spot with water and food." 

The rest of the team agreed. 

"North…" Luca looked at the stars in the watch. The treasures seemed to be scattered in different directions. "Let's head towards north. It's the nearest to us." 

A few steps later, all of their watches started beeping like crazy, and the original number of 400 people were down to slightly more than 200. 

"What the f*ck just happened?!" Wolfe gasped. 

"The Battle has begun," Luca said with a slight frown. While he had experienced the Battle before and was more experienced than the rest of his group, like everyone else, this was his first time in this version of the Battle. "Make sure to keep your Soul Shield up at all times. We want to preserve our strength for as long as possible, so the goal now is to look for a safe place without alerting anyone." 

Juin agreed as he kept his eyes at his watch, where the number kept getting smaller and smaller. "It's good that we left immediately. The first teams that arrived at the portals must have ambushed those that came after."

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