Ultimate Scheming System - Chapter 143

Published at 18th of March 2018 11:04:32 PM

Chapter 143

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"He… He managed to withstand that first wave?"

"That was the most horrifying and strongest wave of Tribulations I’ve ever seen and he managed to survive it?"

"My god… Who on earth is this monkey?"

"The amount of strength he possesses is extremely scary!"

"He even dared to challenge the heavens and requested for nine waves?"

All the different tribes were appalled as their faces revealed looks of fear and astonishment.

Su Ling’er and her Sky Demon Tribe members were equally shocked as they watched on in utter disbelief.

"This… This friend Sun is so powerful!" An elder spoke out as his lips trembled.

"I’m afraid none of us here would be able to survive that first wave! And he came out completely unscathed!"

"He is indeed powerful. It’s so hard to believe whatever I just saw!"

"But the way he provoked the heavens, that wasn’t very appropriate huh?"

The few of them started to worry for him once again. 苏灵儿美眸注视着祭台,轻声道:"或许...他真的有那种实力!"Su Ling’er gorgeous looking eyes turned towards the altar as she whispered, "Maybe…. He’s really that powerful!"

 而万妖部落那边,同样是惊倒一片!On the side where the Thousand Demons Tribe lingered, they were equally stumped by the recent spade of events!

 哪怕是虎王,也被这种天劫所震慑,更被徐缺那股气势震撼到了!Even the Tiger King was intimidated by the ferocity of the first Tribulation wave. And he was further shocked by the way Xu Que managed to handle it effortlessly!

 但是,他也因此更加坚定了要除掉徐缺的决心!However, this made him even more convinced that he had to kill Xu Que no matter the outcome!

 其余万妖部落的异族,在这阵惊骇过后,便是纷纷嘲讽起哄.The rest of Thousand Demons Tribe were first shocked by this. When they finally regained their composure, they broke out in ridiculing taunts once again.

 "那猴子绝对不可能承受那种雷劫,定然是气运所致,侥幸活了下来.""It’s impossible that the monkey was able to withstand such a wave. It must be that he got lucky and somehow managed to survive."

 "不错,我刚才好像看到雷劫打偏了,没有完全落在他的身上!""You’re right. I think the lightning bolts came down slanted, and most of it missed his body and landed elsewhere!"

 "最可笑的是他竟然敢挑衅天威,不知死活!""The most ridiculous thing was that he even dared to provoke and challenge the heavens. He’s really asking for death!"

 "区区金丹期,还敢出言不逊,想挑战九霄雷劫,他有那资格吗?""He’s just a mere Golden Core Stage cultivator, how dare he overestimate himself and challenged the heavens to nine waves of Tribulations. Is he even worthy of activating nine waves?"

 "当真是只愚昧的猴子!""What an ignorant monkey!"

 "看着吧,第二道雷劫只会比第一道还要强大,就算是再打偏了,仅凭余威也足以将他震得魂飞魄散!""Look, the second wave would be much stronger than the first wave. Even if the second wave were to miss, the devastating effects of it would be sure to kill him without a doubt!" "我敢断言,这猴子连三霄雷劫都不可能挨得过,更何况九霄?""I’m sure enough to say that this monkey won’t even be able to survive three waves, much less nine waves?"


 "轰隆——!""Boom doom!"

 与此同时,天穹之上的雷霆,已然变得更加狂暴,仿佛因为徐缺那放肆的举动跟话语,真的惹恼了天威.At the same time, the lightning within the skies started moving with increased frenzy and stirred up violently. It was almost as if the heavens were responding towards Xu Que’s trash talk and was upset.

 第二道雷劫,比第一道的气势,变得更加可怕.The second wave of Tribulations was indeed more fearsome than the first wave.

 漆黑一片的云层,宛若变得愈发沉甸,天空像是形成了一个浩瀚深渊,许多雷云正在不断靠拢,翻涌沸腾!The clouds which were completely black at this point dipped even lower threateningly. The sky seemed to be an expanse which resembled a huge abyss looming over Xu Que, and drawing the clouds towards him. Arcs and arcs of lightning whipped and cracked around him as the second wave charged up.

 然而徐缺依然面不改色,坚毅的站在祭台中央,不曾动摇过半步.Indeed, Xu Que’s expression was unwavering as he stood still in the middle of the altar, not budging a single inch.

 脑海里,正回响着系统提示音:Within his mind, the system rang out once more.

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’装逼成功,奖励四十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 40 act tough points!"

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’装逼成功,奖励五十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 50 act tough points!"

