Published at 20th of March 2024 10:40:44 AM

Chapter 69

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“If you have it, give it to me.”


Clarisse was shocked and stared at Valentine.


He shows up suddenly and asks for money. What kind of robbery is it!


“…Don’t you have money, prince?”


“Mmhm, I don’t have money.”


He was so confident.


“No, what do you mean that you don’t have money? Even I, a prisoner, have an emergency fund!”


“Don’t you think you didn’t have cash when you were a princess?”


Clarisse didn’t know what to say because that was the answer.


“There’s nothing I can do if you don’t give me money. Can I hold your hand?”


“Y, yes?”


He reached out his hand out of the blue and grabbed her, pulling it away without asking permission.


“We have no choice but to go together.”


Where… are we going?


Clarisse, who was about to ask that question, looked at the side of his face full of anticipation and immediately came up with an answer.


As a child, Valentine was a child who lived only inside the third wall.


Although he had now grown up and was able to see the world outside the walls several times, he was still very curious and had a deep interest in seeing the world.


“Prince, you want to go outside the castle walls, right?”


He answered with a grin.


This smile was the same as when he was young, and Clarisse knew that he was truly looking forward to this moment.


“…I can’t help it. Is it really just a moment?”


Even though she still had a mountain of studying to do, Clarisse decided to hang out with him for a while.


* * *


She went out to see the festival with Valentine, saying, ‘I’ll play with you,’ but when she actually got out, Clarisse was the one who enjoyed the festival more. 


There were several reasons why this happened, but the main reason was that Clarisse’s view on life was that she was the type to immediately confront anything, saying, ‘It’s a waste because I can’t do anything if I die!’


And the second reason was that the game of hitting targets with ‘stones’ was held on a large scale.


Among the stones that the merchant brought for her to throw, there was a friend who proposed a deal, saying, ‘If you give me a little magic power, I can draw a perfect trajectory.’ 


Clarisse happily agreed to the deal, and thanks to this, she succeeded in hitting the center point that no one had been able to reach throughout the festival.


The prize was a gift certificate that could be used at the festival.


She just got the gift she needs now that she’s with a prince who doesn’t have any money…


The problem was that the amount was more than expected.


“I guess it would be too much to use all of this to go in, right?”


Clarisse looked up at Valentine while holding a thick gift certificate envelope.


Valentine, who was already taller than her, had now grown to be a full head taller than her.


She feels uncomfortable because she has to lift her chin up a lot when they’re close.


‘Why is there such a difference even though we are the same age…?’ Clarisse often complained. 


She looks a year or two younger than she actually is, but Valentine has recently been mistaken for an adult.


It was a truly enviable thing for Clarisse, who longed for growth.


Anyway, he lightly stroked his smooth chin and smiled back.


“Well, I guess we should go back soon, right?” 


It seems that even the appearance is unnecessarily wonderful. She sees girls passing by glancing in this direction.


Although he seemed to show off rather than be cool in Clarisse’s eyes.


“It looks like the knight following you is also checking the time.” 


He glanced at Sir Benson, who was a few steps away. 


“I didn’t necessarily say that because of Sir Benson.”


What Clarisse was worried about was Valentine.


This time too, he must have secretly gone outside after escaping the guard’s watch, claiming that he was going to the Duke’s villa.


He seemed to know what she was thinking. Valentine laughed bitterly.


“You’re just worrying about nothing!”


“No, it’s not…”


“It’s okay, just stay a little longer and then go back. You can’t waste the gift certificate you received so hard.”


He took the lead, and Clarisse followed him anxiously.


“I just don’t want to escalate things.”


“Now, my servants won’t tell my mother about it just because I left the palace for a while. I’ve got the hang of it now, right? I’m not a child in the first place.” 


“Fifteen is a child.”


“You too.”


Valentine turned around and gently pulled on Clarisse’s white ribbon as it passed in front of him.


The loose ribbon fell on his hand.


“You always wear ribbons that look like something only children would use. Why not take this opportunity to buy one? This is pretty old.”


Clarisse was startled and reached out to touch her hair, which had fallen over her shoulder.


“Please give it back, it’s precious.”


