Published at 16th of April 2024 11:30:43 AM

Chapter 295: Fight on the stairs

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Chapter 295 Fight on the stairs

"We made it," Keyara exclaimed with a slight smile as they disembarked from the hover car and hurried towards the towering structure in the sky, their ride back home.

The ship resembled a gleaming golden bullet, its front curved while the rest of the body remained cylindrical, adorned with a large single thruster at the rear and smaller thrusters on the sides. A grand staircase descended from one of the hangars, bustling with cultivators disembarking, some carrying rare finds.

Emblazoned on the ship's side was the unmistakable logo of the Loviataro Emporium, depicting a veiled figure, akin to the emblem adorning the coins issued by the emporium.New novel chapters are published on

As they walked toward the staircase, Kevin couldn't help but notice a slight tension between Keyara and Viana as they made their way towards the ship. There was an awkwardness in the air that Kevin couldn't quite pinpoint, but he had a feeling it had something to do with the prank he had pulled earlier.

As they reached the staircase leading up to the ship, Kevin decided to address the elephant in the room. "Hey, everything okay between you two?" he asked, casting a concerned glance at Keyara and Viana.

The comment caused both women to blush, and Viana shook her head, replying, "No, it's nothing, really."

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, his smile returning. "Good to hear. I was worried something happened because of the prank I pulled earlier."

Keyara's expression darkened slightly as she retorted, "Just because nothing happened doesn't mean I'm not going to beat you for it."

Keyara scoffed at Kevin's remark. "It's fine; we already don't talk much," she retorted. Then, turning toward him with a smirk, she added, "But for you or mostly, your dick won't be seeing any action for the entire ride home."

Kevin chuckled, unfazed by Keyara's threat. "Well, you don't seem to know your grandma that well," he remarked casually as they approached the ship's entrance. "If you did, you would've known that I only have to show it to her, and there'll be more action than you got to see last night," he teased, flashing a mischievous grin.

Keyara felt a mixture of anger and embarrassment rise within her at Kevin's teasing, her cheeks flushing red with irritation. However, she opted to say nothing, instead keeping her focus on boarding the ship. As they entered the vessel, she made a mental note to give Kevin a piece of her mind later, but for now, she maintained a steely silence, determined not to give him the satisfaction of a response.

The hanger bay of the commercial travel ship was vast and bustling with activity. Bright overhead lights illuminated the space, casting a warm glow over the scene below. Rows of sleek hovercraft were neatly parked along the walls, their polished surfaces gleaming in the artificial light.

Passengers bustled about, some eagerly boarding the ship while others bid farewell to loved ones. Uniformed crew members moved efficiently through the crowd, directing travelers and assisting with luggage. The air was filled with the hum of conversation and the occasional sound of luggage being wheeled across the polished floor.

Above, the curved walls of the hanger extended upward, disappearing into the distance. Large windows lined the upper reaches, offering glimpses of the bustling spaceport beyond. The atmosphere was one of organized chaos, with a sense of excitement and anticipation palpable in the air as passengers prepared to embark on their journey.

As they made their way across the hanger bay, a process that took a solid six minutes of walking, they approached a narrow space where armored individuals were diligently inspecting those boarding the ship. The line wasn't overly long, populated mostly by individuals who appeared either injured or too weak to remain in the area any longer. Others seemed to have urgent matters to attend to outside of the den.

In just a brief span of two to three months, the den had transformed into a bustling trading hub for the surrounding cities. Kevin had even heard rumors that the Emporium was considering expanding their den business to other countries. It seemed that their ships were uniquely equipped to navigate the dangerous skies of the region without issue, making them indispensable for travel in this area.

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