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’装逼成功,奖励八十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 80 act tough points!" "叮,检测到雷霆之力,"太古五行诀"秘篇——‘冥王镇狱体’自动激活,当前雷霆之力已成功吸收1%.""Ding! The system has detected the strength of the forthcoming lightnings. - God of Hell’s Compulsion has been automatically activated. 1% of the lightning powers has been absorbed."

 "冥王镇狱体,差点忘了,这套秘篇法诀是需要收集八种灵气的,如今这雷劫,还正好是送上门了!""God of Hell’s Compulsion, I almost forgot. This manual required absorption of elemental spiritual energies. Seems like this Heavenly Tribulations gave me one for free!"

 徐缺嘴角噙起一抹笑意.Xu Que’s lips curled into a smile.

 虽然刚才第一道雷劫被他轻易破解,但那也是得益于"女妖面纱"的法术护盾.Although the first wave of Tribulations seemed to have been withstood by Xu Que effortless, the main reason was because of the Banshee’s Veil’s protection.

 现在护盾挡下一击后,已经消失,需要一天之后才能冷却完毕.Now that the shield had absorbed the entire wave, it was completely spent and disappeared. It would take a day before the item could be used once again, when it’s cooldown was over.

 可对于徐缺来说,他真正想要的,就是趁此机会,将肉身进行淬炼.However to Xu Que, the most important thing to him was to take advantage of the Tribulations and temper his physical body, and increase his strengths.

 而这"冥王镇狱体",恰好满足他当下各种状况!And the God of Hell’s Compulsion would help him to do this!


 终于,第二道雷劫降临了.At last, the next wave of Tribulations had descended.

 比第一道还要可怕,仿佛如数道瀑布,从天而降,顷刻间淹没了整片祭台.It was evidently more terrifying and intimidating that the first wave. It almost seemed like several violent waterfalls stacked ontop of each other were raining down lightning bolts upon him. In that moment, they engulfed the entire altar with surges of bolts.

 徐缺无处可躲,但也根本就没想躲.Xu Que had nowhere to hide. However, he wasn’t planning on hiding as well.

 身子依旧屹立在原地,手握金色铁棒,直接以肉身硬撼雷劫.He remained transfixed to the spot as he clutched his golden rod tightly, and would use his own body to defend himself against the next wave.

 "怎么回事?他就那样傻站着吗?""What is happening? Is he going to stand there stupidly, praying for the best outcome?"

 "居然不动用法诀里消除雷劫的威力?""Wasn’t he going to use some sort of spell to defend himself against the lightning bolts?"

 "这简直就是在送死呀!""He’s as good as delivering himself into the hands of death!"

 祭台下的众人纷纷诧异,惊呼连连.Everyone beneath the altar broke out in discussion once more as they sighed and screamed out.

 "轰隆!""Boom doom!"

 第二道雷劫,就那样倾盆倒泄下来,如洪水海漫金山,覆盖整个祭台.The second wave crashed down upon him once more unrelentingly, like a flood submerging everything within sight and burying the altar.

 徐缺的身影也再度从众人视野中消失!Xu Que’s body disappeared from view once again!

 但磅礴的闪电退去后,徐缺那依旧坚挺的背影,再度重现!Once the arcs of lightning had retreated, Xu Que’s unwavering shadow came into view once again.

 他,又再一次活下来了!He survived again!

 他,又再一次毫发无伤了!He’s came out of it unscathed once more!


 "这怎么可能?我没看错吧?""How was this possible? Did I see it right?"

 "不对呀,这是怎么做到的?""That’s not right, how did he manage to do it?"

 "究竟是你眼花还是我眼花,为何...他一点事都没有?""It must be that something’s wrong with your eyesight, or something is wrong with me. How… Did he come out of that completely fine?"

 众人都傻眼了,本以为这第二道雷劫肯定会要走徐缺的命,可他连法诀都没用,直接站在原地,愣是将这道雷劫硬扛了下来,而且丝毫未损!The audience were stunned by this. They all assumed that the second wave would be sure to claim Xu Que’s life. He didn’t conjure a single spell to defend himself and stood there extremely still as he awaited for the second wave. It also seemed like he just allowed the lightning bolts to strike him, and yet he was unhurt!"

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’装逼成功,奖励六十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 60 act tough points!"

 "叮,检测到雷霆之力,‘冥王镇狱体’雷属性已累积吸收5%!""Ding! After detecting the strength of the lightning, the God of Hell’s Compulsion managed to acquire 5% of the lightning powers had been absorbed!"

 祭台之上,徐缺听着脑海中响起的提示音,脸上露出了满意的笑容.While standing firmly rooted atop the altar, Xu Que could hear the system go off in his head as he revealed a smile.

