Published at 10th of July 2023 06:53:07 AM

Chapter 34

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“I bought a standing train ticket overnight to run away.”

Inside the hotel room, Zhong Xiaofeng, who had been brought back from the hotel security department by Qin Ke, said with a downcast expression.

He was curled up in the corner of a three-person sofa, clutching his shoulder bag tightly in his arms.

As Bodyguard A had described, his clean face was covered with two huge dark circles under his eyes, and it was clear from a glance that he had been subjected to harsh treatment.

Qin Ke was drying his hair, not wanting to say anything about it for the moment.

In fact, Zhong Xiaofeng was able to maintain the whole scene without Qin Ke saying anything: “It’s horrible, my God, is screenwriting such a horrible profession? When I wrote the last script, I thought that was the last one. I didn’t think I’d ever feel that I was too young.”

He took a sip of water and continued to talk: “Have you heard that Xinghe is going to make The Legend of Nan Hua a big IP, and ever since I found out about it, the first thing I ask myself every day when I wake up is whether I’m worthy of it. I’m telling you I’ve thought it over, I don’t deserve it, they’ve definitely lost their minds.”

Qin Ke finished drying his hair, went into the bathroom and threw the used towels into the laundry basket, then came out and asked, “So you are running away?”

“Are you going to criticize me for being irresponsible? I can’t help it, I’m really nervous!”

Zhong Xiaofeng said as he pulled at his hair, “Look at my hairline, I’m going bald if I keep doing this! Really, if I find out which son of a b*tch suggested an IP to Xiao Song, I’ll beat him up for sure!”


Qin Ke looked at his phone before he said slowly, “It looks like I am the one.”

Zhong Xiaofeng: “……”

He really didn’t expect that the son of a b*tch he had been cursing all the way on the train would actually be the best friend to whom he had gone thousands of miles to find.

Unfortunately, the words he had said in reality could not be retracted, so he could only ask stiffly, “Then it was also your intention to adopt The Legend of Nan Hua?”

“Not me.” Qin Ke said in denial.

Although if the decision had been left to him, he would have made the same choice as Song Yunran.

“That’s good, I was scared to death.”

Zhong Xiaofeng said, “You don’t know how much I thought in a split second just now. I thought you were using your fancy words to deceive Xiao Song in order to help me. Not only did you trick him into buying my script, but you also tricked him into spending huge sums of money to develop my script. I was thinking that if that was the case, wouldn’t you be held accountable along with me for running away, and I almost wanted to say I’d buy another ticket to go back. Qin Ke, were you touched after hearing that?”

Qin Ke said calmly, “It’s alright.”

“How can it be alright, don’t you have a heart?”

Zhong Xiaofeng’s mouth was dry as he spoke, and he picked up his glass of water again and gulped it down a few times. Then he was suddenly struck, “Ah, you were able to make a suggestion to the prince, so the news that you two are close is not a rumour?”

Qin Ke didn’t know where the rumour came from, so he could only scroll through his phone and ask, “So what if it is?”

“Don’t betray me, will you let me hide here for two days?” Zhong Xiaofeng begged, “Anyway, Xiao Song will never guess that I will come to you.”

Qin Ke smiled, moved his fingers and hit WeChat voice play.

The next second, Song Yunran’s voice sounded out.

“Did Zhong Xiaofeng come looking for you? Don’t let him get away, I’m taking an early flight to catch him!”

Zhong Xiaofeng’s face turned pale, “Then I’m going?”

“Let’s talk about it when we wake up, you go and get a room first.”

Qin Ke was so sleepy that he got up and opened the door to send the guest away, “Don’t try to run away, I have two bodyguards, more than enough to catch you.”

Zhong Xiaofeng’s heart shuddered.

Damn it, they were in it together!

God still had some mercy on Zhong Xiaofeng.

Before dawn, a sudden downpour swept through the city.

The rain curtain was torn apart by the howling wind, which not only managed to delay Song Yun Ran’s flight, but also forced the production of “Jianghu Lu” to stop working.

It was a rare day of rest for Qin Ke.

In the morning, he finished the next scenes with the other actors and recited his lines alone for a while, and when it was almost time, he called Zhong Xiaofeng out for a meal.

The quality of the food and beverage department in the hotel where the crew was staying was quite poor.

Qin Ke and Zhong Xiaofeng then found a restaurant with good rating nearby to settle for a meal.

The weather was not good today, and the film set was not filled with tourists and cast members as usual.

Most of those who were still able to come out and move around were staff members or the actors from other productions, so when the waiter told the two of them that there were no more private rooms, Qin Ke didn’t care too much and chose a quiet seat.

“Just order whatever you want, it’s my treat.” Qin Ke handed the menu to Zhong Xiaofeng.

On the surface, Zhong Xiaofeng carefully looked through the menu, but in reality, his mind was already drifting with thoughts.

