Published at 22nd of October 2021 01:42:26 PM

Chapter 156: 156

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The Manreb hero is coming back!

the seventh and fifth volumes

60. Meeting with evolving territories.

It's hard not to believe it because there's something I can show you as a joke.

His expression was filled with surprise and awe rather than envy or jealousy.

"Boo... Please teach me more!"

"Have I taught you anything?"

I don't think so.

"You don't know how much of an impact you have on me just by showing me your magic. Mr. Davy!"

I looked as if I understood the sight of Ullis, who was burning with enthusiasm with his eyes glistening with enthusiasm.

It is true that seeing Manna's flow and magic of new fields up close is the foundation for significant growth.

He had a debt.

He saved Winnie twice desperately while I was away.

I feel grateful again, so I wonder if I can provide a little service.

Six circles in, special Davies, one week...

'That's not what's important right now.'

After shaking my head and confirming that the seal stone was activated, I soon touched the letters of light printed on the magic wand.

"If you leave it like this..."

I can handle it comfortably from the point of view of those who manage it.

Using the power of spirits, you can manage it without difficulty, so I think I'll try to seduce the elves.


At the same time, the Magic Circle began to activate, and the sound of water moving throughout the huge water tank began to be heard.

The Magic Circle has begun to operate properly.

That's right. I've been debugging the Magic Circle for three days and nights to make this.

"This is exactly something. Brother?"

Unable to resist the curiosity, Win-ri asked, looking around curiously.

If you keep asking me questions, I'll answer them.

Oh, someone's brother.

"It's a water pump."

"Water...pump? No way... you mean a facility that lifts clean water right underground that's only installed on the royal wall?"

"Pump's gonna cost a lot of money to maintain."

In a simpler ending than I thought, Winley asked, wondering.

He also seemed to have expected that this time again because what I continued to show was not normal so far.

Then, her expectations hit the mark nicely.

"It is semi-permanent, extremely inexpensive, and easy to manage, as long as it is managed. Most of all...."

the most important thing

"With this one thing, we can drag water anywhere in the entire residential area built on the Hines estate."

In modern times, few houses do not come in without water.

No, it would be safe to say that there is none.

In this world where most people use water to draw water from wells, it is a crazy attempt that can be called the Gahiga Hydro Revolution.

I don't care how much this remark will have on the continent's economy.

"Oh, my God... is that possible?""

Installing one pump, which is usually water temperature controlled, costs a huge amount of capital. The cost of maintenance is astronomical, as the mana stone must be replaced, maintained, and repaired every time.

Furthermore, due to its small size and weak strength, it is usually possible to install only one in a particular location.

"I installed 500 magicians because I didn't have enough extra equipment right now, but it's not impossible. Amy."

"Yes, yes. Did you call me, degradation?"

"From now on, deliver my message to the whole territory."

Which means...

* * *

"Oh, Lily, isn't that your mother?"

"Hello, Grandma Helena. Are you here to grow water?"

"Well, don't you think I should do this because my sons and grandchildren are so eager to reclaim farmland?"

Helena's smiling face was bright as she spoke.

"You must be in a great mood."

"I mean, I don't think it's a good thing I don't have a back ache this morning."

"Aha, but if you think it's a good thing..."

"Hmm, my handwriting... ...maybe the Prince is preparing something big again?"

"The prince? Hey~ There's a rumor that you've done it so far. What else can you show us?"

"What? Lily's mom doesn't know anything yet? What about you, Prince Degradation? Yorokorom! Yorokorom! What do you mean there's no rice cake?"

The ground was dry because it didn't rain.

So I prayed that it would rain.

Prince Davy said, do so.

It really rained.

Is that it? The weather is getting cold and we need to take measures.

Prince Davy said, do so.

From the next day, the cold weather began to turn warm.

Dana thought these words of Grandma Helena were great nonsense.

Lilly's mother, Dana, smiled awkwardly at the sight of Helena's grandmother giving her excessive blind faith.

She was originally in another territory and returned to her hometown as the land of Hines developed.

It was said that they were the kind who came back after hearing that their dying hometown suddenly came back to life.

As such, she had never directly witnessed the miracle on the Hines estate.

Maybe that's why the early Englishmen and the people who went to the earth thought it was a little foolish to believe in Prince Davy.

