Published at 10th of May 2021 08:49:05 PM

Chapter 853: 853

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Miao's Lotus eyes are shining with fire. As soon as they come out, they see the most direct changes.

"Who has a thick waist? Who has a thick waist? "

Girls can't see others saying that they are fat, especially their families.

Yu Chengzhuang also defends bao'er, "that is, my daughter will always be slim if she is fat."

Miao's Lotus looked at their father and daughter with pitying expression, and then went up to stare at Baoer's suitcase: "daughter, what good things did you buy for mom to bring back?"

"Now you know I'm your daughter." Yu bao'er collected his suitcase and looked at the Miao family he proudly said: "you just say, am I fat or not? If you say you're not fat, I'll tell you what I bought for you! "

The Miao's Lotus heard that the willow eyebrows stood up: "Oh, you girl, are you brave? Dare to threaten your mother, do you believe I'll spank you today? "

Yu Baoer: "..."


Is this the privilege of being an adult?

Threaten children with force whenever they move.

Yu Chengzhuang also wants to defend Yu bao'er. He is stared at by his wife and dare not speak at once.

Yu Baoer snorted, and then began to open the box to take out the gifts he had bought for them.

She just bought some beautiful things for them, and she didn't pay special attention to what could be used or not. There were not many gifts, but they were soon divided up by several people.

Miao he commented: "it's really good to go abroad and buy some useless souvenirs!"

"There's something else!"

Yu bao'er is not convinced. He reaches out and grabs: "if you don't want it, give it back to me."

Miao he took the first step: "if you get into my mother's pocket, it's my mother's, don't even think about it!"

After taking it, I began to walk into the bedroom.

Yu bao'er looks and smiles. Yu Chengzhuang's eyes suddenly brighten. He turns something out of Yu bao'er's box. At first sight, his face suddenly changes: "OK, Yu bao'er, you have learned to smoke!"

He seldom spoke so harshly to bao'er, that is to say, Miao he who just turned back into his bedroom followed him out: "what's the matter?"

Yu bao'er looked at it, and suddenly the face of the flowers faded: "Oh, why am I in my box with his lighter?"

The lighter in the box is obviously Huo Yingcheng's!

I saw Huo Yingcheng use it in bao'er a few days ago. It's said that the pure red lighter with such a satchel is quite expensive. He used it several times. Isn't it impressive to Yu bao'er?

She stood up at a loss: "no, how could his lighter be here? It shouldn't be! "

She hasn't touched the lighter either!

"Wow, it's not your voice, or someone else's voice. The man you sent the picture to? Lighters are all here, you dare say you don't care! "

Yu kairan started to tease Yu Baoer for fear that the world would not be disordered.

Yu Chengzhuang's face sank. Miao he came and took over the lighter. "Eh, this lighter doesn't look ordinary, but it's just a lighter."

Yu kairan took a look at it and said, "what's the general situation of the horizontal groove? This is the out of print product of teboga in 2017. Teboga is the largest lighter manufacturer in the world. If you want to buy this out of print product, you can't take it down!"

In bao'er's white face, Yu kairan added: "US dollars!"

Miao he: " Burn money! "

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