Published at 13th of May 2024 09:34:23 AM

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Chapter 41: Tool Dog Transformation Plan

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Chapter 42: Chapter 41: Tool Dog Transformation Plan


Translator: 549690339 |

Looking at the two eagerly expectant faces, Bai Qi said, Alphas evolution and transformation are not related, and when I initially only added some simple mechanical protective gear to Alpha.

If you both are so fascinated with modifications, I suggest you consider adopting a mechanical pet for your next beast.

Bai Qi did not deceive them. After the Huskys fusion with the mechanical components, he attempted similar fusion for Alpha, but they all ended with no result.

After hearing Bai Qis rejection, Gao Cheng and Lu Yuan were somewhat disappointed. But after hearing Bai Qis second sentence, they completely gave up.

Due to the existence of the Star Mechanics Academy, there were several Mechanical Beast Masters in Gusu City, but the number was still small compared to other systems.

After all, Mechanical Beast Masters require a lot more knowledge than other systems.

Both of them had chosen fighting professions. Now it was too late for them to switch to studying mechanics, even if they wanted to.

Sorry, I couldnt help you.

Seeing the disappointment on their faces, Bai Qi said somewhat awkwardly.

No problem, its our fault.


Gao Cheng sighed and his eyes suddenly sparkled, Beast Control is a process of human and beast growing together. I cant believe I was trying to take shortcuts with external forces, no wonder I cant pass the profession test.

While talking, Gao Cheng firmly grasped Bai Qis hand, Thank you, Bai Qi. If it wasnt for you, Id still be trying to figure out how to cheat.

Uh, why do I suddenly feel a little guilty?

Looking at Gao Cheng, who suddenly personified righteousness in front of him, Bai Qi felt somewhat guilty. He quickly withdrew his hand, saying, Hehe I believe in you, Brother Gao.

Gao Cheng nodded, By the way, do you remember Xia Xuan?

Bai Qi nodded. Alphas first serious adversary since his debut, he certainly wouldnt forget.

Since he was defeated by you last time, I heard from Han Wei that Xia Xuan has been frantically modifying his Mechanical Tyrannosaurus. He even hired several high-level Mechanical Beast Masters to work on modular system modification.

Your training methods, although very, um, unique, you still need to be careful if you want to defeat Xia Xuan again.

A hint of worry crossed Gao Chengs face.

While the sight of Bai Qi instantly defeating Xia Xuan that day was very dazzling, Gao Cheng had afterwards reflected on it and realized some clues.

Alphas speed was unmatched. Xia Xuans Mechanical Tyrannosaurus had powerful firepower, but it was visibly slow in its movements compared to Alpha. The defeat was predictable at such a close distance.

However, one of the biggest advantages of the Mechanical system is that it allows freedom to modify within the Beast Masters capacity. After Xia Xuans adjustments, he would definitely challenge Bai Qi again.

A modular level management system?

Yes, yes, thats it.

After hearing Gao Chengs words, Bai Qi was dumbfounded for a moment, then suddenly stood up, I just remembered that I have left something undone, I wont detain you two further.

Oh- Okay, then well go first.

Gao Cheng and Lu Yuan left Bai Qis house somewhat confused. Listening to the Huskys mournful howls from the courtyard, they exchanged worried glances. Is he, abusing the dog?

I dont think so

So what do we do now?

Go for training together?

Lets go!

Ah, woo?

(Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?)

The Husky woke up confused and instinctively asked himself these questions.

Species: Arctic Ice Wolf; Location: Zhongwu District, Gusu City; Activity: Sleeping.


A cold system sound suddenly rang in the Huskys ears. The Husky immediately woke up and, after seeing the mechanical covering half of its body, let out a terrified meowing sound.

Hm? Could it be nerve damage from the brain connection? That shouldnt be, as I didnt install anything inside the brain, did I?

Seeing the Huskys reaction, Bai Qi cautiously held the Husky and carefully examined it.

There was originally a simple system inside the mechanical limb that could remember the hosts usual behaviors and then make corresponding cooperative movements.

This technology is not high-end, and can barely be used in things like mechanical limbs. Although the Husky could directly control the mechanical limbs due to the evolution egg, it was only limited to turning screws and such. If it wanted to perform more complex operations, it could only rely on time accumulation.

However, Bai Qi became enlightened after hearing Gao Cheng mention the modular level management system.

Since the evolution egg can connect the Huskys biological nerves and mechanical circuits, why not directly connect a computer brain?

Let the biological brain issue commands, and have the mechanical brain perform specific operations.

In a certain sense, isnt this also a modular level management system?

For this, he directly changed the simple system inside the Huskys mechanical limb into a specific computer brain for a mechanical pet beast. To avoid wasting the computational power of this 800W Federation Coins worth computer brain, Bai Qi expanded the Huskys mechanical limb into a half-body mechanical armor.

From a certain perspective, the only thing missing between the Husky and the mechanical pet beast is a spiritual awakening.

But looking at the computer brains performance just now, it has successfully connected with the Huskys biological brain after the fusion of the evolution egg. Its just that the Huskys brain seems to be damaged.

Bai Qi carefully examined the Huskys entire body. Only after confirming that there was no problem, he exhaled in relief.

Woof, woof, woof!

(It seems Ive become stronger again!)

As an odd creature that had been moving with prosthetics since childhood, the Husky quickly adapted to its new form and was showing a great deal of curiosity.

Electric welding, wrench, electric saw

All kinds of tools popped out from various parts of its body under the Huskys control, and the Husky even began shifting its attention to other places.

Like the Steel Training Dummy 1.0

A strange light flashed in the Huskys eyes, and then it ran towards the Steel Training Dummy 1.0 with its legs moving. The tools continuously shaking on its body clearly reflected its thoughts.

I thought he would be more normal after installing a computer brain, it seems I was expecting too much.

Seeing the Huskys response, Bai Qi pressed the remote control in his hand with a helpless expression. A strong electric current instantly flowed throughout the Huskys body.

Ah, woo-

(Again with this damn electric current, Ill tear him apart one of these days!)

The Husky spat out a puff of black smoke, unwillingly collapsed on the ground, but resentment still flashed in its eyes.

Bai Qi walked up to the Husky, then used the Black Iron Egg to envelop it.

The computer brain and the Husky have initially fused successfully, what comes next is to increase the fusion degree by grinding. If the computer brain and the Husky can completely merge, it should become more normal.

When he contracts with the Husky after reaching the second stage, pulls up this guys level, and after its energy value increases, he can consider further installing offensive weapons.

As for now, it can temporarily be used as a tool dog-

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