Published at 15th of October 2021 10:17:16 AM

Chapter 395: 395

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In Wen Zhan Hua's mind, he was very glad to have Lin Lu back by his side. After all, who wouldn't want to have a beauty by their side every night? Especially if they were already at his age?

Wen Zhan Hua was indeed getting tired of Zhao Mei Xiang and her voice. He wasn't someone that truly knew how to love or knew what love was. He purely had her by his side because of her beauty back then. However, she had already lost her beauty over the years due to the lack of care for her skin. Hence, if Lin Lu, a successful and beautiful woman, wanted to return to his side, he would gladly have her back.

However, Wen Zhan Hua still wanted to play a supposed game of tug-of-war with Lin Lu because she did insult him earlier on. He thought that her insults were a way of her getting his attention, and he was definitely intrigued by it. Hence, right now, he just wanted to have a game of push-and-pull with her. He was very confident that he would be able to have her this way because that was how he kept Zhao Mei Xiang by his side back then.

However, all of these were just Wen Zhan Hua's imagination and thinking. Lin Lu had no intention of returning to his side, and she only came to his office to have a little fun. She enjoyed seeing Zhao Mei Xiang and Wen Zhan Hua getting all fired up. She especially enjoyed seeing Zhao Mei Xiang's furious look. She didn't mind if people call her childish or what because she just wanted to play around a little with her enemies before she got to her business.

Lin Lu's demeanor changed again when she heard Wen Zhan Hua's reply, and she was back to the alluring lady.

Lin Lu rested her chin against her palm as she looked at Wen Zhan Hua, "Eh. You have to get your facts right. The one that abandoned our marriage was you. Have you forgotten how many hours you spent in the rooster's bed every week? Wait, no. You brought the rooster to our house, so it should have been our bed. So, do you remember how many hours you spent in our bed with the rooster every week? I guess you don't since you bȧrėly got out of bed when she was around. I have got a serious question. Don't you feel drained at all? Gosh. Although you were young back then, it is still too much if you bȧrėly got out of bed. Also, aren't you worried that she would have other men behind your back since she has such high needs? You see, as men age, their energy tends to decrease, but it is not exactly the same for women. So, are you keeping up with your sėxuȧŀ activity, or did it decrease? If you did, then I suggest you to go get a check, she might have men behind you."

"Besides, regarding what makes me think that you would want me back by your side. Isn't it easy? Hadn't your body told you whether or not you would let me back? I supposed your body has already told you what you want. So, I am confident that I would be by your side if I want to. After all, right now, I have everything that your wife currently doesn't have. Beauty, fame, and money. Aren't I, right?"

Lin Lu let out a soft laugh, and that made Zhao Mei Xiang more furious than ever.

"Where's your shame?! Don't you know that I can charge you for trying to seduce my husband?! Get out! You shameless woman! Don't you know what shame is?! Do you even know what's virtue?!"

Lin Lu laughed again, "I can't believe that I would ever hear all these coming out of your mouth. Shameless? Pfft. A third party of my marriage is calling me shameless. How ridiculous and funny. Besides, what did I do? You have no evidence to sue me for attempting to seduce your husband. Don't look at me as though you are going to shred me into pieces. You can't blame me for retaining my beauty as I aged. That's not a crime. I can't help it that I am even more beautiful than before while you aged so much."

Lin Lu gestured to herself and Zhao Mei Xiang as she spoke, and Zhao Mei Xiang's face continued to burn with anger and embarrassment. 

Meanwhile, the bodyguards that followed Lin Lu to Wen's Company were trying their best to hold their laughter. They had heard the conversation between Lin Lu, Wen Zhan Hua, and Zhao Mei Xiang, and they couldn't help but want to clap for Lin Lu. Lin Lu didn't even use any vulgarities or curses when she spoke. Neither did she raised her voice. However, she managed to make Zhao Mei Xiang so angry that her face became red. She couldn't even rebut Lin Lu properly because of how angry and speechless she was.

"Besides, compared to what you had done to seduce my husband back then, what I am doing is nothing. Have you forgotten how you wore all those revealing clothes when you appeared at my doorstep? You put on all those red lipsticks, red dress, and everything that you have to seduce my husband. You tried your best to look hot and sėxy to get my husband. I know red color makes a woman look way more attractive, but seriously gosh, I thought I was looking at a Turkey or Temminck's tragopan. Flashy and perhaps, just a little too ugly for my eyes. I don't know what men see in you back then, but I think it is just them thinking with their 'down there' and not their brains. I think their spėrms were rushing south, and so not enough blood could go to their brains and eyes that they malfunctioned."

Lin Lu pointed downwards as she said the last sentence and then pointed to her head.

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