Published at 17th of October 2023 06:37:59 AM

Chapter 26

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C26 – Black Sheep

When Yueyang Marquis returned home that day, his wife informed him of the situation. She did not openly complain but expressed concern, “Yue’er is still young. It’s good to be kind, but how can we afford to be kind in our position? This is simply a lesson for a servant who made a mistake. If we make enemies in the future, what good will this kindness do us?”

Yueyang Marquis himself was a general who had killed his enemies on the battlefield. He had blood on his hands and was not naturally inclined to be kind. At the same time, he did not want his son to be weak.

A weak son might be cute, but he would always be prey for the wolves.

Yueyang Marquis gathered the guards who had been out that day. After examining the situation, they came to the same conclusion as Tang Yue.

“Today’s incident was either targeted at Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion or Prince Zhao’s Mansion. Regardless, we must thoroughly investigate the matter.”


Once the Yueyang Marquis had completed his task, he inquired about how Tang Yue had handled the coachman incident. As expected, the response he received was identical to his wife’s.

“A servant. Not only does he need a break, but he also requires someone to care for him?” The Yueyang Marquis furrowed his brows so tightly that he could crush a fly. What was his son thinking? Did he have cotton for a brain?

“And he needed to purchase medicine for him? He even used the family’s precious medicinal wine?” Did Yue’er really say that? The Yueyang Marquis had an urge to curse at that moment. How could such a wasteful son lead the family in the future?

He asked for Tang Yue’s location and marched over in anger, intending to give his son a stern lecture. He recognized that it was his own failure for not raising his son properly in the past and knew that he had to rectify this in the future.

Upon arriving at Tang Yue’s residence, the Yueyang Marquis caught a whiff of a pleasant aroma. He followed the scent to the kitchen, where he witnessed his son supervising the cook in preparing something delicious.

The Yueyang Marquis’s heart, filled with parental advice, was soon replaced by his appetite. He asked, “Yue’er, what are you cooking? The aroma is so delightful!”

Tang Yue pointed towards a plate of meat on the counter. “I fried some fish and chicken strips.”

The Yueyang Marquis drew closer and saw that the oil in the pot was boiling, and the meat pieces were rolling around. The fragrance was overwhelming.

He picked up a small fried fish and placed it in his mouth. It was boiling hot, and his tongue was almost burnt, but he refused to spit it out. After he swallowed it, all he could sense was the fragrance and crispness.

Tang Yue had selected a small grouper fish, which he seasoned with salt and yellow wine. He wrapped it in a layer of egg whites and then rolled it in a coating of wood chip powder. Once cooked, it was so tender that the bones could be swallowed without any issues.

Tang Yue selected the most tender chicken strips, using a similar cooking method as before. The result was a crispy exterior and tender interior, which had been Tang Yue’s favorite snack in the past.

Unfortunately, there was no chili or cumin powder available, which would have enhanced the flavor significantly.

Tang Yue was aware that his father would not come to see him without a good reason. Considering the events of the day, he felt it was necessary to provide a detailed explanation. He had the waitress prepare a small plate of food, dressed up, and brought a pot of wine to invite Yueyang Marquis to the yard for a conversation.

“Does Father know what happened today?” Tang Yue poured a cup of wine for his father and asked casually.

Yueyang Marquis nodded and briefly recounted what he had heard from the butler and Marquis’s Wife. He went on to criticize Tang Yue for being too kind-hearted. Their family servant had made a serious mistake and could have killed his master. Such an offense was punishable by death, and it was not excessive to beat him to that point.

Every family in Ye City handled such matters in this manner. If news of Tang Yue’s case spread, good people would praise him for his kindness, while others would condemn him for being too weak. No one would dare to challenge the punishment of a family servant.

Tang Yue smiled nonchalantly. “Father, you are too serious. The cause of the incident has yet to be determined, and it is not appropriate to jump to conclusions. You need to send someone to investigate how the horse went berserk.”

“Moreover, he is just a servant, and we can deal with him whenever we want. The most pressing matter is how to repay Wang Zizhao’s kindness. How can we return the three hundred gold coins that Wang Zizhao offered?”

Although Hu Jinpeng was the one who saved Wang Zizhao, based on his relationship with Wang Zizhao, Tang Yue knew he would have to return everything to him.

Yueyang Marquis was taken aback by Tang Yue’s sudden shift in topic and agreed, “You are right. This is a great favor, and I will personally thank him tomorrow. As for the three hundred gold coins…” If word got out that a duke had brought three hundred gold coins to Prince Zhao’s Mansion, he would certainly face criticism.

Although it was clear that he did this out of gratitude, the method was still considered too crass.

“Are you saying that Wang Zizhao requested three hundred gold coins as compensation personally?” Yueyang Marquis asked, perplexed.

