Published at 22nd of October 2021 01:44:20 PM

Chapter 69: 69

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The Manreb hero is coming back!

Episode 18 of the Three Books

"Hmm... did you destroy the source of the phoenix itself?"

It's a little different. It's like she's scattered the underlying system.

"What the hell did this man have in his sword?"

At this point, it is safe to say that humans have made weapons to this extent.

In the first place, the power to destroy immortality is not the power I contain, so I cannot understand the mechanism.

I've learned a lot from him, but he has some crucial things that I haven't realized yet.

Other than that, the fact that the ingredients were aged for a long time and the finishing materials were fraudulent must have doubled the power. Simple destruction of immortality wouldn't apply to every case.

I knew there was going to be a great guy.

I felt my mouth dry with a subtle feeling.

"First of all... we'll think about the complications later."

I turned my eyes to one place, speaking calmly.

Then he smiled at the air, which had nothing.

"Hide tight."


As soon as I finished speaking, I felt empty.

Soon after, the red sword I released cut through the air faster.

"I can see your hair, son."

* * *


a tremendous binge of binge

Vampire Pedkid ran away in a hurry without looking back.

If you get caught, you're dead!

Instinct fear dominated his whole body.

I'm dying! If I get caught, I'm really going to die!'

I had no idea why I had to run away in such an ugly way as a high-power and proud aristocrat.

All I could think about was running away from that lunatic.

'He's not normal!'

When the number of cases sent to provoke him was cut off too easily. And when he found him without any foresight and smiled eeriely.

He had already lost all face and fled.

Boom! Boom!

"I can see your hair."

When he threw himself reflexively in a chilling mood and rolled on the floor, a red trajectory appeared to the part where his neck had just been.


"You left without paying, sir."

As if to tease him as if he had provoked him by manipulating an animal for the first time, the approaching human was not showing signs of exhaustion despite running quite a long distance.

"Rain... Damn man!!"

He threw out a fierce curse and threw himself back reflexively.

At first he didn't expect it. No, I was looking down on him at first.

He's not human at all. When he was first assigned to the mission, I couldn't understand why his boss and owner, the superior vampire, gave this order.

They are the proud aristocrats. There was no reason to put so much effort into catching humans.

Moreover, his master, Faith, is a transcendent creature beyond the ordinary vampire's orbit! Such a indebted Fedkid was also an intermediate vampire, but he was proud to have as much power as a superior vampire.

In fact, the number he dealt with was so strong that even the sodmasters of decent human beings could not be easily killed as he was given enormous grace.

As expected, he tried to play with him by stimulating fear with the power of the beast.

But all that was his idea, his illusion.



When a monster-like man who flew in in an instant overpowered him as if he were crushing him, the alarm of survival began to sound wildly at his instincts.

"Do... What the hell are you? What are you doing?! Stop it!!"

"What do you mean? It's a mating of love!"


After a momentary silence, Pedkid could feel that he was a real nut.

"No, this kind of prank tastes better if you live with a little bit of your head. Do you really have to drive a person gay like that?"

The man, who was grumbling about who he was doing it to, soon crushed the pedkid so that he could not move, opened his index finger and middle finger and thrust himself into the body.


Then, with intense pain, his body hardened like a stone, and he smiled contentedly.

"You're a little quiet now."

"My... What have you done to my body, man? Do you want to die when you're a lower race? Untie this!"

Forgetting what he was saying, humans shrugged their shoulders at him who shouted violently.

"I'll let you go later, and now I want to check something."

His calm way of speaking was full of confidence that he could get the information he wanted right away.

I'm sorry, but I have a reputation among vampires for being quiet!

Saying that he would never tell him what he wanted, and that there would be nothing he could find out, he soon had to stand tall at a human word.

"Oh really? I'm sorry, but I know a perfect magic to see what's in someone else's head."

There's no way that could exist, though I thought so.

Soon, Pedkid was forced to scream in the grotesque dark purple flames that were on his hands.

* * *

A grotesque flame as if it were alive burned his lower half.