“You have a lot of really precious things. Every time I take something, you tell me it’s all precious and give it back?”


“That’s, Prince!”


Clarisse was talking as if she were questioning him without realizing it, but she quickly became aware of her surroundings and lowered her voice.


“…That’s because Valentine only takes what is truly precious! Really, please give it to me quickly!”


Valentine, who looked down at the whisper, smiled very satisfactorily for some reason.


She doesn’t know what’s so good about saying that something precious has been taken away.


“Okay, I’ll give it back now…” 


“I shared each of them with Noah, so it would be inconvenient if I lost them.”


He looked like he was about to give back her ribbon, but then he hid his hands behind his back again.


Clarisse stared at him with furrowed brows.


“…Are you not giving it back?” 


“I just need to confirm one thing.”


“Do it quickly.”


“That person named Noah, wasn’t he a guy?”


“Men also use ribbons. Especially if you have pretty, long light blue hair like Noah.”




He slowly rolled his clear eyes. He seemed to be imagining Noah. 


Clarisse decided to help him with his imagination.


“Noah is really pretty. He always wears a mask, so not many people know him.”




“You know I’ve told you before that he’s the best wizard, right? Oh, and his body temperature is so cool that it feels good.”


“…How do you know that kid’s temperature?”


“Why don’t I know?”


Clarisse replied, “Isn’t it natural?”


“We’re friends.”


“You don’t know my temperature better than him when I’m close to you!”


“I know.”


Clarice responded, lightly brushing her messy hair as the ribbon came undone. 


“It’s 36.5 degrees. Oh, on average, of course. Right?”


“Oh… yeah. thank you for noticing it, friend.”


“Don’t mention it; by the way, are you finally interested in Noah? I always said this, right? It will be really fun when the two of you meet.”


Since coming to Saphers, Clarisse has made only two friends her own age. 


Noah and Valentine.


As time goes by and their friendship becomes so precious, Clarisse has one wish.


It was to let the two meet in one place.


However, although they knew about each other’s existence, they didn’t try to meet in one place. 


Clarisse tried several times to make plans for them to meet, but somehow she always received rejection from both sides.


“Why would I meet him?”


Sure enough, the same answer is back now.


“You just expressed your interest in Noah a little while ago.” 


“Are you crazy? What am I doing by paying attention to a guy?”


“I’m not talking about a guy. I’m talking about friends.”


“Anyway, it’s enough.”


“I think you’re going to get along very well.”


“I’m sorry, but I don’t think so.”


Answering that, Valentine meticulously tied a white ribbon around Clarisse’s wrist.


“As expected, I think you and him are a good match?”




“Actually, Noah was like that too.”


Clarisse giggled and told me about a conversation she had with Noah not long ago.


When Clarisse suggested that he come to the royal capital and meet Valentine during this festival, Noah flatly refused, saying, ‘I don’t want to meet a man.’


“Isn’t it fun? Noah is also with the Prince… No, he said the same thing as Valentine?” 


“It’s not fun at all. Friends other than you are just annoying.”


He dropped the hand that was tying the ribbon and took a few steps ahead.


But he soon stopped to make sure Clarisse was following along, and then took him to a store that sold ribbon decorations and made her buy two new red ribbons. 


“Give me one, too.”


And to the point of forcefully robbing one!


“I was planning to buy you something with the gift certificate anyway… Why is it a ribbon? The prince can’t use it.” 


“What are you talking about?”


He tied long ribbons like rabbit ears over his blonde hair and had a characteristic arrogant expression on his face.


“Men also wear ribbons. Especially if you have beauty like me.”


Clarisse wanted to refute.


…Until she realized that the cute red ribbon hanging over that sharp eye looked amazing.


Although he looked somewhat strange, his natural handsomeness didn’t fade in the slightest.


If Clarisse didn’t know his inner self, wouldn’t she have looked at him at least once like the other ladies.


“…It’s scary how well you suit it.”


“I know. Let’s go back now. I have something to say in turn.”


“Something to say?”


Since they were passing through a crowded area, Clarisse walked close enough to touch his arm.


“Do you know about monasteries?”


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