Published at 20th of November 2020 06:56:58 AM

Chapter 206: 206

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Half an hour later, already watching the sky lose its deep hue as they rode, the couple, along with Iacintho and Dubois, saw the city of Alençon, and the tower of their church standing out on the horizon.

Alexa could hardly believe what was happening! Was she really going to marry Magnus? She was not sure about the validity of this marriage, nor did she understand why he was doing this. However, she didn't even feel in a position to think clearly.

The horses stopped in front of the Church, and Magnus, helping her down, asked,

"Do you feel better?"

What could she say? What riding had calmed her down? Of course it didn't! But she tried to maintain some composure, and the princess smiled as serenely as she could.

"Stay here for a moment, Captain Dubois and I are going to the rectory," said the Prince.

For the first time, Alexa realized that he was more flushed than normal, and quite agitated. Dubois, however, took off his hat and said,

"If you don't mind, Your Highness, I need to speak for a moment privately, can we?"

Magnus wasn't satisfied, just by the expression on his face, but he nodded, and they both moved away from the Dallassenos brothers.

"Iacintho! Is this a legal marriage?" she whispered to her sibling.

"How could I know? I understand almost nothing about the Western Church. Besides ... This is what matters least," he pondered, keeping an eye to where the men went.

Alexa never thought about what Iacintho would think about it, but his answer confused her.

"Does it matter less? I told you! I'm married! I'm getting divorced, but..."

Iacintho patted her head,"This man is a nobleman, isn't he? That Captain called him His Highness. He wears a ring similar to yours."

Alexa remembered that she had told Iacintho she was married to a Prince, but she had said nothing about who was traveling with her.

"He ... is Holstein's First Prince."

Iacintho frowned.

"Good Alexa, look at it this way. This man could do only what he was asked to... in a medicinal way. It would be a secret, a secret kept by all parties. But his conscience doesn't allow him to sleep with you without getting married ... He cares about you. He cares a lot about your future."

Alexa's heart beat really hard with this realization from her brother.

"I also feel something for him, Iacintho. I shouldn't have, but… "

Iacintho clicked his tongue,

"Don't be stingy with yourself and the life that flows inside you, little sis. Knowing this, I am very relieved. You are about to become a woman, right?"

"Is it so obvious?"

Iacintho toyed with a coin in his hand for a moment, without answering his sister's question, exasperating Alexa. Then he smiled,

"It's like a dream for me. To know that you are alive. And that you were spared many horrors, in a way. And that maybe we have time to tell each other about our misfortunes and adventures up to this day… And maybe, I'll even manage to meet Master Petrus!"

"Narses is alive, brother! He got to Holstein!" she told him.

Iacintho's eyes gleamed in joy,

"Two Dallassenos!"

"No, big bro! Three Dallassenos!" she beamed with teary eyes, taking his hands in hers.

However, she felt Magnus's musky and teasing scent approaching, and immediately turned to him. It was inevitable and shameful, and Alexa put her hands back, avoiding the temptation to touch him.

Her brother whispered in his ear, before he left,

"All you have to do now is to wait passively, and control yourself as much as possible… especially inside the church."

Alexa wanted to laugh, but looked down for a moment, and when she looked again, Magnus was in front of her.

Magnus looked expectantly at the sky, and Alexa thought he was looking so young, and his look so different!

'I love him! But I won't confess because he treated me like a dog back there, and besides, he'll think that I can't tell l.u.s.t from my feelings! But I can! I know what I feel in my heart, and what the spell exacerbates! ' she kept staring at him adoringly, which made him look down,


"Can't I look at my future husband?" she replied coquettishly.

"You'll get tired of this soon, save your eyes," he winked at her, but Alexa realized that he was a little embarrassed. That was precious!

She bit her fist in anxiety and glee. Iacintho was kicking pebbles in front of the church steps, pretending not to pay attention to them.

Dubois opened the church door, calling them to enter.

Alexa's heart started beating so wildly! It was unbelievable!

Magnus took her hand once more, and they entered the immense Church of the V.i.r.g.i.n Mary of Alençon together.

Iacintho waited outside, though.

The priest was placing some things on the altar, and turned to the newcomers.

"This is Father Angelo Zorta," said Captain Dubois, by way of introduction.

