A Nascent Kaleidoscope - Chapter 19

Published at 15th of March 2024 06:48:36 AM

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

I walked towards the very familiar towers of the college. The bounded field around the whole building was a much-welcomed reprieve from the harsh weather outside. The trip had been long and rather dull. Too long to do a single straight shot, we had to rest a few times so all in all, it was about three days before I got back here.

I carried my new sword, Dawnbreaker in my hand. I had wrapped it up with some cloth, I didn't want an obviously magical blade shining everywhere I went. I also felt a bit awkward about putting it into my storage ring for now, I didn't know how that would react with Meridia's...sight, or whatever she was doing to watch over me. I would need to get a scabbard made at some point.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see." I heard a familiar voice and turned around.

"Enthir." I greeted. "Did you make any progress on what I had asked?" It should have been, what, almost a week ago that we last met?

"Indeed, I was lucky and someone answered back on my inquiries. It seems that I found someone in possession of an entire sword made out of the glass material you are looking for."

"A whole sword....thats more that I expected, but welcomed nonetheless." I thought for a moment, dimensions, size and estimated how much I actually needed. "How much?"

"I hadn't received a price yet, the seller is of.....certain status, I didn't yet wish to approach without a firm understanding of your needs."

"I see. Buy the sword if you can, as I said, money isn't much of an issue." I swiped my ring and took out a bag of jewelry and the Ebony axe from the undead I killed. "Think you can sell this all for me?"

"Oh my, is that Ebony?" He quickly took the axe to begin examining it. "What wonderful craftsmanship, if I had to guess this is a very old piece yet it is still marvelously well kept."

"Fought an undead swinging it around." I shrugged.

"Oh, a draugr with an ebony axe, he must have been a powerful one with status before he died." The elf nodded in understanding as he peeked inside the bag. It was just some trinkets that were scattered around the loot I had taken as well. "Nothing too interesting.....what's this?" He picked out a ring in particular and inspected it. "Hmm, this is enchanted."

Is it? I didn't even notice, not that I had paid it much attention to begin with. "Woops, I guess I left that in there."

He just hummed, handing the ring to me and looking at the bag again. "The jewelry will probably run about a thousand septims, after I take my commission, of course."

"Of course." I accepted that he would be making coin off me, it was the nature of the business.

"The axe though, well, Ebony isn't readily available on the market, even the Nord warriors all over will want this piece. I can estimate, probably around five to six thousand septims at the lower end."

That's better than I thought. "I'm in no rush yet, but get a hold of that glass sword as soon as possible." The sooner I have it the sooner I can truly start planning out my mystic code.

"I'll reach out to my contacts right away." He gave a nod and wrapped everything up, taking it to who knows where.

I didn't think he would cheat me, he was too 'open' about his practices for that. If it got around that he was cheating his customers, the people in the college would stop trusting him. No doubt the Archmage also keeps an eye on his dealings, if anything crossed certain lines, I don't think he would stay on the sidelines.

Regardless, it seems like everything is coming together. I can't wait to finally get started, though I don't think I'll be doing the actual forging. Guess I'll need to check back in on the Companions for that, hopefully they aren't too pissed.

I really need to keep my temper in check. It shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did.


I flopped onto my bed, and that was something nice to think about.

My bed, the first time I had actually been into 'my room' in the college since coming here. It was just a small little room with a few shelves, a tables and my bed inside. Nothing extravagant, but it got the job done and it's not like I would need to spend lots of time in here.

"Well, it beats sleeping outside in the snow."

"Barely." Another voice replied.

I tilted my head up to see the familiar from of Meridia, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Hello." I'm glad I shut my door, would have been a bit awkward otherwise. "I'm happy to see you again." Even if I didn't expect our next meeting to be so soon.

She crossed her arms and snorted. "Is this the hole that you live in?"

"For now, I guess. I don't really need much else while studying here at the college."

"I suppose this 'college' is impressive mortal standards." She gazed up at the ceiling. "I can only recall a handful of places in this world that have better protections than here."

"I'm glad it gets your seal of approval." I lightly chuckled.

"Of course I want you to...." She cut herself off. "I expect certain standards from you."

