Published at 19th of February 2024 08:17:02 AM

Chapter 135

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Iris was a person who focused on the situation that came at the moment. There were so many variables in life.

The same was true for her relationship with Hayer.

It was good to be with him right now, so let’s think about the future then, and find a solution at that moment.

Hayer, on the other hand, was an extremely systematic person, constantly thinking about ways to the future and figuring out the number of possibilities. And most of the endings of this land that he understood in that way were not very good.

Iris said softly, running a hand through Hayer’s hair.

“I won’t abandon you.”

Hayer closed his eyes for a moment from the rising influence of alcohol. And buried his face in her chest.

He consciously stopped thinking about the ‘next.’ This moment was just focused on embracing Iris’s body.

Her body smelled of the desert night.

Iris said embarrassedly as Hayer dug through her clothes.


When drunk, he became honest.

At that moment, Hayer thought there was no reason why he wouldn’t want to be king. No, regardless of Siere’s throne, he wanted to cut off King Eswa’s head himself.

Until now, he felt sorry for Eswa Lepos, who had tortured him so much. It was a strange feeling to sympathize with the perpetrator, and it was pitiful that he, who knew and raised him as a son, was deceived.

But here, he learned that it was Eswa Lepos who forced this marriage despite knowing that Peonia was in love with the King of Siere. Knowing that, he no longer felt sorry for King Eswa.

He was just a villain to his mother from the beginning.

Thinking so, he lifted his head and looked at Iris.



Not being afraid of the future in advance was not just a disadvantage. Thanks to her nature, Iris had little fear.

She was not a well-educated person to begin with. However, not even King Eswa could refute that Iris Lepos was a person of goodwill.

She was the last person to do anything like being the Queen of Siere. She’d rather be a king.

But still.

If she fell in love with him more.

He kissed Iris on the chin, thinking so. Then he laid down and said, pressing down on the influence of alcohol.

“Before going to the capital, let’s get up early in the morning and look around the market.”

While saying that, Hayer picked up Iris’s pillow and threw it away. Even though Iris’s eyes widened in bewilderment, Hayer tapped his arm without caring.

“Lie down here.”

“It looks hard.”

“But it’s still warm.”

“I think you keep forgetting today, but this is a desert.”

“It’s cold at night in the desert. You know that.”

At Hayer’s words, Iris looked askance at him.

Though, it was true that desert nights were cold in any case. The night air was even colder because it was winter.

Iris was from the north, so the cold was okay, but it wasn’t so warm that sleeping in his arms would be hot.

She eventually put her head on Hayer’s arm. As he said, she felt the advantage of being warm.

Iris murmured as she tried to sleep in his arms while he pulled her.



“Maybe I like you more than you think.”


“No. On the contrary, I guess you don’t know how much I like you.”

Hayer paused at her murmur.

He was speechless and didn’t answer immediately, and Iris continued, patting his chest with her hand.

“Hayer, nothing takes priority over you for me.”

Then she took a deep breath and continued talking.

“Honestly, I don’t have very good parents, so where in particular would I rely on? Except for you.”

Those were the sweetest words Hayer had ever heard in his life. That she would depend on him.

Iris looked relieved and satisfied when Hayer involuntarily smiled.

Hayer got up, pulled off his top and threw it away, then went back to bed to lie down. Then he gently lifted Iris and laid her on top of himself as he faced the ceiling.

Iris’s red hair spilled over his body. She blinked and Hayer said.

“Lie down. It’ll be more comfortable than you think.”

Iris was flustered by what he said, then fell into Hayer’s arms and closed her eyes for a moment. It really wasn’t as uncomfortable as she thought.

“I think I’m going to fall asleep.”

“You can sleep like this.”

“Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

“It’s nice. Being in touch with you.”

Iris smiled faintly, then dozed off and fell asleep on top of him.

───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───

It was the first rain since arriving in the desert.

Seeing the rain, it seemed like the edge of the desert here.

Iris, who woke up from the sound of the rain, was surprised to find that she had really fallen asleep on top of Hayer.

As she moved from above, Hayer held her pelvis tightly with his hands raised in his sleep.


