Yuan's Ascension - Chapter 44

Published at 7th of February 2024 05:56:00 AM

Chapter 44: Environmental Mastery, Night Rain, Slaughter

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Chapter 44: Environmental Mastery, Night Rain, Slaughter

Thud! Thud! Thud! A squadron of ten city guards, brandishing torches, marched straight down the middle of the streets, patrolling the city. Beyond the city walls lay the territory of land bandits and water thieves, where every village and home had to fend for itself. But within the city, the city guard did their duties diligently.

Yet amidst their watch, three mysterious figures cloaked in specialized night attire effortlessly melded into the shadows, moving with complete silence. Coupled with the cover of the night rain, they easily avoided this squad of patrolling city guards.

As the trio pressed forward, the raindrops that fell on their jet-black attire slid straight onto the ground below.

Finally, the three arrived at the entrance of the Wu family's street.

The tall, thin figure at the front raised both palms, communicating using hand signs. "Our target," he signaled, "resides in the 36th house ahead, in the west building."

"He may be just a martial virtuoso," he cautioned, "but there's a possibility of an expert from the Cloudstride Sect safeguarding him. If you encounter any difficulties, retreat immediately! We are the first team. Our mission is two-fold: assassination and reconnaissance."

"And remember, try not to harm anyone else as far as possible."

"Understood." The shorter, stout figure and the muscular figure behind him emitted soft chirps, reminiscent of raindrops hitting the ground.

All three had been extensively trained, communicating primarily through hand signs. They had mastered the art of mimicking bird calls, rain, and wind, creating their own secret code. They were true assassins!

"Go!" The tall, thin figure at the front waved his hand, taking the lead into the Wu family's street, with the other two following three steps behind. The three entered in an arrow formation, six steps apart.

Even in the depths of pitch-black darkness, their vision extended twenty meters ahead, and they confirmed their direction by the sounds of the wind.


Along the Wu family's street, perched atop the roof of an uninhabited courtyard, Wu Yuan sat in silence.

The rain cascaded, dampening his garments while a wispy mist rose from his body. Utterly silent, he merged seamlessly into his surroundings.

Ever since his physical constitution soared to its current limit, he had shifted his focus from Strength Training to nurturing his body. Each day, apart from training, he meticulously maintained his physical condition. The remaining hours were dedicated to honing his martial skills!

Mastering the Fundamentals means gaining complete control of one's power and requires unwavering focus! Power Surge magnifies the force one can exert through the integration of the musculoskeletal system! Rigid Yet Supple is the pinnacle of martial skills, controlling one's body as one wills! Perfecting Rigid Yet Supple means reaching the limit of the human body's force application abilities.

Unless one's mind can perceive the very cells coursing through their flesh and blood, elevating their power to unfathomable heights, it would be difficult to surpass this stage.

Man may be bound by the constraints of time, but the world knows no bounds!

With closed eyes, he embraced the rainfall, savoring each droplet's descent, attuned to the water's path along the eaves, attuned to the symphony of raindrops upon the earth...immersing himself in the unending darkness of the night!

Everything within several tens of meters of Wu Yuan existed within the sphere of his awareness. Eyes closed, shrouded in complete darkness. Yet his mind's eye remained vigilant, perceiving with pristine clarity.

In battles of life and death, a martial artist must not only master the application of force but also adapt to their environment. Much like how eagles reign over the skies and tigers rule the jungles, or how crocodiles lurk in the shallows to ensnare their prey, every creature has evolved to thrive in a specific habitat.

Once these creatures ventured beyond their familiar domains, their strength waned. The same was true for martial artists. Certain martial artists excelled in open spaces, while others thrived in mountainous terrain, and some unleashed their might underwater... Different environments either amplified or diminished their powers.

The true epitome of martial prowess lies not in adapting to a fraction of the surroundings, but in commanding any environment.

Embrace the flow, turn all disadvantages into advantages!

This is what martial artists pursue after mastering the Rigid Yet Supple stage, when the human body reaches its limit —Environmental Mastery!

In other words, mastering control over one's environment!

He was overwhelmed with fear. He, an experienced assassin of many years, had never encountered such a formidable expert. A Savant expert? Or even a Land Ranker? At this moment, his estimation of Wu Yuan's strength soared infinitely!

One meter, so close! It wouldn't take more than an instant for him to plunge his dagger forth. The lean, tall silhouette was confident that more than 99% of first-rate Adepts would struggle to evade his strike.

Yet, limbs were frozen, immovable, as if gripped by an icy paralysis. Because his two companions who had dared to attack Wu Yuan were now lifeless corpses, their fates sealed.

Wu Yuan's eyes, the only feature visible on his face, held a quiet menace as he spoke softly. "If you answer me, you might live. But if you remain silent, your death is certain. I'm not a patient man."

"Did you come here to assassinate Wu Yuan?"

The tall, thin silhouette hesitated for a moment.

Without warning, a cold streak of light sliced through the air. Agony seared through the arm of the tall figure, followed by a wave of weakness.

The tendons in his right hand had been severed!

"The next time, it will be your neck," Wu Yuan's voice was devoid of emotion. "Tell me, are you here to assassinate Wu Yuan?"

"Yes." The tall, thin silhouette uttered through gritted teeth.

"Who sent you?" Wu Yuan asked again.

"No one sent me. We are simply following orders," the tall silhouette replied solemnly.

Once again, a swift flash of cold light rent through the air, filling the figure with terror beyond comprehension.

The tendons in his left hand were now severed as well!

Wu Yuan's voice grew colder still. "No one ordered you, yet you follow orders? Your lies are growing tiresome. Speak the truth."

"I am an assassin from Ninedragon Peaks, tasked with assassinating Wu Yuan!" The tall, thin silhouette blurted out, "But I don't know exactly who assigned the task."

"When was the task issued?" Wu Yuan asked again.

"I cannot say for certain, but it should have been issued either the day before yesterday or yesterday," the terrified silhouette stammered, practically divulging everything he knew.

"Does your organization have a base within the city?"


"Take me there." Wu Yuan's voice cut through the air frigidly.

"Senior, I implore you to spare my life. Leading you to the branch means certain death not just for me, but for my entire clan," the gaunt figure pleaded, his terror palpable.

Crack~ Wu Yuan's hand descended swiftly, crushing the man's throat in an instant. Simultaneously, an invisible force surged through his fingertips, wreaking havoc within the victim's brain and killing him.

"I warned you, I’m not a patient man," Wu Yuan muttered.

Ninedragon Peaks? Which assassin agency is this? Wu Yuan's brow furrowed. He had only heard of the Pleiades Guild and the Ninedeaths Circle. As for other assassin agencies, he wasn't sure.

First, I must dispose of their bodies.

Wu Yuan momentarily set aside the matter of the assassins. Quickly stacking three bodies, he collected the missed sleeve arrows and fallen daggers, double-checking that no evidence of the fight remained.

Hoisting the bodies, he vanished into the dark rainy night like a wisp of smoke.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!