Published at 17th of November 2023 06:33:51 AM

Chapter 615: A good conversation

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615 A good conversation

Erik's curiosity was piqued as Rebecca's story unfolded. Her voice softened as she recounted an intense memory.

"You know, there was a time my mother brought me to Frant to assist with a grave situation," she said, her gaze distant. "They were facing an invasion because of a thaid. The Heniate, I believe it was called."

Erik's eyes widened as he recognized the name. "The Heniate?" he exclaimed. "I've heard of it. A monstrous Thaid that caused untold destruction. Do you know if Frant killed it?"

Rebecca shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "I'm not sure. We were only there briefly during a chaotic period. The Heniate was a menace like no other, and I heard it was in their territory for a lot of time."

They sat in silence for a moment; both lost in thought, the weight of the memories heavy in the room.

Rebecca's voice broke the silence, her tone tinged with curiosity. "You know, there's something else that's been bothering me about Frant. Are you aware that they had, or perhaps still have, an awakener?"

Erik's heart skipped a beat at the mention of an awakener. He nodded, his mind racing. "Yes, I've heard about him. Why do you ask?"

Rebecca leaned forward, her eyes searching Erik's face. "Well, it's a strange story. Apparently, this awakener disappeared without a trace. There is uncertainty surrounding his death. It's all very mysterious."

Erik's brows furrowed as he considered her words. The information was disconcerting, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it was significant.

"A missing awakener," he murmured, more to himself than to Rebecca. "That's not something that happens every day."

Rebecca's eyes sparkled with a mixture of intrigue and concern. "No, it's not. Awakeners are rare, and their abilities are sought after. For one to vanish like that... it raises many questions."

Erik leaned back in his chair. "What do you think happened to him?" he asked, his voice above a whisper, eager to know what the Band of Giants knew about him.

Rebecca shrugged, her expression filled with uncertainty. "I wish I knew. The whole thing is shrouded in secrecy. Some say he went into hiding; others believe he was silenced by those who feared his power. The truth could be anything. Rumors suggest he had enemies in criminal organizations, and that they killed him."

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