The Monster Prince - Chapter 58

Published at 16th of April 2024 07:56:31 AM

Chapter 58

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First thing in the morning, before the breakfast bell even had a chance to ring solemnly through the house, like something that would call a band of monks out of seclusion, Elwin could feel Prin waking up and stirring beside him. He always seemed to feel it right away when Prin woke up. Although Prin would argue that point, saying he slept like a rock.

“Go back asleep.” Elwin mumbled, throwing his arm over the prince.

“I can’t. I’m too excited.” Prin said sheepishly.

“It’s just clothes.” Elwin said. “And Aster.”

“Clothes! And Aster!” Prin said, unable to hold in an excited squeak. “And . . . it will be so fun dressing up Valor.” He sat straight up. “I want to get him some new casual clothes too, since obviously his wardrobe hasn’t been updated in forever. Sorry, am I talking about him like he’s a doll to play with? Will he be offended? Oh, I don’t care! I just want to have fun and see Aster.”

“I’m happy to see you happy.” Elwin said, which was about all the enthusiasm he could muster for the day’s events.


They were supposed to meet Aster after breakfast. Which, Elwin did feel some kind of way about the fact that Aster couldn’t join them, although he understood not wanting to do anything to piss off Mama Kris or break the rules in any way. So, they whiled away some time until the bells rang, and went to the kitchen for some delicious waffles.

Valor was already sitting at the kitchen table, both cats perched on his lap and batting at each other in a playful competition.

The boy petted them with one hand, while disinterestedly picking at his waffles with the other.

He was wearing one of the sailor style tops with a long droopy bow, and leggings, as well as boots which were untied, the laces tucked inside the top.

Valor looked troubled. Or, at least nervous.

Elwin could see a flash of apprehension cross Prin’s face as he contemplated what to do.  

“Eat up. You’ll need your strength for the big day we’ve got ahead of us!” The prince said cheerily.

Elwin winced in sympathy. Apparently he was not going to let Valor off the hook.

“Elwin.” Valor said seriously.

“Yes?” Elwin wondered if he was about to be prevailed upon to stop the madness. He would rather not. If it meant going against his prince.

“Does he have good taste?” Valor asked.

“Who, Prin?” Elwin had no idea, since he himself had been the one to pick out Prin’s current wardrobe, and his selection had been dictated by availability and a very small budget. “Yes, very good taste.” He said.

Valor nodded. “I was wondering how I was supposed to know what to pick. I don’t really need to be there at all . . .”

“You will be there so we can make sure it has the best fit and comfort.” Prin said. “As for taste? We will get that from Aster, and she wont steer us wrong. It will be fine.”

“Hmm . . . so I have to.” Valor said.

Mrs. Frances sat plates of waffles down in front of Elwin and Prin. She clasped Valor’s shoulder reassuringly. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” She said. Mrs. Frances took the corner of her apron and wiped at a spot of syrup on his cheek. “My angel.”

“Do you want to be a baby forever?” Prin asked him.

“Prin will be very disappointed if you don’t come with us.” Elwin said, knowing it was true.

Valor sat up straighter. “Of course I will go.” It’s not like I can’t go for a walk through town. I’m not afraid to.”

“Don’t worry.” Prin said. “You’ll have us with you the whole time, looking out for you.”

They finished their breakfast and said goodbye to Mrs. Frances.

“I’m not sure when we’ll be back.” Prin told her. “This may take a while.”

“Bring him back home if he gets tired.” She fretted.

The three of them went outside, leaving the annoyed kitties in the kitchen with Mrs. Frances.

“Do you really think of me as a baby?” Valor asked Prin, as they walked on the path around to the front of the house.

“Na-ah, I was just trying to rile you up.” Prin said. “Did it work?”

“Not really.” Valor said. He had his cane with him, but seemed to be relying more on walking very close to Prin. Occasionally their arms would graze each other, and in this way he knew he was still on the path. Once again he reminded Elwin of a cat, its whiskers guiding it through a tight spot.

Elwin walked a few steps behind them, watching out for flocks of birds with rocks, or other hazards.

Aster was patiently waiting for them on the sidewalk in front of the house. Standing primly, idly twirling her unopened umbrella and looking around at the scenic neighborhood.

Today her dress was cherry blossom pink, with red and white striped trim and a row of silken ribbons up the front and around the waist. Her hair, that matched well with the dress, come to think of it, was done up in a bun with curly tendrils falling around the ears. The umbrella she was carrying was also in a complimentary red and white stripe. The over all effect was like a nicely wrapped candy.

