Published at 9th of April 2019 04:57:15 PM

Chapter 194

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Basil said, " I see. Back then, I really respected your grandfather. I really worked hard in order to raise the honour of Star Moon Empire. Back then I was the Defence Minister. During war time, your grandfather never listened to any of my suggestions. But he always listened to some other person. It was the Supreme General, Gutherson."

Basil continued, " I felt as if I was being ignored. It was as if my existence has no meaning at all. I felt as if I was being humiliated on purpose. I was really angry. I had high ambitions. I wanted to unify the world and make your grandfather the ultimate king. But I was ignored everytime. I was really angry."

Basil continued, " One day, your mother approached me. She said that she is the part of an organisation and gave me the invitation to join them. She said that the idea behind the organisation is to unify the world under one banner. She said that I was invited because of my high ambition. Later they said that their plan was to invade the empire and kill the emperor and his family. I believed that the plan was not bad. Since the empire will fall under the rule of the organisation with less casualties. So I joined the organisation."

Basil continued, " But after spending some time with organisation, I regretted my decision. Even for some small reason they do not hesitate to kill even a new born baby. There was always a shadow in my heart after joining the organisation. If a person learned anything about them, then the organisation will destroy the entire village in order to eliminate their target. They don't even regret their actions. In fact, they enjoy the screaming of those innocents. At that time I felt that the humiliation of being ignored by your grandfather was far better than than witnessing the evil deeds of the organisation."

Basil continued, " One day I raised my objection for the methods of the organisation. The issue became bigger and I challenged the leader of the Assassins Organisation. But I was defeated by just the flick of the finger from the leader of the Assassins Organisation. Later the leader revealed that he is a God who trains in Willpower and came from the higher realm."

"WHAT???", Both Arjun and Rick shouted in shock. This news instantly blowed their minds.

Basil said, " That's right! Not only him, there is another person known as The Chief Executive who trains in Willpower too. And there are many more people who trains in Willpower. They will act only for the troublesome situation."

Basil said, " The Leader Of The Assassins Organisation believed that I have some capabilities. So he gave me a chance to prove my loyalty. The Organisation was able to figure out that Sitaram's location. They said that if I was able to eliminate your grandfather, then it is equal to proving my loyalty. But their main target was always you, Arjun. Because you are the rightful owner to succeed the throne. They wanted to kill you first. I hated to kill an 18 year old kid like you. But the orders of my organisation was absolute. So even if I didn't like it, I had to go to the Weissan Town and eliminate you and your grandfather. But I was the one who was killed by that strange weapon of yours."

Arjun said after a moment of silence, " You said that they never listened to any of your suggestions. Can I ask you one thing? Everyone loved grandfather because of his kind heart. Even the wars in which he participated was initiated by other empires. He clearly doesn't have any intentions to unify the world. It was your idea to unify the world and make grandfather an ultimate king. That was so nice of you. I agree. But did you ever told grandfather about your ambitions in the first place? Does grandfather knows that you wanted to unify the world and make grandfather the king?"

"That...." , Basil didn't know what to say. His hesitation gave Arjun his answer.

Arjun said, " Both Grandfather and grandpa Gutherson ever wanted was for their descendants to live the comfortable lives. It wasn't to rule the world. They went for the war at very young age. They have seen so many things and experienced th cruelty of the world. They never wanted their descendants to see those cruelties. That's why they never heed your ideology. It wasn't because they wanted to humihiliate you. But it was because your idealogy was way beyond their bottom line. The one who is in the wrong direction wasn't grandfather or grandpa Gutherson. It was actually you."

Basil went silent. He knew that he lost his rights to speak anything now. What Arjun said was right. He never discussed anything about his ambitions with Sitaram to begin with. That means Sitaram doesn't know anything about his ambitions of unifying the world. But he thought that Sitaram knows it. And both Sitaram and Gutherson humiliated him on purpose.

Basil said, " I'm ready to speak about the organisation. But they are from the higher realm. I don't know whether you will be able to take them down or not. Because there are more people who trains in Willpower."

Arjun said, " So are I and my friend here Rick. In fact, we have an entire army who trains in Willpower."

Basil was stunned. But he knew that Arjun has no reason to lie. In fact, Arjun coming to the hell along while alive and the fact that even Behemoth the king of hell is polite with Arjun proved that he is not simple.

Arjun said, " Just tell me everything that you know. And I'll give you two choices. The first choice is that I'll give you a chance and you will be sent for the cycle of samsara and will be reborn. The second option is that you will stay dead forever, but your soul will be transfered to heaven forever instead of hell. All you need to do is speak the truth."

Basil said, " I'll go to heaven. I think I have no rights to take rebirth after what I did."

Basil then said everything that Arjun asked. Rick noted it down all the details.

Arjun said to Behemoth, " Make arrangements for his departure to heaven. But as for others, they don't have the rights to be reborn. Let them rot in hell forever."

When the remaining members of the Assassins Organisation heard this, they regretted. They begged Arjun to show mercy. But would Arjun show mercy for the members of Assassins Organisation?

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