Published at 11th of November 2022 10:58:08 AM

Chapter 132: Mermaid fishery

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“Mikariam-kun seems to have been born recently. He heard my voice and wanted to see me no matter what.”

“Mika wanted to meet Shina. If Shina doesn’t want it, I won’t do it anymore.”

“Yes! I see! In other words, did you mean that Shina-kun was the cause?”

Elja-san laughing Hahaha!, I firmly convinced him.
With a snap and a wink.

“I received a report from Thruster, but Shina-kun was able to summon the magic beasts, right? If there is a mermaid and the mermaid can bring the magic fish out of the magic sea and control them, then things will change.”

Happy purple eyes.
However, there is something serious about it, and he is staring at me as if to test me.
So, I nodded at those eyes and said, ‘I understand’, then moved my gaze to Mikariam-kun.

“Mikariam-kun. What do you think of the magic fish?”

“What do I think?”

“I don’t want to defeat them if you’re good friends. . .”
“Mika doesn’t get along with others.”

“Is it okay if I turn the magic fish into fish here?”


I confirm with Mikariam-kun about the magic fish.
It doesn’t look like he’s saying that because he cares about me or is trying to force himself.
For Mikariam-kun, the magic fish doesn’t seem to be something like ‘He listens to what I say because he’s a good friend.’
As Hurst-san said, it seems that magic fish are only used by people who they recognize as a superior species.

“Well then, there’s something I want Elja-san to see. . .”

“For me?”

“Yes. I think it’s faster for you to actually see it.”

“Yeah, I got it!”

“Then let’s move to the beach.”

We approached the sea from the beach we were talking about.
So I prepared. . .


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