Having been kicked out while working as a maid, she became quite skeptical and hostile toward the high-profile beings of the nobility and royalty.

Still, it was true that this place felt a little different.

"Well, I'm sure he's limited. Even if you're my country, you're all human."

"Oh no! Lily's mom is in trouble if she says that somewhere."


wait in line thinking it's not hypnotic, it's stupid. Dina, who drew up the well, smiled at her helpless grandmother, Helena, without hesitation.

"What else can I do here? We're the weak and powerless commoners. You have to be satisfied with this stable, tax-free spirit."

"I'll take care of you? Get out. You should've said that! This is definitely a good sign!

"Oh, I have to go because I have a lot of water to grow."

"Oh, my God! Grandma Helena!"

It was then.

A little girl came running from far away shouting urgently.

"Huh? Isn't that Linny? What's going on?"

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Hello! Hehehe..."

"I need to catch my breath."

When he handed the water he pumped in embarrassment with a bucket, Linny drank the water and blinked.

"He's prepared something great again!"



The two looked suspicious at Lini's energetic words.

Come on, let's go! You'll know if you watch it together!"

The girl, who was caught in a Goblin village a few months ago and almost suffered a hard time, was no longer depressed.

With a bright smile on their hands, the two followed her as if they were bewildered and attracted.

* * *

"The award... the award... what is this?"

"Oh, my God... Mana Pump?!"

"Wormer! The water's warm! This is the monster's fault!"

Grandmother Helena shouted, looking at the newly installed structure on one side of the residence as if it were absurd.

"Oh, no! It's not a well, but if you just spin it like this, it's going to spill water. Clean water without soil."

Usually, commoners who draw water from wells use the water several times after collecting it. Still, it is often necessary to use it in places with poor water quality.

But what is this?

As you twist the large iron tube slightly, clean and warm water begins to gush out.

For those who are used to pumping water to the nobles, but have not learned anything, this was simply a curious phenomenon such as God's blessing.

"The Prince came to talk to me a little while ago! They're going to install them all in their own homes soon! For all of Young Jimin."

"What is it?"

The words made the faces of the two men's faces.

I can't believe you're going to install a steel pipe that's dripping like this in the house. Unless you're a fool, it's not that you don't know what it means.

You don't have to go grow water every time and filter out water mixed with soil.

The need to use firewood to heat the water also disappears.

"Then... now I can just get clean water from my house without having to grow water in a well. Is this it?"


Grandma Helena opened her eyes to Lini's lively answer.

"I see a miracle... I see a miracle..."

Unlike Grandma Helena, who was fascinated by Lini's words, Dana's eyes were squinting.

"It's... it's definitely a mana pump used by high-ranking men like the aristocracy..."

She didn't know either. I've worked as a maid in an aristocratic family with a lot of money.

A pump that wizards install at a great cost. It is literally a marvelous object that pumps water out of the waterway.

In the meantime, Daina, who realized that such a system was used by high aristocrats and royalty, murmured in a bewildering way.

"In the life of living from hand to mouth, there's no money to install this. I'm sure you'll get something else at a very high price."

They can be found in the houses of the nobility, royal palaces, or very luxurious aristocratic quarters. I could not believe it more because I had heard from my fellow maids every time how expensive the money was.

I can't believe you're going to set up this incredibly expensive facility for free in a low-income home.

Dana did not readily believe in aristocrats. I'm sure if we set up something huge like this, it'll cost us a lot of money.

Even in her former estate, she lost a daughter to a noble who she believed so.

Then Dina's muttering made Linny fumble.

"I don't know... ..but Prince Deung came and told me. Installation itself is free, but you only receive 10 silver coins a month to prevent the heavy use of water."


It is impossible even in the capital of the kingdom's best city. How much money does it cost to pump up water, and you're going to pay only 10 silver a month to install it all in the little houses of the common people.

"Um... ...and you said this before you left..."

Lini, who was mumbling like thinking, opened her eyes wide as if she remembered.

"Oh! Right! [Get a welfare bomb and work harder, you guys] By the way, what is welfare?"

"Well... well-being is... ..

Dina's face was embarrassed by Lini's impersonation of Davy as much as possible.

If this is true.

It's not that the people of the British people trust and follow the fanatics for nothing.

It was her who had such an idea.

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