A Capable Maid - Chapter 2.14

Published at 7th of July 2023 05:21:23 AM

Chapter 2.14

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With a start, Marie quickly showed her deference. “I greet Your Majesty the Emperor of West Empire.”

Johannes nodded. “This is a masquerade ball, so no need for to be so formal. We’ve all agreed to pretend not to know each other here. Please be at ease.”

“But…” That may be true, but how could she feel at ease when she knew his true identity? He wasn’t just any noble, but rather, the Emperor himself.

“By the way…” Johannes looked at her with an indescribable gaze for a moment. “It was worth the wait.”


“Because Miss Marie is beautiful.” His sudden remark caused Marie to blush. What did he just say?

“N-No, please don’t tease me.”

“I’m not teasing, Miss Marie. I may act silly most of the time, but I’m actually a very serious person.”

She knew all to well that he’s a serious person. After all, he’s the ruthless monarch who’d brought stability to the lawless West Empire through an iron fist.

As he continued to gaze at her with his dark eyes, Marie averted her gaze and lowered her head. “Well then, I’ll go inside, please carry on with your business.”

As she tried to pass by his side, something unexpected happened.


He grabbed her hand! Although it was a gentle and non-threatening touch, Marie’s heart skipped a beat.

“Y-Your Majesty?”

Johannes said softly, “My business is you, Miss Marie.”


“I’ve been waiting for you.”

Marie’s head became a jumble mess. Johannes was still smiling, but she couldn’t fathom what lay behind that smile.

“Why me?”

“Why not?” Johannes shrugged as if it were a no brainer. “I was waiting to escort you.”


He gently released his grip on her hand. Then, like a knight to a damsel, he gallantly bowed before her, extending his hand in a chivalrous gesture. “May I have the honor of escorting you, beautiful lady?”


Marie’s eyes twitched. ‘What is happening right now?’

She wondered if he was playing a prank, but those dark eyes looking at her were oddly earnest.

Even the most oblivious person could tell that he wasn’t doing it as a joke. However, that only made the current situation more perplexing. ‘Why me?’

“Lady?” Johannes asked again.

Marie bit her lip. ‘What should I do?’ Technically, she had complete freedom to accept or reject him. Especially at a masquerade ball, where everyone could choose their desired partners regardless of social status.

‘But…’ Honestly, she didn’t like Johannes. She never thought of him romantically, and had sensed danger lurking beneath his charming smile. Letting her guard down to that gentle smile might be her downfall.

In fact, there were numerous accounts in the West Empire of those who—captivated by him—met their demise.

‘But…’ Should she view his actions in that context? Or should she simply accept it as a gesture of kindness? She couldn’t make up her mind.

“Please answer me.”

With Johannes’ words, Marie finally made a decision. “I…”

But suddenly, something unexpected happen—a familiar voice interjected between them!

“Shouldn’t I be the one to escort her?”


Marie turned her head in surprise. There stood a man, who she instantly recognized despite wearing a mask.

‘Lord Kiel!’

It was Marquis Kierhan, the Commander of the Imperial Guard. With his radiant silver hair and chiseled facial features, he was recognizable.

Johannes seemed to recognize him too, pursing his lips. “Ah, the esteemed Marquis Kierhan. What brings you here?”

“Your Majesty, it is a surprise to meet you in such unexpected circumstances.”

As soon as they faced each other, a chilly atmosphere filled the air. While they didn’t overtly show hostility, there gaze carried an icy intensity.

‘Is it because he’s the Emperor of the West Empire, and he’s the Commander of the Imperial Guards?’ Marie thought.

However, there was something she didn’t know. While her assumption wasn’t entirely wrong, there was an even deeper animosity between the two than she realized.

“Anyway, go inside and carry on with your business. I have something to discuss with this lady.”

Upon Johannes’ words, Kiel shook his head. “I’m sorry, but that isn’t an option. I also have important business with Miss Marie here.”

“What?” Johannes furrowed his brow slightly.

Kiel nodded and turned his gaze towards Marie. Then, just as Johannes had done before, he gallantly bowed his head and offered his hand in a chivalrous manner. “Miss Marie, would you grant me the honor of accompanying you at this hour?”

“Your Lordship?”

Marie wore a puzzled expression. First, Emperor Johannes III of the West Empire, and now Marquis Kierhan, the Commander of the Imperial Guard, too? What on earth is happening?

‘W-Well, it’s not that I dislike Lord Kiel, but… no, even if I do like him, still…’

She liked Kiel. Based on his interactions with Prince Oscar alone, she could sense the inherent goodness in him. Kind, handsome, and caring, who wouldn’t like him? Moreover, he’s her friend. With him, the masquerade ball would definitely be fun.

However, Marie hesitated to accept his offer for an entirely different reason with Johannes’.

“Miss Marie?”

“I am not fit to be Your Lordship’s companion. I appreciate your kindness, but I can’t accept it.”

