Beyond The Rift - Chapter 25

Published at 8th of January 2024 06:48:47 AM

Chapter 25

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Sleeping inside Earth was as comfortable as it gets. It felt right at home, with complete sense of safety.

Ragnar felt very refreshed when he came to after the long sleep. While inside the nest, he couldn’t allow himself too much respite. He had taken out all pent-up fatigue with this one.

He reached out to feel his chest for the scar, but all he found were chiselled muscles. The wound had vanished. He was now ready to think about his next steps.

Ragnar had not given too much attention to his surroundings ever since emerging from the Nest except for making sure there wasn’t any danger. There might have been a reason behind it.

He did not want to admit it but the surroundings made him feel, quite small. He was surrounded by lush Jungle trees that blocked most of the light rays from reaching the surface. Still the surface was sufficiently lit up since it was daytime right now.

Huge trees towered up to the skies, colouring the sky green. Long vines that might rival Earth’s skyscrapers in height clung to their branches, tangling each other as they reached for the surface. Lush foliage also blanketed the ground and the trunks, proportionate in size to the trees. Variety of flora spotted the Jungle in several places. Of species that he had never seen before. They covered the Jungle in a wide array of colours, ranging from violet to red, giving it a mysterious vibrance.

Ragnar could also sense movement at the top of the canopy, as the leaves moved. But he did not catch sight of any creature, probably for the best.

Ragnar of course, had no clue as to where he was. But that was not a very big problem since he knew which way would lead him to HCR. The call was there to guide him. Like an insignificant pull that he constantly felt, no matter if he was above the ground or below it. He could block it out whenever he wanted so it wasn’t something that worrisome.

Ragnar had several reasons for returning to HCR, including getting more knowledge about the Realm since he was quite lacking on that front. But mainly, it was to get a weapon that suited him. He will not be able to form his own until he becomes a Spectral, so he will need something until then.

However, in order to get a weapon, he will need money. And Ragnar was broke as fuck. He of course, did not get paid for the hard work he did for Vorlock. Ragnar planned to extract the payment for all the deeds that he was forced to commit. But now wasn't the time.

Right now, he could think of another source of income. This one seemed too easy for him. Like he could get paid endlessly with this.

Ragnar was still inside the Earth since he had no reason to leave. He started moving after all this time. And this time, he was moving down. Ragnar fell straight down as he observed the constant darkness around him. Even though he could not see with his eyes, he could clearly sense how deep he was and where he was heading.

After travelling for about a minute, his body came to a stop. He could now see with his eyes since there were several air gaps in his surroundings. He had reached the collapsed dome.

In front of him lay the previously majestic Queen. He preferred calling her Queen instead of Matriarch. Her purple exoskeleton that used to radiate a regal aura, now looked dull, impaled by stalactites in several spots. Her head was also pierced, probably the reason for her early death. A gaping hole left in its place. Her expression wasn’t readable anymore, between all the blood and gore. But Ragnar was sure she had enjoyed his performance.

He held the Queen by a gap in her exoskeleton and channelled his Earthen Fusion through her body. He finally sensed his essence being used as the body of the Queen started moving and passed through the stalactites that pierced her without any resistance. It had also become weightless for Ragnar, which was a pleasant surprise for him.

Ragnar was quite satisfied with this new ability of his. He could carry other things into the Earth with him so easily.  Even though it consumed some Essence, it wasn’t nearly debilitating. He could probably go on for hours.

He carried the Queen’s body as he started moving upwards. He was going to sell this body for some money. He could technically take more bodies with him and they might give him a larger amount than just the Queen but he wasn’t that desperate. It would also be too much trouble.

The bodies of Shifted Creature were a very sought-after resource both in the HCR and on Earth. Humanity was completely dependent on these for their nutrition needs, they also strengthened the bodies of people who ate them. Even mundane humans could get slightly better physique with a regular diet of high quality Shifted Meat.

And then there was the taste. Humans had found several ways to bring out extreme flavours from these already tasty creatures. This was a very lucrative and respected profession in this Era. A good cook was valued highly no matter where he went.

Other than being tasty and nutritious the Shifted creatures also served as a lifeline for the drowning Earth.

Even though Earth lost 1/4th of its population to the EtherShift Calamity, it would be tough to find a person on Earth who actually despises the Realm for it. That... was a hard truth.

Other than being the Harbinger of Doom for Earth, the Realm is remembered more as a blessing that came to save Humanity when they needed it the most. Humanity was on a path of certain doom before the Calamity.

Most resources on Earth had been depleted; the ecosystem on the brink of destruction. The Government of each Nation tried its best but it was already too late by then. They had also failed to find another habitable place in the endless universe.

Each day that went by, Humans felt more and more suffocated. The animals on Earth had mostly gone extinct because of the endless greed of Humans as they trampled all over their habitats. Only the creatures kept in protected environments and as pets for humans had survived.

Ragnar felt dark clouds shrouding his mind as he thought about the fate of all flora and fauna that had once existed on Earth. He could really use something to punch right now.

When the Calamity occurred, the governments of every Nations came together to gain control over this new lifeline that had been thrown. It might be the sole reason Humanity still exists. Without the intervention of the Realm, there was a very high probability that Humanity would not have lasted that century, let alone several centuries.


Ragnar also found the Dagger that he came with. It wasn’t very hard since he could basically sense everything in his vicinity while underground. Now that he thought about it, he could also use this ability to find minerals and ores underground. But that would probably never happen since it seemed too boring.

He hadn’t used this Dagger ever since the first time, it still looked haggard. He was not sure why he brought it out since it was completely useless for him at this point.

Reaching the surface, he did not emerge on the ground. If he did that then he would have to carry the Queen himself. That wasn’t a very good idea. Ragnar was near the edge of the mound at this point since he had already started moving towards the Call as he was coming up.

The Jungle around him was still as vibrant and massive. It didn’t allow him to see very far but as far as he could see, there was only green.

Still, he remembered what Beth had told them, HCR shouldn’t be more than 100 kilometres if he travelled straight. But had the Realm played by the rules in this regard? He didn’t think so.

At this point in his thoughts, Ragnar had to pause. Since he sensed movement. This time, there weren’t any more Ants.

Instead, they were Humans.

Dredd_Sama After so long ... Hooman Interaction incoming... 

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