A Capable Maid - Chapter 3.19

Published at 14th of July 2023 07:29:43 AM

Chapter 3.19

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But her efforts seemed in vain, with no noticeable progress. She pondered the meaning behind her dream, or rather, if it was a meaningless dream altogether.

‘Is it just a dream?’ Marie thought to herself, feeling bewildered.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t find any connection between the Eastern Kingdom and the peasants of the southwestern region.

‘What on earth could it be?’

Without realizing it, she released a sigh, prompting Rachel, who was by her side, to ask in a puzzled voice, “Marie, why the sigh? What are you thinking?”

“Well… I was just worried about the delegation, that’s all.”

Rachel nodded in response to Marie’s words.

“Yeah, you’re right. This matter needs to be resolved quickly. The selection schedule has been completely canceled, and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”

Due to the sudden emergency situation, both Rachel and Ariel had suspended all activities and sought refuge in the annex of the Lion Palace.

Feeling frustrated with the situation, Rachel slightly pursed her lips.

‘I must become the Crown Princess for my true goal.’

Rachel suddenly remembered her ‘true goal.’ To achieve it, she needed to become the Crown Princess, but unfortunately, an unexpected predicament had risen in the empire.

As she contemplated this, she remembered Marie’s knack for solving problems effortlessly, almost like magic. She turned to Marie and asked, “Marie, do you happen to have any good ideas on how to solve this problem? I feel like you always come up with something.”

“I’m not sure. It’s a highly intricate matter.”

“Is that so? What a shame. If there were a viable solution, it could greatly impress His Highness.”

It wasn’t just about earning favor. If Rachel could propose a clever approach to handle that urgent matter, the Crown Prince might even reward her by making her the Crown Princes, considering the magnitude of this matter for the Empire.

“Let’s have some cake. Would you like some, Marie?”

“Oh, I’m fine, thank you.”

“Are you sure? This cake is made with sugar instead of honey, so it tastes divine.”

Marie made a surprised expression upon hearing Rachel’s words.

Sugar was a considered a luxury ingredient, as it was rarely cultivated in Europe and mostly imported from the East.

It was so expensive that only the wealthy nobility could afford it, making it a rarity for most people. As a result, honey was commonly used as a substitute sweetener for sugar.

‘I wish we could trade food rations for sugar.’

The value of sugar was so expensive that it rivaled that of gold, commanding prices higher than food rations.

‘But sugar is also a prohibited item for trade. While merchants can engage in private transactions, the Empire can’t do the same.’

As Rachel enjoyed her cake, she mumbled almost introspectively, “Sugar tastes so delicious, but why is it so expensive? It would be wonderful if our Empire could also grow sugar.”

Marie stared at Rachel in shock. ‘Wait a minute! What did she just say?’

Marie asked with a trembling voice, “Lady Rachel, what did you just say?”

“Oh? I’m just saying that it would be wonderful if our Empire could cultivate sugar as well. That way, it would be more accessible, don’t you think?” Rachel tilted her head as she asked, “But wasn’t sugar only produced in the East? Why do you think so, Marie?”

However, Rachel’s question left Marie momentarily speechless, a sudden realization striking her.

‘Why didn’t I think of this before? We don’t necessarily have to receive finished goods in exchange for our food rations,’ Marie thought, her eyes trembling. ‘All we need to do is obtain sugarcane seeds! With those seeds, the Empire can produce its own sugar!’

Marie’s throat tightened. The idea was simply incredible—producing sugar within the Empire!

It would be more than sufficient compensation for food rations. In fact, it felt more like stumbling upon a goose that laid golden eggs.

‘Granted, Europe may not possess the ideal climatic conditions for cultivating sugarcane, but the Empire happens to have places like that.’

Marie recalled the conditions for cultivating sugarcane.

Sugarcane thrived in regions with consistently high temperatures and abundant rainfall year-round. While most of Europe failed to meet these conditions, the Empire had the perfect location.

It was the very same southwestern region she had seen in her dreams, afflicted by endless famine.

‘While the southwestern region may not be suitable for growing wheat, it is rather well-suited for sugarcane cultivation.’ Then she thought, ‘Currently, the sugar trade is monopolized by Venetian merchants. But what if the Empire could produce its own sugar and distribute it throughout Europe?’

The potential wealth that could be generated from such venture was beyond Marie’s imagination. She couldn’t even begin to fathom the immense financial gains that awaited them.

‘Let’s go and inform the Crown Prince about this immediately.’

There was no doubt that the Crown Prince would be delighted. It presented a remarkable method to transform a crisis into an opportunity.

‘Once His Highness learns of this, he may finally be able to get a good night’s sleep.’

What’s up with her? For some reason, Marie wanted to ensure that he received some proper rest.

Perhaps because she’d been seeing him push himself too hard lately that she’d thought so.

‘Let’s head to the Lion Palace.’

But just as Marie was planning to do that, Rachel, who had been quietly observing Marie’s expression, suddenly said, “Marie, have you figured something out?”


Marie looked at Rachel in surprise.