Kiel must’ve stepped forward because he wanted to save her from Johannes. That extraordinary man, shining brighter than anyone else, deserved a more dazzling lady than herself.

But upon hearing her words, Kierhan furrowed his brow. “Says who?”


“Who says you’re not suitable?” His voice was filled with venom. She flinched, hearing him speak in such a tone for the first time.

“Your Lordship?”

“Miss Marie, you’re my precious friend. Please refrain from speaking like that.”

The word “precious” wormed into Marie’s heart. Of course, Kiel must have said it out of the goodness of his heart, but still, she felt a slight tremor in her heart.

“Thank you, Your Lordship.”

In the end, she accepted his hand. She thought it was too much for her to hold, but she couldn’t refuse someone who took great consideration of her.

‘Since it’s a masquerade ball, it’s fine to be Cinderella for a day.’

With that thought in mind, Marie accepted Kierhan’s offer and entered the banquet hall.

Meanwhile, the jilted man, Emperor Johannes III, smirked. “How interesting.”

Despite being rejected, he didn’t seem particularly offended. As the ruler of the Western Empire, he was not the type to care about such trivial matters.

“Anyway…” he muttered under his breath. “I came to find Princess Morina, but I couldn’t even find a trace of her.”

Princess Morina, a person vital to his plans. He came to the palace to find her, but it was a complete failure.

“Still… I’m glad I gained something from this.”

Johannes recalled the maid who’d just disappeared before his eyes. She looked ordinary but was surprisingly fascinating.

“What to do… I find the maid more interesting than Princess Morina. It’s a shame that I won’t see her anymore.”

After the masquerade ball, he would return to the Western Empire.

It wasn’t for good though. For his plans, Johannes would have to return in the near future. ‘Until then, farewell to that maid too. It would be a shame not to see her anymore though, so should I just kidnap and bring her to the Western Empire?’

He smirked and muttered, “Until we meet again, adorable little maid.”

‘Wow, this masquerade ball…’ Marie’s eyes widened as soon as she entered the banquet hall. It was completely different from the typical banquets held at Glory Hall. Perhaps because of the masks they’re all wearing, it was much more relaxed, friendly, and lively, to the point that it felt decadent.

It felt like a completely different world from the one she’d lived in, so Marie couldn’t help but be distracted.


Marie stumbled, colliding with someone. Kiel, who was by her side, quickly steadied her.

“Be careful.”

“Oh, thank you. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.”

“In that case, would you like to go over there and rest for a while?”

Kiel led her to a secluded balcony. As they reached the balcony, they escaped the crowded surroundings and felt the cool breeze.

“Ah, how refreshing.”

“Masquerade balls can be a bit overwhelming.”

“Yes, I don’t think it suits me well.”

Kiel nodded. “To be honest, I don’t particularly enjoy masquerade balls either.”

“Oh, then why?” Marie looked puzzled. Unlike the grand banquet and other social functions that the nobility must attend, masquerade balls were optional, meant for those who simply want to have fun. “Well, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to attend, right?”

“Well, you’re right. But I just wanted to attend this time.”

Marie tilted her head, but Kiel just smiled at her, keeping the reason to himself.

‘Come to think of it, he doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself at all.’ Unlike others who kept dancing and changing their partners, Kiel simply stayed by her side.

‘Does he not like dancing? Then why did he attend?’

Suddenly, Kiel looked up at the sky and said, “The moon shines so bright.”

“Oh, yes. How beautiful.”

“Miss Marie, do you have a favorite constellation?”

“I like the herdsman constellation. And you?”

And so they gazed at the night sky and engaged in light conversation. ‘It’s nice,’ Marie thought as she listened to him. She always felt comfortable when talking to Kiel.

‘If we hadn’t met like this, I wonder if we would’ve become close friends.’

She couldn’t help but think that if she hadn’t been hiding her true identity and instead had known him since childhood, they could’ve become as thick as thieves.

She just felt so at ease with him.

Suddenly, Kiel said, “Thank you.”


“I heard what you did—that you stood up for Prince Oscar.”

Marie lowered her head. “No, I just…”

She never intended to reveal herself, it’s just that she couldn’t bear the thought of the little prince facing harsh punishment.

“It’s nothing, don’t mention it.”

Kiel’s gaze intensified as he looked at her.

Unlike what Marie said, it was never something to be taken lightly. Though she shrugged if off as if it was nothing, in reality, she had put her life on the line. Thanks to her, Prince Oscar was able to avoid a great deal of trouble.

He bowed his head and said, “As a friend of His Highness Prince Oscar and as the Marquis of Seyton Estate, I express my gratitude to you, Miss Marie.” With a solemn voice, he made an oath. “I, Marquis Kierhan, will forever be in your debt, Miss Marie. Should you need any help, please do not hesitate to ask. I will support all of your endeavors as if it were my own.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!