Could it be a Hongmen Feast? (T/N Hongmen feast- banquet set up with the aim of murdering a guest / refers to a famous episode in 206 BC when future Han emperor Liu Bang escaped attempted murder by his rival Xiang Yu.)

He then thought to himself, Maybe a meal with a severed head?

Well, maybe it was fate.

The first thing he did was to go through the menu from the beginning again, who told you to throw yourself into the net and run to the prince’s henchmen, so finish the meal honestly and wait to be caught and prosecuted.

Qin Ke watched as Zhong Xiaofeng flipped through the menu, but didn’t make a sound about it. He simply looked down at the message he had just received on his phone.

Song Yunran: [Is Zhong Xiaofeng still there?]

Qin Ke: [Yes. The weather is bad, maybe you don’t have to come, I’ll help you persuade him?]

Song Yunran sat in the VIP waiting room at the airport and let out a long yawn.

Last night, he had asked Assistant Tang to book the earliest flight. To avoid oversleeping, he took on the spirit of his former life as an actor and stayed up until dawn.

As a result, when he arrived at the airport, he found out that the flight was delayed and it was uncertain whether he would be able to fly out today.

A luxurious waiting room is still just a waiting room, far less comfortable than being at home.

Song Yunran and Assistant Tang had been sitting here for hours, waiting for the final news about their flight. They were on the verge of a violent outburst.

Otherwise, why not just go back to the office? It’s not the president’s job to capture a scriptwriter.

This thought had only just appeared when he saw the last message from Qin Ke.

Like a glass of ice water in the summer, it touched his raging heart.

However, when you look at it, this is not a long sentence, even the punctuation marks are filled with filial piety of wanting to share his father’s worries.

Song Yunran slowly calmed down: [I heard Chen Jing say that your crew is on holiday today. It’s rare that you can take a break, so don’t worry about these things. The adults will take care of their business, your task is to shoot the movie properly, understand?]

Qin Ke returned a series of ellipses over.

Song Yunran curled his eyes and smiled, it couldn’t be helped, men’s happiness was that simple.

He put down his phone and asked after a moment’s thought, “Has the high speed train been suspended yet?”

Assistant Tang had checked long ago, “The high-speed train tickets to that area have been sold out for today, only ordinary trains are left.”

In his two lifetimes, Song Yunran had never taken an ordinary train.

He thought for a long time and decided that The Legend of Nan Hua was more important, so he nodded and said, “Then let’s take the ordinary train.”

Assistant Tang hesitated, ” Xiao Song, why don’t I ask the driver to take you back and let me take care of this trip on behalf of the company?”

Song Yunran disagreed, “I’ve wasted half a day anyway, wouldn’t I have stayed up all night for nothing if I went back now?”

Assistant Tang: “But ……”

“Stop butting, where did you learn so much nonsense.”

Song Yunran was resolute, “You’re nagging here for half a day, what if Zhong Xiaofeng runs away again, hurry up and book the closest ticket, let’s leave for the train station!”

Assistant Tang had made a mistake a while ago and was now in a stage of being careful.

Seeing that Song Yunran’s mind was set, he didn’t dare to disobey, so he walked with Song Yunran towards the car park while booking two train tickets to the film base.

Half an hour later, Song Yunran was squeezed into the crowd with a frightened look on his face.

He finally knew why Assistant Tang had tried to dissuade him because there were only standing tickets for this train!

At this moment, he and Assistant Tang had barely managed to find a place to settle down at the junction of the two carriages.

But in front of him was a loose door, behind him was Assistant Tang who had almost lost his glasses, on his left was a large piece of luggage of some passenger, and on his right were some crying children.

There was a train staff pushing a trolley and shouting, “Make way, make way!”

With a bang, Song Yunran was crushed against the door by the crowd.

The right side of his poor face was pressed against the window, and his eyes stared blankly at the receding railroad scenery, with only one sentence in mind.

Zhong Xiaofeng, what do I owe you to pay back in here!

“I can’t pay it back.”

Zhong Xiaofeng used chopsticks to pick up a piece of ribs and said sorrowfully, “I simply can’t afford to pay for the contractual breach of contract. I will probably be freezed.”

Qin Ke was not surprised in the slightest, but asked in a deep voice, “Do you still want to work on the Legend of Nan Hua?”

Zhong Xiaofeng nodded: “Of course I do. I’ve had this story in mind for a long time, and I find it interesting to work on.”

“Then let’s complete it.”

Qin Ke put down his chopsticks and wiped his hands with a napkin, “It’s good that people are expecting something from your story, besides, you like it too, so there’s no reason to stop halfway.”

Zhong Xiaofeng said, “I can’t do it, buddy. Xinghe has spent so much money on The Legend of South China, it’s like an actor who’s just starting out and doesn’t have any experience, and then suddenly a big director walks up and says, ‘Hey I want to hire you to play the ‘lead role’, who wouldn’t be terrified?”