“Isn’t it heavy? Didn’t you have a nightmare? Didn’t you get sleep paralysis?”

“I have no idea…”

“Are you slow?”

“It’s the first time in my life hearing that.”

Hayer reluctantly raised himself, saying that.

He asked with his eyes half-open.

“Is it raining?”

“I think so.”

“Wow, I’ve been in the desert for so long and this is the first time it’s rained.”

While Hayer was talking, Iris wrapped herself in a blanket and got down from the bed.

Hayer also came down barefoot and walked behind her. Then, standing by the window, he pulled a little bit of Iris’s blanket, looked at her back, and asked.

“Why are you naked?”

When Iris shot a sidelong scowl at those words, Hayer asked again.

“Did you take it off?”

“You whined that it was hot.”

“No, I’m hot, so why are your clothes… did I take it off as well?”

“You looked very pathetic.”

“I was out of my mind.”

It wasn’t until Hayer woke up that he remembered the day before.

He wanted to touch Iris with bare skin, so he begged her to take off her dress while he was drunk, and she listened. It wasn’t until their chests touched in that state that he fell asleep comfortably.

Iris checked to see if she could sit on the wide window sill, and went up with both hands. Hayer put her two smooth legs on the window sill and said.

“How pretty your feet are.”

“…Can you only see my feet even after looking at that?”

“What’s that?”


It wasn’t until Iris pointed that Hayer looked out the window.

The rain that poured all night had sprouted green in the desert.


“You just saw it?”

“Looking at you.”

Iris laughed incredulously and turned her head to look out the window.

She murmured.

“I thought there was nothing in the desert.”

“I know. Is grass flying in here because it’s on the outskirts?”

“If it keeps raining, will this not be a desert?”

“I guess so?”

“But if it keeps raining, you can’t even call it a desert in the first place.”

“That too.”

Iris scolded Hayer when he agreed.

“Are you going to be this lost until I get dressed?”

“No. I’ll pull myself together even if you don’t get dressed. Don’t get dressed.”

“What’s so good about my body?”

“I can’t explain how good it is…”

Iris slapped his stomach at his words, rubbing her eyes.

Hayer feigned being in pain and covered his stomach. Then he looked out the window so as not to be scolded more and said.

“It’s beautiful. Grass has grown in the desert.”


Iris muttered, looking out the window.

“It’s a beautiful land.”

What she was thinking after saying that, Hayer vaguely guessed through Iris’s expression. Perhaps she was thinking of protecting it, he was sure. So that it could stay like this.

Hayer examined her slender pale neck, ankles, and two feet out of the blanket.

He wrapped his hand around Iris’s bare foot. After walking many paths, the calluses were firmly embedded.

Iris looked at her feet and said.

“It got rough, right?”

“It suits you well.”


“Yes. Iris Lepos is a tougher person than I thought.”

He lifted Iris’s foot and kissed the top and ankle.

Iris knew that he could see her body in the blanket, but she did not avoid it. Hayer made no secret that he was looking at her body either.

As Hayer’s kiss gradually came up, Iris flinched and grabbed the window frame, looking out the window. Fortunately, there was no one in the desert.


Hayer grasped her thigh with his hand, and Iris threw her head back, shutting her eyes tightly as he kissed her again.

───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───

Hayer yawned and left the bathroom in good spirits.

Iris, whom he took care of and meticulously bathed, was lying on the bed as if she had collapsed. Her face was flushed red, and it did not easily return to normal.

As he sat down on the bed, Iris was embarrassed and pulled the blanket over her head.

Hayer said with a mischievous look.

“Why? You made it fun.”

“…Didn’t you seem to like it too much?”

“It doesn’t look like it, it’s actually…”

He joked about it and got hit once more.

Hayer said while rubbing his thigh.

“You hit me often. I like that it suits you. It’s thrilling.”

At his words, Iris only reached out of the blanket and pointed to the window. Hayer tilted his head.


“Go away and fall.”

Hayer burst into laughter again at her aggressive words.


LMFAO HE IS SO HORNY AND DOWN BAD iris telling him to pretty much kill himself at the end my girl is so funny we do love a foreplay + aftercare man though!!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!