“Aster!” Prin squealed. He quickly abandoned his young charge and ran to his friend, throwing his arms around her.

Valor jumped slightly, startled by the sudden display of enthusiasm.

Elwin stepped closer to him, in case he would be needed.

“Aster Rose, can be called either, I think, is a short, red-head in a pink, red, and white dress. Prin is hugging her like it’s been a month instead of a day or so since they’ve seen each other.” Elwin said, adding the necessary running commentary. “Her feet lifted off the ground, wow, Prin is getting strong. Now they are grinning at each other like the cats who ate the canary.”

“Thank you.” Valor said. He took Elwin’s arm, as though afraid he would be the next one to run off and leave him stranded. “Is this my father’s Rose?”

“Yes.” Elwin said.

“Is she a prostitute?” Valor wondered.

Elwin didn’t feel like it was really his place to say. Then again, it was no big secret. “Yes. And not one hundred percent a she, if that matters.” He felt Valor only respected total honesty.

“Ah.” Valor nodded. “After my father’s money?”

“I don’t think so.” Elwin said. “I mean, not beyond what is owed for, er, services rendered.”

“Who is this?” Aster disengaged from Prin and walked over to Elwin and Valor, tilting her head to the side as though just noticing Valor there.

“It’s Valor, the captain’s son.” Prin said, following Aster back to where the others were standing. “He’s going to the party with us and needs some formal wear too. Maybe a couple of regular day to day outfits wouldn’t hurt, if we can manage it.”

“Oh! How cute!” Aster said. “How old are you, darling?”

“I’m blind. So, immune to your charms.” Valor said.

Aster laughed. “O-okay, we’ll see about that.”

“Almost fifteen.” Prin helpfully supplied.

“I love the name Valor! How great.” Aster said.

“I am just dying to see him with a makeover.” The prince said.

“No offense, but all of you can use it.” Aster said. “Good thing I’m here to help!”

“I can’t believe you got us all invited to that party with the witch!” Prin said. “Ah, I love you.”

Aster giggled. “Don’t blame me for that. It was the captain who got the invite. I just asked him to extend it a little.”

“Oh. So that’s why we’re excited to go to his thing.” Valor said. “My father could have just taken us to see the witch lady any time, all you had to do was ask.”

“It’s more fun this way.” Prin assured. He cast Elwin a sheepish look, having obviously not thought of that. Or at least not thought it was an appropriate ask.

“In fact, we can still call it off. The whole party thing.” Valor said. “I like – Sometimes just one’s regular routine, is enough . . .”

“Why would we not want to go to a fancy-pants party?” Aster asked. “All the good things to eat and to drink. Stimulating conversation. A chance to strut around and show off our fine, well dressed selves. What’s not to like?”

“Sometimes bad things happen.” Valor said ominously. “Especially in new and unregulated environments.”

Elwin looked up, half expecting a dark cloud to blot out the sun and sit directly over the young man’s gloomy head. He would be gloomy himself, if he was prone to half the things that had happened to Valor. Come to think of it, standing this close to him wasn’t exactly wise.

“To expect every bad thing in the world to happen only to you, is a bit of a self-centered view on the world, don’t you think? After all, there are only so many bad things in the world, and many many people. I would think they should be spread out a bit more.” Aster grinned.

Prin bit his lip, as though dying to correct Aster on the actual bad things happening odds, in regards to this one particular boy, but unsure if he should tell about the curse or not.

“One would think.” Valor said dryly. “Yes.”

“Your shoes are untied. May I?” Without waiting for a response, Aster bent down and laced up each of Valor’s boots, tying the laces in a nice secure bow. “That’s better.”

Elwin, who’s arm was still being held by Valor, could feel him stiffen and inhale sharply when Aster touched him. He didn’t know if this was a reaction to Aster in particular, or any touchy feely stranger.

Aster stood back up and touched Valor’s cheek where the scars extended beneath his glasses. “What has happened to you? Never mind, never mind, there’s a story there but you can tell me it later.”

As she turned back around, ready to lead the way toward town, a rock came hurdling past her and she caught it before it could hit Valor.

“Where on earth did that come from?” Aster marveled, examining the plain grey rock in her hand.

Elwin looked up at the sky and the trees, quite sure that where the rock had come from was not anywhere “on earth”.

And this was only the appetizer.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!