[Strongly evolved]

[The Black Magic Curse]


[Suspicious fire]

But somehow, the dark purple flames, which seemed hot just by looking at them, caused terrible pain without burning his body at all.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's hot! It's hot! Turn it off! Turn it off, please!"

Perserk's impression was grimaced by the vampire's struggling drooling of saliva, tears, and runny nose.

You, no matter how much enemies you may be, this is...

"I won't die. Don't worry."

She's not worried about him dying, is she?

"Dear King, do I have to see what I'm trying to do with my life.

She frowned at my calm question.

You're right, but...

When she hesitated to find something inappropriate to say, I immediately wiped out the flames that had been burning his body.

"Well, well, there's no need to go savage with the prize money."

If you're aware of it, she won't stop you.

I suddenly wonder if this little girl, who is uselessly kind, is the embers that have spread the world into a tribal war.

Speaking calmly, I trampled on the shivering vampire.


Maybe it's because he had a lot of mental shock, even though he didn't get hurt.

His pupils were rapidly amplified as if he had torn the flesh right away.

"Come on, we don't need much. Let's go simple."

"Ugh... ..Ugh..."

"First of all, who are you?"

"Sigh... Sigh... ...human! I'll laugh at that!"

The guy, struggling reflexively, looked at the black-and-purple flames rising from my hands, quivered.

No wonder it's scary, unlike normal flames, it's a kind of curse made for pain.

It will never kill or injure the opponent, holding the terrible pain of burning his whole body.

It's dirty? It's evil magic?

What more can we hope for with an impure curse from the beginning?

Roias, who taught me this magic, did not teach me to use it.

It meant that he taught me to deal with this curse. However, I have a personality where I use everything I have in my hands to relieve my instinct.


"P... It's FedKid! Come on, come on... ...a self-produced aristocrat!"

"Huh... does an intermediate man have immortal powers?"

Immortal power. It is the source of the aristocracy's confidence. But I'm sure you know because you've seen Pedkid.

Ma-su, who had the power of immortality, was completely silenced by a blow.

"You'll die here completely if you cut yourself. Let's move on to the next question. You're gonna be after me, because of that vampire girl, right?"

"Well... yes!"

You don't want to talk. It is true that the mouth is heavier than I thought. However, it is not easy to maintain your mind because the pain I have inflicted is too much, so you must be reacting naturally.

"So here's the problem, from you to the last hurrah, why do you have the power of immortality?"

He looked at me quivering at my question.

He looks like he's thinking about all kinds of things.

I want to talk, but I can't. I don't want to, but I'm scared of pain. It was an ambiguous situation.

I'll give you a little more impetus.

I suddenly thought that, but I had no choice but to give up my thoughts soon.


This is because he suddenly began to struggle all over in agony.


"I will choose death!"

That was the end of the story.

His body began to swell like a bomb and exploded.


No... no death, that's a vicious curse...

The last fit of a fit may not have been his intention. Perhaps it is the message of the person who put the ban on it.

The fact that he was not even allowed to use the power of immortality means that he was useless.

The complete silence that could not be reached by authority was in vain.

"I expected it."

I opened my eyes wide because of his behavior, which was split into thousands of six sides in an instantaneously, I opened my eyes wide.

"Is this the only place you can find out?""


I gave a slight answer to her mumbling with her head sank.

"You don't have to be sorry, I thought you'd be like this, so I just turned it around and asked. The rest of us will try to catch the ones that are coming back in."

Persek shut his mouth as if he had heard a subtle prick in my words.

* * *

The curse can be checked whether or not the offer is released when it becomes the week of the week.

What do you mean?

This means that one of the curses on Kalus has been solved.

I'm sure he's dormant, to be exact.

Nevertheless, it was true that I was a little surprised.

It wouldn't have been easy to spot. Didn't you manage to find it?

As I watched the Dwarves concentrating on the restoration work day and night, I felt a little bit bitter.

It wasn't unexpected. Vampires will never forgive me for degrading my prestige.

The vampire lady named Chari, whom I cut off, was definitely a natural result, as her bloodline was quite noble.

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