Published at 27th of June 2023 09:28:07 AM

Chapter 375: In The Meantime...

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The scenery unfurled before the young man like a tapestry, with mountains in the background and fields that went on forever. The air was fresh and brisk, carrying with it the aroma of the earth and the hope for new starts. With each step he took, he inched his way closer to Etrium, where his mission awaited him.

As Erik made his way along the winding road, he paid attention to the sights and sounds of the environment around him. Birds were flying around the treetops, and their cheerful chirps could be heard floating through the air.

The sound of his footsteps was accompanied by the rustling of leaves as if the forest itself were urging him on with words of support and motivation.

The road in front seemed to go on forever, like a never-ending serpent road that faded away into the horizon. But Erik kept marching.

He was well aware that difficulties lay ahead of him, but he now possessed a newly found strength that was the product of the challenges he had already conquered. He felt strong enough for the journey.

The landscape subtly shifted in colors and shapes with each kilometer walked. The meadows were covered in vivid splashes of color provided by the wildflowers, which gently swayed in response to the wind. The music of nature continued, creating a tapestry of peace and harmony around him as it did so.

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