All-rounder Artist - Chapter 12

Published at 29th of April 2024 07:55:50 AM

Chapter 12: 12 Chapter 11 Do You Think I Still Have A Chance?_1

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12 Chapter 11 Do You Think I Still Have A Chance?_1

Translator: 549690339
Lin Yuans office work at the composition department was essentially just revising for his exams in a different location. Nobody in the department said anything about his open exam preparations during work hours

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After all, that can also be counted as work.

Composers must always strive to improve themselves, huh.

Though Lin Yuans improvement seemed a tad too basic.

After the weekend was over, Lin Yuan returned to campus and in mid-November, he finally faced his professional exams!

Inside the examination hall.

As the papers were handed out, the invigilators gaze was sharpened like a sword: This classroom has cameras, and my eyes are even more incisive than them. You should all be very clear on the consequences of cheating.

The examination hall fell silent.

Lin Yuan did not pay any attention to the invigilators threat and boasting. After all, he had revised thoroughly, and after a quick glance at the paper, he felt confident.

Because the last major topic on the paper was Life Like A Summer Flower, just as his professor had predicted.

How could the dragon on ones face lose!?

Lin Yuan felt happy and his pen glided on paper as if guided by a deity.

The exam lasted for an hour, and he completed the entire paper, including Life Like A Summer Flower, in about forty minutes. After reviewing his answers for a further ten minutes, Lin Yuan felt he was secure and proceeded to hand in his paper.

The moment he walked out of the classroom.

Basking in the midday sunlight, Lin Yuan was already looking forward to the treasure chest.

As Lin Yuan expected another Bronze Treasure Chest, Qian Xingyus manager, Ol Liu, was bothered today.

Because the download figures of the top two songs on the Newcomers Chart were incredibly close!

The top song Its Love, Yeah had 225,000 downloads.

The second, Life Like A Summer Flower, had 214,000 downloads.

From last week, Starlight Entertainment suddenly poured a big investment into promoting Life Like A Summer Flower, with the clear intention to snatch the first place.

Ol Liu felt a sense of crisis at that time and promptly notified Qian Xingyu to intensify the promotion of his song.

However, Qian Xingyu didnt take it seriously.

The gap between the two songs was quite big. Although Life Like A Summer Flower saw a higher increase in numbers, Qian Xingyu, being a special case rookie, didnt consider himself a rookie.

Until today.

Having watched Life Like A Summer Flower numbers rapidly rise, with the gap between the two songs diminishing significantly, even the confident Qian Xingyu began to panic, How did he catch up so quickly?

That song is damn eerie.

Ol Liu gritted his teeth, No worries, we have a live streaming event later, right? You can call on your fans during the event, and given your influence, we should be able to pull ahead again.

Alright, alright.

Unlike his aloofness last week, today, Qian Xingyu was very cooperative.

Half an hour later.

Qian Xingyu began his live stream.

The live streaming event was an expensive affair; after much effort from the company, the event pulled in a considerable audience. Not only were his fans present, but also casual viewers from the platform. It was indeed a fantastic platform for promotion.

After greeting the audience.

Qian Xingyu eagerly began his promotional program, Has everyone listened to my first song Its Love, Yeah? Its currently on top of the Newcomers Chart, you know! Those who havent listened yet, dont forget to check it out, and all my stars, also dont forget to support Xingyu by downloading the song.


Definitely supporting!

Xingyu, keep going! Your stars will always stand with you!

Seeing the numerous pop-up comments appearing in front of him, Qian Xingyus smile broadened. Things should go smoothly now, right?

No, he couldnt let his guard down.

Starlights song was indeed kind of eerie. Qian Xingyu decided to be cautious. Therefore, for the next few dozen minutes, except for interacting with fans and audience as per the events requirements, he mainly focused on promoting his song.


With five minutes remaining before the live stream ended, Qian Xingyu saw a comment pop up, Qian Xingyu is busted.

Where was this malicious fan coming from?

Why frame me for no reason?

Qian Xingyu felt slightly angered.

The malicious fan was quickly banned by the admin.

But after a few seconds, new comments began to appear in large numbers, which even the admin couldnt ban in time:

Qian Xingyu is busted.

Underdog took the top spot on the Newcomers Chart.

Qian Xingyu, youre ranked second now.

Oh, hell, Life Like A Summer Flower is lit.

Overthrown, hes been overthrown.

Surprise, surprise?

Your first place has been overtaken by the second.

It was then that Qian Xingyu realized. Those werent personal attacks; those comments were all about the Newcomers Chart.

