Published at 19th of February 2024 05:57:55 AM

Chapter 41

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When the next day arrived, Nirra and Ellie received their C-rank guild cards as well as the new armor the guild had paid for. For Ellie, her dented and cracked armor was replaced with a black one-piece uniform that gave her supreme maneuverability and a new red katana with its black scabbard. Nirra wondered why Ellie switched preferences, but Ellie just says that her old armor slowed her down, which caused her to get hit multiple times by the demon. Nirra had to agree, but she was still weary of her sister's making a mistake.

For Nirra, her attire consisted of small blackened steel shoulder plates, a white top with multiple bands of red leather strips to support her bust weight and to protect against slashing attacks, a white top with a black leather corset for her torso, and black leather arm guards to help with defense. Nirra did feel that the dark blue skirt that hugged her thighs felt a little too short, but she brushed it off after she realized that this set was really expensive and cost the guild 3 golden coins each. She also felt it would show off more of her thighs since at her back was a leather waist cape that hid her plump thighs from people trying to peak from the back. 

"I guess that is all?" The guildmaid who handed them their new equipment said.

"Yep, thanks for the help," Ellie replied while she took a look at her new equipment.

"It's my pleasure," the guildmaid said while she bowed in front of the twins.

After they had received their new equipment and rank cards. They decided to take a break from the tiring night battle that came last night before embarking on an epic quest that would lead them to the next city, Aeris. Ameria was also taking a break from the night before and stayed at the guild to recuperate.

So, the twins went home, with Ellie taking a nap on the bed. While Nirra entered the forge to plan her next advancement. When she went inside, the small vulpen fox mofu was waiting for her.

"Hey, Mofu, have you been waiting for me?" Nirra asked as she kneeled down to pat the fox.

"Mofu." The fox slowly walked up to Nirra and got assaulted with pats. His secondary color changed from black to red.

"Hehe, you did a really good job trying to protect me from that demon; unlucky, he was just too strong," Nirra said as Mofu stopped playing with her hands.

"Mofu..." she heard the small fox mutter as his colors changed again from red to blue.

"It's alright, Mofu, that reminds me. Because of your courageous actions last night, what do you say I feed you some food?" Nirra smiled softly as she suddenly felt the small fox jump on her shoulder.

"Mofu!" She heard him say enthusiastically. His colors changed again, from blue to yellow.

"Alright, alright, let's go to the kitchen then," Nirra said as she stood up with Mofu still on her shoulder and walked out of the forge and into the kitchen.

She placed mofu on the table and went to grab some food by opening a compartment where their mother stores all of it.

"Hmmm, this is a good chance to see what Mofu's favorite food is too," Nirra said to herself as she grabbed one of each food item they had.

"Here you go, Mofu, pick one you like." Nirra then laid out the food items in front of Mofu so the small fox could pick.

Mofu then got up and started sniffing the food; his nose was drawn by some, but Nirra noticed that Mofu wanted to eat something other than meat, so she grabbed all the meat and placed it back in storage.

Mofu walked around, trying to find something that smelled good. Mofu's colors suddenly changed green as he did so, until he found a rather delicious scent that came from a slice of bread. When he took a bite out of it, he erupted in an explosion of happiness as he consumed the bread in no time at all. Nirra noticed this action, so she put away all the other food items and grabbed another slice of that bread.

"So Mofu's favorite food is garlic bread, huh? Well, I can't blame him," Nirra said as she remembered past memories from her previous life, in which she ate garlic bread almost exclusively to save time and worked on perfecting her gunsmith skills.

After a few minutes, Mofu had a comically large belly as he lay down, belly facing up. Nirra giggled as she poked the belly Mofu was showing. In total, Mofu ate 16 slices of garlic bread. She had to go out and buy some more at one point, but it was all worth it to see her small fox sleep with a satisfied smile.

After gently carrying the fox to her bedroom and laying him on the little bed she made, Nirra went back down to the forge to start pondering her next course of action regarding her weapon's evolution.

The next big leap is smokeless powder. A powder, based on its name, does not produce a lot of smoke or leave alot of residue behind. This would allow her to produce automatic and semi-automatic weapons without worrying about the weapon jamming. The problem is that synthesizing some would be extremely difficult. She then tried to remember all the components of the powder. Talc, which helps reduce the damage to the barrel, can be mined or bought at the mining guild. Tin extract, which she can just grind into a fine dust. Helps with decoppering. Calcium carbonate, which can be bought from the mining guild as well, acts as the stabilizer. diphenylurea, which would be problematic, but she can get it through burning coconut oil or tree sap. And finally, the hardest one to get Nitrocellulose. Which needs a couple of steps to synthesize, and she needed two types of acids to help. Sulfuric acid and nitric acid will be incredibly hard to come by, so she needed to take that escort quest to find a substitute for them in this world she still knows little about. The other component she needed is cotton, unprocessed cotton to be exact. She needs to explore and find cotton fields, or find a substitute for them in the form of monster drops.

If she were able to produce the powder, it would greatly help her advance further into making more and more complex firearms, but until then, she has to make due with what she has currently until she can make that leap forward.

Nirra and Ellie in their new outfits:

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