 女妖面纱跟振奋盔甲这两件装备,所带来的魔抗属性,作用简直惊人,加上他之前还服用了九枚太清避雷丹,于是整幅身躯几乎成了绝缘体.Both the Spirit Visage and the Banshee’s Veil gave him a great deal of magic resistance and was extremely helpful. This was added to the fact that Xu Que had consumed nine Lightning Evasion Pills prior to the Tribulations. Hence his body was completely insulated from electricity.

 这第二道雷劫对他根本造不成什么伤害,反而还成了营养品,被"冥王镇狱体"彻底吸收.The second wave of lightning didn’t harm it at all. Instead, it added as a form of ‘nourishment’ and was absorbed by the God of Hell’s Compulsion.

 徐缺无需经过任何痛苦,肉身便因此而强大,比什么淬炼都要可怕得多!Xu Que didn’t even have to undergo any sort of pain and torment as his physical flesh was tempered by the Tribulations and made him much stronger!

 "哈哈哈,再来呀,说好九霄雷劫,就要九霄雷劫,现在才两道,敢不敢猛一点?""Hahaha, come at me again! Didn’t I say I wanted nine waves, give me nine waves. The first two waves were nothing. Can you make it more powerful please?"

 徐缺仰头望着苍天呐喊道.Xu Que reared his head towards the heavens and taunted once more.

 那种挑衅的嚣张癫狂,让在场无数人都吓坏了!The maniacal way he challenged the heavens left everyone down below reeling in fear!

 从来没有人敢这么干过,居然在渡劫的时候,对老天如此不敬!Nobody had ever dared to do anything like that. He was being exceptionally rude towards the heavens and showed open disrespect while in the midst of his Tribulations!

 而且还几番挑衅,要求老天再来更猛的天劫!And he repeatedly taunted the heavens, begging for stronger Tribulations?

 猴哥,我们叫你猴哥行了吧?你能不能别这么猛呀!Big brother monkey, can we call you big brother monkey? Can you please stop being this way!

 许多人内心都颤栗起来,看向徐缺的目光,已经变得惊恐而苦涩.The hearts of everyone down below starting thumping within their chests as they looked towards Xu Que. They were all scared beyond their wits.

 "轰隆——!""Boom doom!"

 苍穹上的雷云翻腾,愈发狂暴,第三道雷劫开始酝酿起来!The lightning bolts started roiling within the clouds and almost went berserk. The third wave was charging up in preparation.

 徐缺一棍子杵在地上,叉着腰,一边掏着耳朵,在祭台上叫嚣了起来:Xu Que’s rod was still on the ground as he placed his remaining hands on his hips. He then started digging his ear before shouting out once more.

 "快点啊!磨磨蹭蹭的,老子憋个大招都比你快.""Please hurry up! Why are you taking your own sweet time. An old man running is even faster than you."

 "还来不来了啊?我很忙的呀,你自己说你这破天劫搞那么大动静有毛用?""Are you sending your next wave or not? I’m extremely busy, don’t you know? Besides, what’s the point of making so much noise and being so dramatic? There’s no use!"

 "劈又劈不死我,不如就干脆点,一次性落下来嘛!对吧?免得浪费你我的时间!""You can send lightning bolts after lightning bolts, and I won’t die. Why not be more daring, and give it all you’ve got? Send your entire might down now, wouldn’t that be better? Then you won’t have to waste my time!"

 "你说有没有道理?我一分钟几百万收入,结果还要站在这等你酝酿个雷劫,酝酿半天就给我挠了个痒痒,这有意思吗?""Tell me, doesn’t that make sense? I make several millions bucks within a minute, and yet I still have to stand here and wait for you to charge up your lightning energy. You can charge for the entire day and only manage to tickle me, is that fun for you?"


 整片雷池区域全都沉寂了!The crowd beneath turned silent at once!

 所有人都满脸僵固,仅剩嘴角在狠狠抽搐着!The faces of everyone present froze, as their lips trembled violently.

 这...这特么还叫渡天劫吗?Was…. Was this still the Heavenly Tribulations?

 挑衅苍天就算了,居然还在那嫌弃雷劫降得太慢,还要求一次性劈下来?Nevermind the fact that you challenged and taunted the heavens repeatedly, but you even said that the heavens was taking too long? And you even requested for the heavens to throw you all its might?

 猴哥,你是恨不得老天真把你劈死吗?Big brother monkey, do you really want the heavens to strike you dead?

 嫌命长的见多了,但是像你这种,还真是第一次见呀!We’ve seen many people tired of living. But someone like you, this is the first time any of us have seen!


It’s… It’s really, taking the Tribulations too lightly!

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