The priest was a tall man who wore a peculiarly shaped mustache. Stepping from the altar, the priest looked at the couple appraisingly,

"Welcome to the House of the Lord, travelers. Captain Dubois told me your names, but I don't think I understood correctly ... Let your hands off each other's, we are in front of the Altar of the Almighty and not in some peasant festival."

Alexa blinked after his harsh reprimand, but obeyed.

"I am Karl Magnus Wilhelm di Borghesi von Wuttenfal, by Holstein. This is Alexa Zöe Dallassenos, from Constantinople. "

The priest looked at his own hands for a moment,

"And what can I help these important people do?"

Alexa doubted that Captain Dubois hadn't already warned the priest who he was about to marry.

Magnus briefly let on his infamous arrogant expression, but said, after letting go of Alexa's hand,

"We want to get married. Before God."

Father Zorta looked Alexa in the eye first, and then Magnus,

"If it depends on me, you won't get married."

The air was suddenly cold, and even Captain Dubois, who was discreetly poking a corner of the altar with his boot, froze. Alexa also could not have any other reaction than to open her mouth, in shock.

The priest seemed satisfied with the reaction he got from the couple, and his mustache twitched sarcastically,

"A sloppy couple who come to me in the early hours of the day! It's clear they were fornicating and their dirty minds and bodies want to quickly get rid of their sins' cost! For the wages of sin is death!"

"You don't understand ..." Dubois tried to interfere, but the priest raised a hand, shutting him up,

"I don't care if this man is the king of France or who that woman is. You asked for blessing, but not for forgiveness! I won't marry them, and that's it! Fornicators are not welcome under the Lord's roof!"

Magnus moved toward the priest with his fist raised, but Dubois stepped in front.

"Get out of the way, Dubois! I'm going to kill this bastard! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Both the Prince's hoarse voice and clenched fist were shaking with hatred, just inches from the captain's face.

"Don't do it! Do not spill blood on the House of God, Prince! Do not commit a sin greater than the pride of this priest! " the captain shouted back, trying to get him to reason.

"Superb?! Me? What does a nobleman think who thinks he can silence a priest's voice and bend him to do what is wrong, just mentioning his name?! Should I tremble with fear? My Father will protect me!" replied the priest mockingly, without moving an inch from where he was.

"But I don't care!" Alexa grunted, jumping on the priest furiously ...

But the red-haired giant in grabbed herthe air, w andun her around, holding her with an arm by the solar plexus, "No way, Princess. What good will that do?"

"It will relieve my anger!! Release me, Dubois!" Alexa felt humiliated, but if her eyes were full of tears, it wasn't for her, but for Magnus who just wanted to protect her in some way. Did the arrogant, self-righteous priest come to absurd conclusions just by the way they got to the church? Was he more concerned with his own 'salvation' as an error-free man than with blessing and legitimizing the love of two people?

"Is that what you want, Princess? May Prince Magnus get his hands in the blood of a priest who refused to do what he asked?! Control yourself!" the Captain placed her on the floor outside the church, and Alexa crouched and hid her face, furious, frustrated, humiliated.

The lump in her throat was choking her, this disgusting ache in her heart was killing her. But Magnus came to her, and hugged her, protecting her against his chest.

"Shhhh! Dubois is right. I almost made a mistake in there, which would only bring us disgrace. Shhh! Do not Cry! That man's words were not for you, they were for me..."

He kissed the top of her head repeatedly, as if that would make it hurt less.

"I am not sad! I'm angry! Why did he say those things?! He knows nothing! He didn't give us a chance to explain!"

She felt that Magnus looked up for a moment, and angrily wiping the angry tears from her face, she looked in the same direction as him, that is, at the church door.

"Let's get out of this place before I change my mind about listening to Dubois. It's dawn," said the Prince, lifting her up and placing her in the horse's saddle.

Magnus was still shaking with hate, but Alexa was grateful that Dubois had prevented him from doing something horrible that he would regret in the future.

Iacintho watched them in silence, but instead of getting on his horse, he turned to the church, and took off his hood,

"Go ahead, I'll catch up with you. I believe that I must apply a test of faith before I join you."

The image of her brother entering the church was the last thing Alexa saw before dawn.

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