"Well, I do have a question while you're here. Would it be okay to store your sword inside my ring?" I wiggled my finger. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

"Let me see." She gestured, I walked around my bed and sat next to her. I felt her hand stroke the metal band, inspecting it. "It would not be a problem."

Her hand started to pull away but I lightly grabbed it, there was only a slight surprise on her end, but she allowed it all the same. "Can I ask why you're here?"

" you not welcome me?" She said quietly.

"I'll always be happy to have you here, I'm just wondering if something is wrong or—"

"Yes, woops." He frowned. "What did you do, Wilhelm? Did you make a deal with one of them? Please tell me you didn't sell your soul."

"I didn't, I'm perfectly fine." I denied.

"Then what did you do to get the attention of one of their ilk?" He paced around the room. "Your job, you went to the Statue of Meridia, that's who appeared, I see. Did you become her champion then? I heard about her champions in the past, wielding her holy sword."

"I have the sword—" I brought it out from my ring. "—But I didn't become her champion."

"Oh, Wilhelm...divines, you didn't steal it from her temple, did you?" He sighed. "It's okay, this is fixable, at least you aren't bound to her. She'll want to be appeased; she hates undead fiercely. Perhaps we should find some rogue necromancers around Skyrim and offer them up?" He stroked his beard, looking around the room and pulled several books to him. " a few crypts are around here, no doubt they have draugr walking the halls, perhaps she'll take that as a peace offering."

"Erm... I didn't steal it either, she willingly gave it to me." I scratched my cheek, gods this was embarrassing. It's like trying to tell my mom that I finally got a girlfriend.

"I believe I am missing something then." He slammed a book shut.

" do I put this?" I thought about how to phrase this properly. "I cleared out her temple from a necromancer, and she offered me a reward something like 'I'll give you anything in my power'."

"Oh, brilliant, so you asked for the sword then." He clapped his hands. "Well done, Dawnbreaker is marvelous sword, especially when diving into the ancient tombs that litter Skyrim."

"Not quite....."

He stopped, staring at me as his eyes narrowed. "Wilhelm, what did you do?"

"So I may have.....askedhertobemywoman."

"Pardon? I believe I misheard you." He lost pretty much all light in his eyes as he just looked at me, utterly dumbfounded.

"I asked her to be my woman."

"Ah, I thought that's what I heard you say." He clapped his hands, casting a spell and summoning....a bottle of ale into his hand, before downing it quite quickly. "So, you are in a romantic relationship with the Daedric Lord, Meridia."



"Okay?" I questioned.

He nodded his hands, summoning a staff into his hand. He walked up to me, gave me a reassuring smile, and bopped me on the head.

"Oww." I rubbed my head. "I'm not apologizing."

"Of course not, you're still a young man, I doubt the head on your shoulders has even taken back your thought process yet."

I raised a finger up, about to respond but closed my mouth. "....that's actually fair."

"Indeed." He sighed. "I suppose.....this is substantially better than the worst case I was preparing for."

"So....would it be okay if she appeared here more?"

"Are you....asking me for permission for your Daedric Lord girlfriend to tear her way into this realm from oblivion and pop into the college....for a social visit?"

"Okay, when you spell it out like that, it sounds kind of weird."

"You know, this isn't the strangest conversation I've ever had. I have met Sheogorath before." He rubbed his temples. "Even with the power of the college backing me, I don't think I have the ability to stop her, if I wanted to that is. Mind you, I don't wish to do battle against an entity like her. My only that no harm come to my college and its people."

"I will make sure nothing happens." I gave my word.

"Okay." He nodded. "Now it's time for your punishment."


"Did you think you could summon a Daedric Lord into my college without any consequences?" He pulled out a map and handed it to me. "Tolfdir was heading an expedition marked on the map, he finally uncovered the entrance to some ancient ruins and it's crawling with undead. I think it appropriate that you help deal with that considering your new.... Lady friend." He looked at the sword still in my hand.

"Fine." I agreed. "And....I'm sorry I didn't really think things through."

He sighed and pat my shoulder. "Believe it or not, I understand. While I never fell for someone quite so...I did have my own love when I was younger. Sometimes we can't control who makes us feel that way."

"Now." He clapped his hands. "Off you go."

I suddenly felt myself be pulled away again, falling down into a pile of snow in the courtyard.

....Okay, I'll admit I deserved that.

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