Qin Ke gave him a silent look.

Zhong Xiaofeng: “…Oh, isn’t it you?”

He threw the bones into the plate and continued, “But we’re different, you must have been confident that you could play the role well when you took on ‘Jianghu Lu’, but I wasn’t, I was put in this position out of nowhere.”

Qin Ke pursed his thin lips, realising that Zhong Xiaofeng was purely scared out of his wits by Xinghe’s trust.

Xinghe’s move did seem implausible to outsiders, but in his opinion, it was the very right choice. But he couldn’t provide proof, there was no way to let Zhong Xiaofeng know that your future achievements would be far beyond your imagination.

Zhong Xiaofeng’s self-confidence has been shattered by too many dramas in his four years at university.

So even if he were to analyse his merits objectively now, he would also suffer from a sense of uncertainty and disbelief.

Just when the conversation was at a standstill, a guest at the next table who had his back to them slowly turned his head, looked at them for a few moments and asked, “You’re Qin Ke, right, an actor from Xinghe?”

Qin Ke’s gaze glanced over and found that the other person looked familiar, but he couldn’t recall where he had seen him before for a moment.

The man smiled nervously, “I was also in Xinghe before, my name is Fang Zhou.”

When Song Yunran arrived at the hotel, he was in an unspeakable mess.

But fortunately, when he left the hotel in the morning, he had taken a hat. He put it on his head and lowered the brim of the hat to hide his ugly face.

In comparison, Assistant Tang was not so lucky.

He asked the receptionist for a tissue and wiped the rain from his lenses as he said, “I’ve already informed Xiao Ke, he’ll be down to pick us up.”

Song Yunran nodded his head breathlessly, his mind was so tired.

When Xiao Ke arrived at the lobby, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

He had never seen Xiao Song and Assistant Tang looking so down in the dirt, and couldn’t help but ask, “Did something happen on the way?”

“Don’t ask.” Assistant Tang said, “Take us up quickly.”

Just as he exited the lift, Song Yunran saw two muscular bodyguards guarding the door of a certain room.

He finally managed to smile, “My money was well spent, with two bodyguards like this, Qin Ke must feel especially safe.”

Xiao Ke gulped for a moment and explained, “Xiao Song, this is actually Zhong Xiaofeng’s room.”

Song Yunran: “?”

After coming back to his senses, he couldn’t help but feel even more emotional.

Qin Ke had gone so far as to use his very important bodyguards to monitor Zhong Xiaofeng without regard for his own safety, it seemed that he had also worried about his father’s career.

Just as he was thinking, the door of a room next to him opened.

Qin Ke knew that the two of them had arrived and originally wanted to come out to talk about the situation at Zhong Xiaofeng’s side, but stopped in his tracks the moment he saw Song Yunran.

The Song Yunran in front of him was not at all like the usual radiant Xiao Song.

He was wearing the baseball cap that Qin Ke had given him earlier, covering his eyebrows and eyes, while the bottom half of his face was pale, perfectly reflecting the hardship of the journey.

Even his T-shirt was wrinkled, as if he had just finished a fight with someone, and had been beaten up one-sidedly.

When Song Yunran saw him come out, he hurriedly asked, “Does Zhong Xiaofeng still want to escape?”

Assistant Tang was also concerned about this issue, so he looked over eagerly along with Xiao Song.

However, Qin Ke said, “Don’t worry, Fang Zhou is persuading him.”

Song Yunran and Assistant Tang: “What?


Who is Fang Zhou?

Ah, the artist who is suitable for a local drama and who terminated his contract!

Song Yunran was shocked: “How dare you ask Fang Zhou to persuade him? Don’t you know that he has already terminated his contract with Xinghe? No, I clearly told you to keep an eye on Zhong Xiaofeng, how could you even bump into Fang Zhou.”

“I was eating out and happened to run into each other.”

Qin Ke walked over and raised his hand to lift the brim of his hat, “You look so pale, you didn’t sleep last night?”

Song Yunran froze and subconsciously said, “Yeah.”

“Let’s talk about Zhong Xiaofeng’s matter later.”

Assistant Tang interjected at the right time, “Xiao Ke, where’s the room I asked you to book when we were in the car, give the room card to Xiao Song first so he can get a good night’s sleep.”

Xiao Ke replied, “The hotel has no more rooms available today. Xiao Song can go to my room to rest if he doesn’t mind.”

“No need to go to that much trouble.”

The person who answered was Qin Ke, who looked at Song Yunran, who was still in a daze, and said in a slow voice, “Go to my room.”

T/N: My first language isn’t English, and there may be some grammatical errors. But I try not to deviate from the author’s narrative. If there are any errors or nonsensical sentences, feel free to comment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!