Published at 17th of October 2023 06:36:01 AM

Chapter 48

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C48 – Do Not Be Too Narcissistic!

“Third Prince, please enter. My master’s health is not in good condition, so I had no choice but to allow you in for a visit.” The butler pushed open the door to Wang Zizhao’s room and extended an invitation to Wang Zixian.

With a single hand, Wang Zixian pushed the butler aside and confidently stepped into the room. A smile graced his face as he approached. “Ninth brother, I’ve heard that your legs have recovered. Royal Brother has come to pay you a visit.”

In the inner chamber, Wang Zizhao lay flat on the bed. His complexion was pallid, and a thin woolen blanket covered his upper body. His lower body was dressed in breeches, with his legs encased in plaster. He appeared somewhat forlorn.

Wang Zizhao turned his head and fixed his gaze on Wang Zixian. With an indifferent tone, he said, “Thank you for your concern, Third Prince.”

Wang Zixian approached the bedside and scrutinized Wang Zizhao’s body. He particularly focused on his legs, almost wishing he possessed laser-like vision to see through them.

“Ahem…” Tang Yue interjected, providing a gentle reminder. “This… Third Prince, isn’t it improper for you to enter like this?”

Wang Zixian then averted his gaze. He divided his attention between Tang Yue, who was speaking, and Wang Zizhao. His eyes narrowed, and his mouth curled in disdain. He held Tang Yue in the lowest regard.

“Are you the renowned young master from the Yueyang Marquis’s family who possesses medical knowledge?… You certainly look youthful!” Wang Zixian utilized the last two words to effortlessly undermine Tang Yue’s confidence.

Nevertheless, this no longer fazed Tang Yue. He responded with a faint smile, “Indeed, I am from the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion. I am a few years younger than the Third Prince. My name is Tang Yue.”

“Tang young master, do you claim that Ninth Brother’s leg can still be treated? I wonder how long it will take for him to recover,” Wang Zizhao inquired.

“Certainly, it can be treated, but whether it can be fully cured is uncertain. It ultimately depends on the patient’s luck,” Wang Yao replied.

“I have never heard of luck being a factor in medical treatment. Is Tang young master jesting with Ninth Brother’s life?” The Third Prince snorted and attempted to persuade Wang Zizhao. “Ninth Brother, your social status is prestigious. How can you allow this kid to do as he pleases? It would be better to expel him from here as soon as possible.”

“It is premature to make such statements,” Tang Yue said with a smile. “I have reached an agreement with Wang Zizhao and the other imperial physicians for a month’s time. We will discuss the outcome, be it favorable or unfavorable, when the time comes.”

The Third Prince glanced at Wang Zizhao’s abnormal legs and clicked his tongue in disapproval. He sighed and remarked, “If it truly comes to that, I fear Jiu Ling’s legs will be irreparably crippled.”

Tang Yue shrugged, expressing helplessness. “There’s little we can do in such a severe case of injury. Recovery is difficult, and it’s ultimately a matter of luck.” He looked at Wang Zizhao with a sincere gaze, filled with sympathy and pity.

The Third Prince felt even more pleased. He had already stated that the Imperial Medical Office couldn’t treat their injuries. What could a young teenager possibly accomplish? Although luck was mentioned, it was just a ploy to use Wang Zizhao’s leg for his own bright future.

If luck favored them and he truly managed to cure them, he would snatch away both fame and fortune. If luck turned against him… hehe, that was uncertain.

Given the temperament of the Emperor and the Ninth Prince, it was highly probable that this young master from the Tang Family would meet his demise.

The Third Prince’s spirits were lifted, finding Tang Yue quite pleasing. He even gently comforted him, saying, “Wealth is life, and life is in heaven. Tang Xiaolang will do his utmost. I trust that the Ninth Prince won’t pursue this matter, right?”

Wang Zizhao responded with indifference, “Royal Brother must be jesting. If Tang Yue dares to boast in front of the imperial physician, he will naturally have to face the consequences.”

Tang Yue smiled and used a flattering tone, saying, “Your Highness, rest assured. Your leg will be cured.”

The Third Prince felt relieved. A young man like Wang Zizhao was simply a sycophant, surrounded by numerous people. He was not worth mentioning.

Having achieved his goal, the Third Prince had no desire to linger. He encouraged Wang Zizhao, leaving behind a cart filled with various items, and departed happily.

Tang Yue approached and closed the door, patting his chest as he remarked, “This performance requires a true professional. It’s quite exhausting.”

Wang Zizhao, who had been lying on the bed, sat up and propped a small table on the bed, resuming his work as if he wasn’t the one who had been sick at all.

Tang Yue moved closer and sat on the edge of the bed, using a sheepskin scroll as a fan. “Honestly, your Third Brother Wang’s laughter just now was so sinister. It was as if he wished for you to never recover from this illness.”

“Didn’t you anticipate this outcome long ago?” Wang Zizhao lowered his head, using a brush to write a row of small characters on a bamboo slip. He waited for the ink to dry before setting it aside.

It must be acknowledged that Wang Zizhao’s intellect was truly remarkable. Even before Tang Yue could prepare the ink, he had already found a suitable substitute.

Once the item was brought over, Tang Yue attempted to write with it. The substance resembled cinnabar—a shade of red, albeit slightly thinner. It was rumored to be extracted from the juice of a certain flower.

Fortunately, he possessed considerable skill. In such a short span of time, he managed to produce a bowl of flower juice and write quite proficiently.

“I presumed that you didn’t want him to discover that your legs could be healed,” Tang Yue speculated. He also understood that until Wang Zizhao’s leg fully recovered, there was no advantage in prematurely publicizing the matter.

Conversely, it would make it easier for people to investigate and impede his recovery.

Today, the Third Prince was merely the first. It didn’t imply that he would be the last.

Tang Yue realized he needed to be on high alert from that point onward. He anticipated that numerous individuals would come after him. Fortunately, Wang Zizhao compelled him to remain within Prince Zhao’s Mansion.

Otherwise, Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion would not be as peaceful as it currently appeared.

Wang Zizhao efficiently handled the official matters in silence. He arranged for someone to take care of the items and observed the young man who was engrossed in conversation with his beloved dog. Wang Zizhao couldn’t help but think, “It appears that this man possesses some intellect.”

With proficient medical skills and a moderate background, he was a rare find—a person with a well-balanced mind. Such an individual was worth his investment.

Recalling Tang Yue’s fondness for his chamber pot, Wang Zizhao pondered whether he should gift it to him.

Anyway, it was just a chamber pot. It should be fine, right?

Unaware that Wang Zizhao intended to win him over with a shimmering chamber pot, Tang Yue lay on the bed and inquired, “Did I do well just now?”

Wang Zizhao glanced at him a few times before reluctantly nodding. “Shang Ke, but… the final expression was truly unattractive!”

He had long noticed this detail. Despite Tang Yue’s pleasant demeanor towards everyone, he was not a weak or easily submissive individual. He had never displayed any signs of flattery.

Tang Yue touched his face. “It was a perfect performance. It matched the mood.”

Wang Zizhao lightly tapped his head with a pen. “Don’t be too self-absorbed!”

“Please refrain from hitting my head again.” Tang Yue rubbed his head and internally mused, “So you’re familiar with the word ‘self-absorbed.’ How shameless!”

In the entire Prince Zhao’s Mansion, who could be as narcissistic as Wang Zizhao?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!