“Yes, but there is a reason for it,” Tang Yue explained what happened when he encountered Wang Zizhao at the temple. Wang Zizhao only wished to sever ties and didn’t want Tang Yue to owe him anything. He didn’t expect to be punished so swiftly.

Yueyang Marquis was aware of the situation and pondered for a moment. “In that case, come to my house with me tomorrow. Three hundred gold coins can be exchanged for ten high-quality horses and ten beautiful women. The value will be high, and it won’t be considered cheap.”

Tang Yue covered his face with his palm. “Do you think Wang Zizhao is currently in a position to receive horses and women?”

Wang Zizhao had a crippled leg and couldn’t ride a horse, even if he was given a beautiful woman. It would only add insult to injury.

Moreover, due to his age, he might not be able to handle even a few beautiful women. Tang Yue wondered how his father’s emotional intelligence had survived.

Yueyang Marquis also realized his mistake and chuckled awkwardly. “That was my mistake. What do you suggest we give him instead, Yue’er?”

Tang Yue had initially hoped to use this opportunity to treat Wang Zizhao’s injury. If he could heal his leg, not only would he save his life, but it would also bring Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion closer to Prince Zhao’s Mansion.

However, he couldn’t express his true intentions, so he thought for a moment before suggesting, “Why don’t we give him precious jade artifacts, a manor, or something that we made ourselves? It would seem more sincere.”

“That’s fine,” said the Yueyang Marquis, considering which jade artifacts he had at home that he could display. Just then, the butler informed them that dinner was ready. Father and son exchanged a look before heading to the dining hall together.

On the way, Tang Yue hesitated for a moment before asking about the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng.

“Father, have you met the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng? I heard that he’s engaged to Ya and they will be getting married next year.”

Yueyang Marquis paused in his steps, looking a little embarrassed. “Did you meet him today?”

Tang Yue nodded and described his encounter with the “damn fatty,” emphasizing his slothful and indolent nature.

“Father, he doesn’t seem like a suitable match at all!”

Yueyang Marquis let out a sigh. “I am well aware of that, but this marriage was arranged by your grandfather. At the time, both children were young, and State Duke Heng owed your grandfather a favor, so this marriage was proposed. Ultimately, it is still beneficial for our Marquis’s Mansion to maintain good relations with them.”

“Can’t we just reject this favor?” Tang Yue asked, feeling irked by the emphasis on social status. “Let it go to hell!”

“The marriage has already been arranged. What about Ya’s reputation if it is called off?” Yueyang Marquis replied, seeing that his son was not convinced. “Besides, there are other factors that I have to consider.”

Tang Yue assumed that his father was going to present some arguments that would benefit the family, so he waited for him to speak before presenting a rebuttal.

“The Noble Heir of State Duke Heng is notorious for being incompetent and lecherous among all the young masters of Ye City. Despite not doing much, with his family background, he will surely be wealthy for the rest of his life,” the speaker said.

“It’s difficult to predict the future,” Tang Yue responded, with a hint of sarcasm.

“Although such an incompetent person is unlikely to accomplish anything great, he also wouldn’t do anything evil, so there’s no need to worry about his family being ruined.”

The implication was that even a fool like him would lack the intelligence to commit a heinous crime!

Tang Yue couldn’t argue with that.

“Madam State Duke Heng died young. Ya married and became the matriarch. Her husband was incompetent and lecherous. She couldn’t have a good life, but at least she could have a decent one.”

“No matter how wealthy or unhappy she is, it’s pointless,” Tang Yue believed that the happiest thing for a woman was to marry a man who loved her.

Yueyang Marquis glanced at his son and thought to himself, “This child is too innocent.”

“I understand what you mean. If there was a talented commoner who was willing to work hard and improve himself, it would be a blessing for Ya. Do you think that marrying such a person would be a good thing?” Yueyang Marquis asked.

Tang Yue considered the question carefully. “Although he doesn’t come from a wealthy family, he is gifted and determined to succeed. With the support of the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion, obtaining a decent official position wouldn’t be a problem. Although he may not be wealthy, he will undoubtedly lead a good life.”

The Yueyang Marquis shook his head and said, “You’re being too optimistic. A person who relies on the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion to climb up the ranks will one day surpass the mansion’s power. Once this happens, the mansion will no longer have any influence over him. Will he still treat Ya well?”

“Why not? The Marquis’s Mansion helped him, so he should treat Ya better,” Tang Yue said, but he didn’t believe it himself. It was easy for men to struggle together, but difficult to prosper together.

Many men started to spend recklessly once they gained wealth. They changed lovers frequently and moved on from one Xiao Mi to another. Even the concubines at home couldn’t satisfy their sexual desires anymore.

No matter how beautiful and alluring a flower may be, it will eventually wither away.

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