Rachel’s face lit up with joy upon realizing that Marie had indeed come up with something. “Tell me what you came up with. I’ll personally convey it to His Highness, just as I did last time.” With a gentle smile, Rachel said, “Well, it would be beneficial for you if things go well for me, wouldn’t it?”

On that day, Rachel requested an audience with the Crown Prince.

Upon hearing the concerns of those around him that he had been neglecting the two candidates due to the delegation, the Crown Prince decided to have a simple dinner together.

But since Ariel had also been neglected, Rachel ended up sharing the dinner with Ariel.

“Greetings, Lady Ariel.”

Arriving at the dining area with Marie, Rachel politely bowed her head upon seeing Ariel.

Ariel, who had been on edge due to Rachel’s recent prominence, snorted at her and barely acknowledged her greeting.

Sitting at the large dining table, Ariel looked at Marie disapprovingly. ‘To think that she’s brought such a lowly maid, almost like a slave, to a meal with His Highness.’

Rachel couldn’t help but smile in spite of Ariel’s behavior. Normally, she would have subtly provoke her, but this time, she didn’t feel inclined to do so.

It’s because she was overcome with excitement at the thought of speaking with the Crown Prince.

‘It’s nice that Lady Ariel will be joining us for the meal too.’ Rachel quietly thought to herself, ‘Because this competition ends today. The Crown Princess position will be mine.’

She recalled the idea that Marie had suggested earlier.

In exchange of providing food rations, they would acquire sugarcane seeds and start producing sugar themselves!

It was truly an incredible idea.

Not only would it help them overcome the current crisis, but it would also bring immense prosperity to the Empire in the future.

‘I will definitely gain his favor with this solution. The Crown Prince, who maintains a clear system of rewards and punishments, will not overlook it. He will grant me a generous reward, I’m sure of it.’

And as a Crown Princess candidate, there is only one possible reward for her: to be appointed as the Crown Princess.

‘This tiresome selection will come to an end at last.’

Rachel couldn’t wait to see Ariel’s expression once she shared her solution to the Crown Prince. Just imagining it brought her tremendous satisfaction.

However, Rachel suddenly felt hesitant about appropriating Marie’s idea. But she quickly shook her head. ‘It would be beneficial for both Marie and I if things go well and I become the Crown Princess.’ Then she thought, ‘Anyway, Marie’s abilities are truly amazing. Once I become a Crown Princess, should I keep her by my side?’

Marie’s abilities were truly impressive. The more Rachel got to know her, the more she couldn’t help but be in awe.

Suddenly, Rachel felt an urge to continue utilizing Marie’s talents even after becoming the Crown Princess.

‘No, that wouldn’t be prudent. If it were to be discovered that Marie actually did the tasks that I took credit for, it would be problematic.’

Rachel’s beautiful eyes casted downward. It was a subtle change that happened in an instant, while no one was watching.

‘Once the selection is over, I’ll have to send her out of the palace to keep her from speaking. Preferably as far away as possible, like outside the Empire.’

Fortunately, Marie also wanted to leave the Empire herself. If Marie had wanted to stay within the Empire, it would have complicated matters.

But anyway, that was a concern for another time.

In her usual gentle tone, Rachel said, “Marie, could you pass me my handkerchief?”

“Yes, Lady Rachel. Here it is.”

“Thank you.”

As Rachel received the handkerchief and unfolded it, a cold voice suddenly loomed before them.

“Pardon me for being late. Have you been waiting long?”

It was none other than Crown Prince Rael.

Everyone in the room rose to their feet and paid their respects.

“Greetings, Your Imperial Highness.”

“Please take a seat. We don’t have much time, so bring the food immediately.”

The Crown Prince beckoned to the waiting servant. The servant then bowed their head and promptly started serving the dishes.

Given the circumstances, it was not a an elaborate supper, but rather, a simple one.

“Your Highness, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule,” Rachel said politely, taking the initiative.

The Crown Prince nodded and coldly responded, “Very well. What is it that you wish to discuss with me, Lady Rachel?”

His cold eyes pierced through Rachel, sending a shiver down her spine, much like anyone else who faced his iron mask. Nonetheless, she confidently opened her mouth, knowing that what she was about to say would undoubtedly leave a strong impression on the Crown Prince himself.

“I dared to request an audience with Your Highness because I have a solution to offer regarding the audacious demands of the Eastern Kingdom.”

Upon hearing her words, the Crown Prince’s eyes sparked with interest.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

However, Rachel sensed that something was off.

Although she had supposedly come up with a solution, the Crown Prince’s gaze seemed to focus not on her, but on the maid, Marie, standing behind her.

“Go on.”

Rachel tilted her head slightly and began to explain. “The solution I have come up with is…”

She recited the solution exactly as Marie had told her.

As her solution unfolded, Lady Ariel, who had been listening from the sidelines, grew increasingly astonished, her face filled with disbelief.

Although Ariel lacked deep understanding in politics and diplomacy, she grasped the significance of what Rachel was suggesting.

It was something beyond Ariel’s imagination; a way that could overcome the Empire’s current problem while also yielding substantial benefits at the same time.

Even the Crown Prince’s blue eyes flickered with surprise.

Seeing his reaction, Rachel smiled inwardly. It was evident that the Crown Prince was impressed by what she had said.

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