Ive been busted?

Am I the second now?

He suddenly froze in front of the camera.

Manager Ol Liu knew things would turn disastrous if they continued to stream. He rushed in front of the camera and smiled, Thank you, everybody, thats the end of Xingyus live stream!

With that, Old Liu had the live stream shut down immediately.


Pounding his chest, Old Liu turned to look at Qian Xingyu, only to find him already checking the latest rankings on Newcomers Chart using his phone:

In first place, Life Like A Summer Flower, with a download count of 233,000.

In second place, Its Love, Yeah, with a download count of 231,100.

The first place had indeed exploded. And it happened while Qian Xingyu was still live streaming

Streaming disaster.

This phrase appeared in Old Lius mind.

It was a huge blow to the artists.

Old Liu opened his mouth, trying to comfort the young Qian Xingyu, but he saw Qian Xingyu staring at him with a deep gaze, asking:

Old Liu, do you think I still stand a chance?

For some reason, Old Liu felt the air go cold. He braced himself and said, The company probably wont invest too much money for the newbies. Its not your fault, weve done what we could.

The moment Starlight overtook Sand Sea, many people received the news instantly, causing a wave of discussion in the industry.

Has it really risen to the top?

Thats too fierce!

What a show by Starlight.

Starlight is probably the first choice for recent graduates from all elite colleges this year.

How did Dragon Rider lose?

When Qian Xingyu claimed the top spot on the Newcomers Chart on his first day, no one had ever thought that the real boss was hidden in the not so noticeable third place.

Meanwhile, in Starlights songwriting department.

Everyones gazes were unanimously fixed on the empty seat by the window.

They seemed to once again see the image of Xian Yu quietly reciting sophomore foundational courses in their minds.

The next day, Lin Yuan was on his way to the classroom to check his results when he received a call from Zhao Jue: Congratulations, youre first on the Newcomers chart!

I know.

Since yesterday, people in the dormitory and his class had been continuously talking about senior Sun Yao Huos song topping the Newcomers chart. It would have been hard for Lin Yuan not to know.

Not bad, keep up the good work.

Although Lin Yuans reaction was rather mild, Zhao Jue had gotten used to it from past experiences. After encouraging Lin Yuan a few times, he hung up the phone and danced happily in his office.

On arriving at the classroom.

The moment the test papers and report cards were handed out, a voice rang in Lin Yuans mind: Your scores are now within the top twenty-five in the class. Congratulations on completing the task assigned by the System!

Next, a subtitle appeared before Lin Yuans eyes:

[Task Reward: One Bronze Treasure Box]

With that, Lin Yuan now had two unopened Bronze Treasure Boxes. He decided to save them up like hed save money. It was indeed fun.

He checked his report card.

This time, Lin Yuan had gone beyond the requirements of the systems task. His scores had impressively made it to the thirteenth position in his class!

The questions were just suitable for me, Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The exam had Life Like A Summer Flower, it was practically handing Lin Yuan free marks.

But when Lin Yuan looked at his test paper, he was stunned.

The last question was about interpreting Life Like A Summer Flower, a full score of twenty, but he had only scored eight!

His high score was due to his high scoring rate for the other questions.

A background music appeared in his mind:

Child do you have lots of questions

Lin Yuan couldnt help but glance at his classmates test papers. Most of them had scored more than ten points on the Life Like A Summer Flower question. He had scored the least.

As Lin Yuan looked at others papers,

Others were also looking at his.

It was mainly because Lin Yuans usual scores were not remarkable, but this time he had made it to the thirteenth place in the class, so everyone was quite surprised.

Lin Yuan, youre amazing.

Youve been studying hard recently, and it really paid off. You got the thirteenth place!


Youve scored high on the previous questions, but your score on the last question, Life Like A Summer Flower, is a bit low. Otherwise, you couldve made it to the top ten.

What a pity.

It seems you didnt prepare well for this question. The teacher did mention that Life Like A Summer Flower would most likely be in the exam.

You dont understand this song.

The classmates shook their heads, feeling the lost points on this question were a big pity. Some even suggested that Lin Yuan listen to Life Like A Summer Flower carefully to understand what the songwriter was trying to express.

Therefore, Lin Yuans smile froze on his face.

He stared blankly at the big red crosses on his exam paper next to the question about Life Like A Summer Flower, lost in thought.

This time even the System couldnt bear watching and consoled Lin Yuan: Even Artist Pu doesnt understand Life Like A Summer Flower.

So who does understand? Lin Yuan asked.

The teacher who marked the paper, the System replied.

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